args: Added visitor-pattern argument parsing. Fixed bug in `try_parse_for!()` which `continue`d on the wrong branch. Improved specific and general error messages regarding arguments. Parsing for `-exec/{}` works! A correct `Options` struct is produced, edge-and error- cases are handled correctly with informative messages (TODO: Implement `--help`.)

TODO: Should `-exec{} {}` be valid? That is, should we allow the use of `fexecve()` instead of `execve()` in the special case where the command itself of a positional exec is the positional replacement string? This may be useful, but also dangerous and perhaps not possible with a memfd or with a pipe. We"d also need to `ioctl()` set to permissions to RX instead of RO, and any subsequent instances of the replacement string *should probably* be `dup()`"d file-descriptors with -X permission set. Note for later. For now, a warning is ommitted if this is present, explaining to the user that executing the input is not (yet??) supported.

Fortune for collect's current commit: Future small blessing − 末小吉
Avril 3 years ago
parent 177bf3c4ff
commit 227abc0d7d
Signed by: flanchan
GPG Key ID: 284488987C31F630

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use std::{
fmt, error,
use std::any::type_name;
//TODO: When added, the `args` comptime feature will need to enable `lazy_static`.
use ::lazy_static::lazy_static;
@ -341,13 +342,32 @@ pub fn program_name() -> Cow<'static, str>
/// Parse the program's arguments into an `Options` array.
/// If parsing fails, an `ArgParseError` is returned detailing why it failed.
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", instrument(err(Display)))]
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", instrument(err(Debug)))]
pub fn parse_args() -> Result<Options, ArgParseError>
let iter = std::env::args_os();
if_trace!(trace!("argc == {}, argv == {iter:?}", iter.len()));
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", instrument(level="debug", skip_all, fields(args = ?std::any::type_name::<I>())))]
pub fn type_name_short<T: ?Sized>() -> &'static str
let mut s = std::any::type_name::<T>();
if let Some(idx) = memchr::memrchr(b':', s.as_bytes()) {
s = &s[idx.saturating_sub(1)..];
if s.len() >= 2 && &s[..2] == "::" {
s = &s[2..];
if s.len() > 0 && (s.as_bytes()[s.len()-1] == b'>' && s.as_bytes()[0] != b'<') {
s = &s[..(s.len()-1)];
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", instrument(level="debug", skip_all, fields(args = ?type_name_short::<I>())))]
fn parse_from<I, T>(args: I) -> Result<Options, ArgParseError>
where I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<OsString>
@ -368,24 +388,28 @@ where I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
(try $parser:path => $then:expr$(, $or:expr)?) => {
($parser:path => $then:expr) => {
try_parse_for!(@ assert_parser_okay $parser);
//_assert_is_closure(&$then); //XXX: There isn't a good way to tell without having to specify some bound on return type...
if let Some(result) = parsers::try_parse_with::<$parser>(&mut arg, &mut args) {
$(let result = result.map_err($or);)?$then)
} else {
// Result succeeded on visitation, use this parser for this argument and then continue to the next one.
// Result failed on visitation, so continue the control flow to the next `try_parse_for!()` visitation attempt.
($parser:path => $then:expr) => {
/*($parser:path => $then:expr) => {
$then(try_parse_for!(try $parser => std::convert::identity)?)
try_parse_for!(try parsers::ExecMode => |result| output.exec.push(result))?;
try_parse_for!(parsers::ExecMode => |result| output.exec.push(result));
//TODO: try_parse_for!(parsers::SomeOtherOption => |result| output.some_other_option.set(result.something)), etc, for any newly added arguments.
if_trace!(debug!("reached end of parser visitation for argument #{idx} {arg:?}! Failing now with `UnknownOption`"));
return Err(ArgParseError::UnknownOption(arg));
@ -403,6 +427,8 @@ pub enum ArgParseError
/// Returned when the argument, `argument`, is passed in an invalid context by the user.
