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;; Simple sipc server
(let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
(ql:quickload :cl-sipc))
(defparameter *socket-file* "sipc.socket")
(defparameter *respond* t)
(when (probe-file *socket-file*)
(delete-file *socket-file*))
(defparameter *socket* (cl-sipc:bind *socket-file*)) ;;attempt to bind to this file
(when (not *socket*)
(format t "[e] binding failed ~a~%" *socket-file*) (quit))
(format t "[+] listening on ~a...~%" *socket-file*)
;;block until the listener is done
(let ((rc (cl-sipc:hook *socket*
#'(lambda (err) ;; Callback ran if there is an error
(format t "Error: ~a~%" err)
nil) ;;returning NIL to the listener stops
#'(lambda (type message) ;; Callback ran when a message is received
(when *respond*
(format t
" -> ~a~%"
(if (eql type :binary)
(format nil "~a" (sipc:pointer-to-array message))
(format nil "~a" message)))))
(if (eql type :binary)
(format t " <- (~a) ~a (size: ~a)~%" type (sipc:pointer-to-array message) (sipc:pointer-size message)) ;;print the binary message as an array of bytes, the type, & the size
(format t " <- (~a) ~a~%" type message)) ;;print the message & type
(not (eql :close type)))))) ;;returning NIL if the type is :CLOSE to stop the listener
(format t "[-] listen rc ~a~%" rc)
(cl-sipc:release *socket*)) ;;finally, release the socket