Preparation for adding the command-line option `-exec` and `-exec{}`.

Motivation for this addition is that often shells will run processes in a pipeline in parallel, regardless of if they have any input yet. This leads to a lot of messy `ifne` useage that is unneeded with this option. It also allows for greater efficiency in memfd mode as the process passed the /proc fd can be spawned before the copy to stdout (TODO: behaviour of this still undefined.) and the `memfd_create()` fd can be used instead of tweaking stdout to be used.

This essentially functions the same way as shell process substitution but with an actually complete file; it waits for all input to be collected *before* spawning the process. This can be useful for interactive programs like gpg, which often are not fond of waiting for input and want it all immediately. Programs that map files into memory can also not like being passed pipe fds, in memfd mode, this shouldn"t be a problem, the fd should be shareable immediately with the correct `ioctl()` call (or perhaps even without.)

Fortune for collect's current commit: Small blessing − 小吉
Avril 3 years ago
parent 14f32d6262
commit 6220233d97
Signed by: flanchan
GPG Key ID: 284488987C31F630

@ -81,6 +81,21 @@ use bytes::{
/* TODO: Allow `collect -exec <command>` /proc/self/fds/<memfd OR STDOUT_FILENO>, `collect -exec{} <command> {/proc/self/fds/<memfd OR STDOUT_FILENO>} <other args>`
struct Options {
/// If the arguments vector contains `None`, that `None` shall be replaced with the string referring to: If in memfd mode: The `memfd_create()` buffer fd, set to RW, truncated to size, seeked to 0. In this mode, the file will remain open when `ecec` is not `None`, and will instead be returned below, as the mode methods will all be modified to return `Option<Box<dyn ModeReturn + 'static>>::Some(<private struct: impl ModeReturn>)`, which will contain the memfd object so it is dropped *after* the child process has exited. If the mode is *not* memfd, then `STDOUT_FILENO` itself will be used; also set to RW, truncated correctly, and seeked to 0. The return code of this process shall be the return code of the child process once it has terminated.
/// Execution of commands (if passed) **always** happens *after* the copy to `stdout`, but *before* the **close** of `stdout`. If the copy to `stdout` fails, the exec will not be executed regardless of if the mode required is actually using `stdout`.
/// The process shall always wait for the child to terminate before exiting. If the child daemon forks, that fork is not followed, and the process exists anyway.
/// Ideally, A `SIGHUP` handler should be registered, which tells the parent to stop waiting on the child and exit now. TODO: The behaviour of the child is unspecified if this happens. It may be killed, or re-attached to `init`. But the return code of the parent should always be `0` in this case.
exec: Option<(OSString, Vec<Option<OSString>>)>
trait ModeReturn: Send {
fn get_fd_path(&self) -> &Path;
struct BufferedReturn;
impl ModeReturn for BufferedReturn { fn get_fd_str(&self) -> &OsStr{ static_assert(STDOUT_FILENO == 1); "/proc/self/fds/1" }} /* XXX: In the case where the (compile time) check of STDOUT_FILENO == 0 fails, another boxed struct containing the OSString with the correct path that `impl ModeReturn` can be returned, this path will be removed by the compiler if `STDOUT_FILENO != 1`, allowing for better unboxing analysis. */
fn init() -> eyre::Result<()>
cfg_if!{ if #[cfg(feature="logging")] {