InvalidUsage { argument: String, message: String, inner: Option<Box<dyn error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> },
trait ArgParseErrorExt<T>: Sized
@ -442,7 +468,11 @@ impl fmt::Display for ArgParseError
match self {
Self::WithIndex(index, inner) => write!(f, "Argument #{index}: {inner}"),
Self::UnknownOption(opt) => f.write_str(String::from_utf8_lossy(opt.as_bytes()).as_ref()),
Self::UnknownOption(opt) => {
f.write_str("Invalid/unknown argument: `")?;
Self::InvalidUsage { argument, message, .. } => write!(f, "Invalid usage for argument `{argument}`: {message}")
@ -484,20 +514,57 @@ impl<E: ArgError> From<E> for ArgParseError
fn extract_last_pathspec<'a>(s: &'a str) -> &'a str
//#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", feature(instrument(ret)))]
fn string_diff<'a>(a: &'a str, b: &'a str) -> usize
fn _panic_non_inclusive(swap: bool) -> !
let a = swap.then(|| "b").unwrap_or("a");
let b = swap.then(|| "a").unwrap_or("b");
panic!("String {a} was not inside string {b}")
let a_addr = a.as_ptr() as usize;
let b_addr = b.as_ptr() as usize;
let (a_addr, b_addr, sw) =
if !(a_addr + a.len() > b_addr + b.len() && b_addr + b.len() < a_addr + a.len()) {
(b_addr, a_addr, true)
} else {
(a_addr, a_addr, false)
if b_addr < a_addr /*XXX || (b_addr + b.len()) > (a_addr + a.len())*/ {
return a_addr.abs_diff(b_addr);
.map(|(_a, b)| /*XXX: This doesn't work...match _a.rsplit_once("::") {
Some((_, last)) => &s[string_diff(s, last)..],
_ => b
}*/ b)
mod parsers {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", instrument(level="trace", skip(rest), fields(parser = ?std::any::type_name::<P>())))]
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", instrument(level="debug", skip(rest), fields(parser = %extract_last_pathspec(type_name::<P>()))))]
pub(super) fn try_parse_with<P>(arg: &mut OsString, rest: &mut impl Iterator<Item = OsString>) -> Option<Result<P::Output, ArgParseError>>
where P: TryParse
let _span = tracing::debug_span!("parse");
let _span = tracing::warn_span!("parse", parser= %extract_last_pathspec(type_name::<P>()), ?arg);
P::visit(arg.as_os_str()).map(move |parser| {
let _in = _span.enter();
parser.parse(std::mem::replace(arg, OsString::default()), rest).map_err(Into::into)
parser.parse(/*if_trace!{true arg.clone(); */std::mem::replace(arg, OsString::default()) /*}*/, rest).map_err(Into::into) //This clone is not needed, the argument is captured by `try_parse_with` (in debug) and `parse` (in warning) already.
}).map(|res| {
match res.as_ref() {
@ -509,7 +576,7 @@ mod parsers {
}).or_else(|| {
::tracing::event!(::tracing::Level::TRACE, "no match");
::tracing::event!(::tracing::Level::TRACE, "no match for this parser with this arg, continuing visitation.");
@ -586,28 +653,54 @@ mod parsers {
use super::*;
/// Issue a warning when `-exec{}` is provided as an argument, but no positional arguments (`{}`) are specified in the argument list to the command.
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", inline(never), instrument(level="trace"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", inline(never))]
#[cfg_attr(not(feature="logging"), inline(always))]
pub fn execp_no_positional_replacements()
if_trace!(warn!("-exec{{}} provided with no positional arguments ({}), there will be no replacement with the data. Did you mean `-exec`?", POSITIONAL_ARG_STRING));
if_trace!(warn!("-exec{{}} provided with no positional arguments `{}`, there will be no replacement with the data. Did you mean `-exec`?", POSITIONAL_ARG_STRING));
/// Issue a warning if the user apparently meant to specify two `-exec/{}` arguments to `collect`, but seemingly is accidentally is passing the `-exec/{}` string as an argument to the first.
