Added yield stuffs

Avril 5 years ago
parent ff7919ae05
commit b27c3a5093

@ -21,8 +21,11 @@
(export ',val)
(defmacro export* (&rest syms)
`(mapc #'export '(,@syms)))
;(defmacro export* (&rest syms)
; `(mapc #'export '(,@syms)))
(defmacro export* (&rest syms)
(cons 'progn (mapcan #'(lambda (x) `((export ',x))) syms)))
(defmacro eval-all (syms)
`(mapcar #'eval '(,@syms)))
@ -70,7 +73,7 @@
(mapc #'(lambda (stmt) (write stmt :stream output-lisp :pretty nil)) this)
(write sysdef :stream output-asd :case :downcase )))))
(defun utils->create-for (utils for &key (name 'flan-utils) (package nil) ) ;;; TODO: Make this work /for structs/ at all
(defun utils->create-for (utils for &key (name 'flan-utils) ) ;;; TODO: Make this work /for structs/ at all
"Export `utils' functions used in file into own file"
(let ((this (cadddr (read-from-string (file-get-contents utils))))
(for (read-from-string (file-get-contents for))))
@ -212,10 +215,10 @@
0 -2))))
(defun export-struct (struct &optional (symbols nil))
(defun export-struct (struct &optional (symbols nil)) ;;XXX: Export make-*
(mapc #'export (symbol-match (strcat "^" (write-to-string struct) "-?") symbols)))
(defun -export*-struct (structs &optional (symbols nil))
(defun -export*-struct (structs &optional (symbols nil)) ;;XXX: Export make-*
(mapc #'export (symbol-match
@ -235,6 +238,9 @@
(flatten-top-level lists))
(defun cyclic (list)
(cdr (rplacd (last list) list)))
(defun map1 (lam &rest lists)
"Map and return first"
(let ((ret '())
@ -266,6 +272,8 @@
(apply #'values
(mapcar lam (flatten-top-level args))))
(defmacro lexical-boundp (lex)
`(when (ignore-errors ,lex) t))
;; --- progressive evals
(defmacro progen (&rest things)
@ -283,8 +291,55 @@
(defmacro progel (&rest things)
`(mapcar #'eval '(,@things)))
(defmacro yield-return (&rest things)
"Create yield block, returns list of push()ed outputs of yield() (so, last is first etc)"
`(let ((--yield-vars '()))
(declare (special --yield-vars))
(defmacro yield (value)
`(when (boundp '--yield-vars)
(push ,value --yield-vars)))
(defparameter *yield-global-vars* '())
(defmacro yield-return-global (name &rest things)
"Like yield-return but stores values by key in alist and is accessable outside of current lexenv"
`(car (yield-return
(push (cons ,name '()) *yield-global-vars*)
(yield (cdr (assoc ,name *yield-global-vars*)))
(setf *yield-global-vars* (remove ,name *yield-global-vars* :key #'car :count 1)))))
(defmacro yield-global (name value)
`(when (assoc ,name *yield-global-vars*)
(push ,value (cdr (assoc ,name *yield-global-vars*)))))
;; ---
(defmacro push-unique (thing things &key (key nil) (test #'eql))
`(let ((lex-thing ,thing))
(if (member lex-thing ,things :key ,key :test ,test)
(values ,things nil)
(values (push lex-thing ,things) t))))
(defmacro import* (&rest args)
(cons 'progn (mapcan #'(lambda (x) `((import ',x))) args)))
(defmacro shadowing-import* (&rest args)
(cons 'progn (mapcan #'(lambda (x) `((shadowing-import ',x))) args)))
(defmacro import*! (&rest args)
`(mapc #'import (progel ,args)))
(defmacro shadowing-import*! (&rest args)
`(mapc #'shadowing-import (progel ,args)))
(defmacro import*-from (package &rest args)
(let ((ret (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (read-from-string (strcat (subseq (write-to-string package) 1) ":" (write-to-string x)))) args)))
`(shadowing-import* @,ret)))
(defun restrain-index (i max)
(if nil
(if (>= i max) (1- max)
