added progressive evals

Ringo Wantanabe 5 years ago
parent 9b6da0e57c
commit de2e6a11cc
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: DDDD9B6759158726

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
sbcl --eval "(progn (asdf:load-system :cl-ppcre) (load \"utils.lisp\") (print (utils->system \"utils.lisp\" \"utils/flan-utils\")) (quit))"
sbcl --eval "(progn (asdf:load-system :cl-ppcre) (load \"utils.lisp\") (print (utils->system \"utils.lisp\" \"utils/flan-utils\")) (quit))"

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(defparameter *-utils-lisp* t)
(defparameter *-utils-depends* '(#:cl-ppcre))
(defparameter *-utils-version* "0.1.4")
(defparameter *-utils-version* "0.1.5")
;;; -- Handle internal exporting --
@ -63,10 +63,10 @@
(rplaca (cddr this) '(defparameter *-utils-system* t))
(with-open-file (output-lisp (concatenate 'string output ".lisp") :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(with-open-file (output-asd (concatenate 'string output ".asd") :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(mapc #'(lambda (stmt) (write stmt :stream output-lisp)) this)
(mapc #'(lambda (stmt) (write stmt :stream output-lisp :pretty nil)) this)
(write sysdef :stream output-asd :case :downcase )))))
(defun utils->create-for (utils for &key (name 'flan-utils) (package nil) ) ;;; TODO: Make this work for structs
(defun utils->create-for (utils for &key (name 'flan-utils) (package nil) ) ;;; TODO: Make this work /for structs/ at all
"Export `utils' functions used in file into own file"
(let ((this (cadddr (read-from-string (file-get-contents utils))))
(for (read-from-string (file-get-contents for))))
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
;;; --- actual (exported) code goes here ---
;;; --- actual (exported) code goes here --
(defmacro val-if-or (val test or)
`(let ((vv ,val))
@ -222,6 +222,123 @@
(defmacro export*-struct (&rest structs)
`(-export*-struct '(,@structs)))
(defun mapn (lam &rest lists)
"Map and return last"
(let ((ret '()))
(mapc #'(lambda (x)
(setf ret (funcall lam x)))
(flatten-top-level lists))
(defun map1 (lam &rest lists)
"Map and return first"
(let ((ret '())
(change t))
(mapc #'(lambda (x)
(if change
(setf ret (funcall lam x))
(setf change nil))
(funcall lam x)))
(flatten-top-level lists))
(defun mapnth (lam n &rest args)
"Map and return nth or nil (second value t if match found)"
(let ((index 0)
(ret '())
(match nil))
(mapc #'(lambda (x)
(if (= n index)
(progn (setf ret (funcall lam x)) (setf match t))
(funcall lam x))
(incf index))
(flatten-top-level args))
(values ret match)))
(defun mapv (lam &rest args)
"Map and return values()"
(apply #'values
(mapcar lam (flatten-top-level args))))
;; --- progressive evals
(defmacro progen (&rest things)
`(mapn #'eval '(,@things)))
(defmacro proge1 (&rest things)
`(map1 #'eval '(,@things)))
(defmacro progenth (n &rest things)
`(mapnth #'eval ,n '(,@things)))
(defmacro progev (&rest things)
`(mapv #'eval '(,@things)))
(defmacro progel (&rest things)
`(mapcar #'eval '(,@things)))
;; ---
(defun restrain-index (i max)
(if nil
(if (>= i max) (1- max)
(if (< i 0) 0
(defun many-equals (items &key (test #'eql))
(let ((comp (car items)))
(labels ((compare (x to)
(when (null x) t)
(when (funcall test (car x) to)
(compare (cdr x) to))))
(compare (cdr items) comp))))
(defun many-eql (&rest items)
(many-equals items :test #'eql))
;(defun map-parallel (func seq &key (map #'mapcar) (split 0.25) (debug nil)) ;;; TODO: make this work lol
; (flet ((dprint (x) (when debug (format t "~S~%" x)) x ))
; "Map over list in parallel"
; (let* ((step (floor (* split (list-length seq))))
; (threads (val-if-or (ceiling (/ 1 split))
; #'(lambda (val)
; (< val step))
; 0)))
; (if (< threads 2)
; (funcall map func seq) ;; no splits
; (let ((threads '())
; (no-threads threads)
; (outputs (make-list threads))
; (left '()))
; (loop for i from 0 below no-threads
; for start from 0 below (list-length seq) by step
; do (progn
; (push (bt:make-thread
; #'(lambda ()
; ;(dprint (list i start (restrain-index (+ step start) (list-length seq) )))
; (rplaca (nthcdr i outputs)
; (funcall map func (slice seq start (+ (1- step) start))))))
; threads)))
; (setf left
; (when (> (mod (list-length seq) step) 0)
; (funcall map func (slice seq (* no-threads step) (+ (* no-threads step) (mod (list-length seq) step))))))
; (loop while (apply #'= (cons 0 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (bt:thread-alive-p x) 1 0)) threads))) do
; (dprint
; (mapcar #'bt:thread-alive-p
; threads)))
; (apply #'nconc (append outputs left)))))))
;(defun map-parallel-test (&key (length 10001))
; (map-parallel
; #'(lambda (x)
; x)
; (make-list length :initial-element 1)
; :debug t))
(defmacro popto (li val &key (test #'eql))
"pop() list <li> until (car li) is equal to <val>, return elements pop()ed in new list"
`(loop while (not (funcall ,test (car ,li) ,val))