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", inline(never), instrument(level="trace"))]
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", inline(never))]
#[cfg_attr(not(feature="logging"), inline(always))]
pub fn exec_apparent_missing_terminator(first_is_positional: bool, second_is_positional: bool, command: &OsStr, argument_number: usize)
if_trace! {
warn!("{} provided, but argument to command {command:?} number #{argument_number} is `{}`. Are you missing the terminator '{}' before this argument?", if first_is_positional {"-exec{}"} else {"-exec"}, if second_is_positional {"-exec{}"} else {"-exec"}, EXEC_MODE_STRING_TERMINATOR)
/// Issue a warning if the user apparently missed a command to `-exec{}`, and has typed `-exec{} {}`...
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", inline(never))]
#[cfg_attr(not(feature="logging"), inline(always))]
//TODO: Do we make this a feature in the future? Being able to `fexecve()` the input received?
pub fn execp_command_not_substituted()
if_trace! {
warn!("-exec{{}} provided with a command as the positional replacement string `{}`. Commands are not substituted. Are you missing a command? (Note: Currently, `fexecve()`ing the input is not supported.)", POSITIONAL_ARG_STRING)
/// Issue a warning if the user apparently attempted to terminate a `-exec/{}` argument, but instead made the command of the `-exec/{}` itself the terminator.
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", inline(never))]
#[cfg_attr(not(feature="logging"), inline(always))]
pub fn exec_terminator_as_command(exec_arg_str: &str)
if_trace! {
warn!("{exec_arg_str} provided with a command that is the -exec/-exec{{}} terminator character `{}`. The sequence is not terminated, and instead the terminator character itself is taken as the command to execute. Did you miss a command before the terminator?", EXEC_MODE_STRING_TERMINATOR)
let command =|| ExecModeParseError(self))?;
let test_warn_missing_term = |(idx , string) : (usize, OsString)| {
if let Some(val) = Self::visit(&string) {
warnings::exec_apparent_missing_terminator(self.is_positional(), val.is_positional(), &command, idx);
warnings::exec_apparent_missing_terminator(self.is_positional(), val.is_positional(), &command, idx + 1);
@ -623,6 +716,9 @@ mod parsers {
Self::Postional => {
let mut repl_warn = true;
let res = super::ExecMode::Positional {
args: rest
.take_while(|argument| argument.as_bytes() != EXEC_MODE_STRING_TERMINATOR.as_bytes())

@ -22,6 +22,21 @@ macro_rules! if_trace {
(true $yes:expr$(; $no:expr)?) => {
let val = cfg!(feature="logging");
let val = { $yes };
let val = { $no };
@ -159,7 +174,7 @@ mod work {
pub(super) fn buffered() -> eyre::Result<()>
if_trace!(trace!("strategy: allocated buffer"));
if_trace!(info!("strategy: allocated buffer"));
let (bytes, read) = {
let stdin = io::stdin();
@ -210,7 +225,7 @@ mod work {
if_trace!(trace!("strategy: mapped memory file"));
if_trace!(info!("strategy: mapped memory file"));
use std::borrow::Borrow;
@ -504,10 +519,12 @@ fn parse_args() -> eyre::Result<args::Options>
.wrap_err("Parsing arguments failed")
.with_section(|| std::env::args_os().skip(1)
.map(|x| std::borrow::Cow::Owned(String::from_utf8_lossy(&x.into_vec()).into_owned()))
.map(|x| std::borrow::Cow::Owned(format!("{x:?}")))
.join_by_clone(std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(" ")) //XXX: this can be replaced by `flat_map() -> [x, " "]` really... Dunno which will be faster...
.header("The program arguments were"))
.header("Program arguments (argv+1) were"))
.with_section(|| args::program_name().header("Program name (*argv) was"))
.with_section(|| std::env::args_os().len().header("Total numer of arguments, including program name (argc) was"))
.with_suggestion(|| "Try passing `--help`")
@ -518,7 +535,15 @@ fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> {
//TODO: How to cleanly feature-gate `args`?
let opt = parse_args()?;
let opt = {
let _span = debug_span!("args");
let _in_span = _span.enter();
let parsed = parse_args()?;
if_trace!(debug!("Parsed arguments: {parsed:?}"));
//TODO: maybe look into fd SEALing? Maybe we can prevent a consumer process from reading from stdout until we've finished the transfer. The name SEAL sounds like it might have something to do with that?
