You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//! For handling arguments.
use super::*;
use std::ffi::{
use std::{
fmt, error,
//TODO: When added, the `args` comptime feature will need to enable `lazy_static`.
use ::lazy_static::lazy_static;
/// The string used for positional argument replacements in `-exec{}`.
pub const POSITIONAL_ARG_STRING: &'static str = "{}";
/// The token that terminates adding arguments for `-exec` / `-exec{}`.
/// # Usage
/// If the user wants multiple `-exec/{}` parameters, they must be seperated with this token. e.g. `sh$ collect -exec c a b c \; -exec{} c2 d {} e f {} g`
/// It is not required for the user to provide the terminator when the `-exec/{}` is the final argument passed, but they can if they wish. e.g. `sh$ collect -exec command a b c` is valid, and `sh$ collect -exec command a b c \;` is *also* valid.
pub const EXEC_MODE_STRING_TERMINATOR: &'static str = ";";
/// Mode for `-exec` / `-exec{}`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum ExecMode
Stdin{command: OsString, args: Vec<OsString>},
Positional{command: OsString, args: Vec<Option<OsString>>},
impl fmt::Display for ExecMode
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
fn quote_into<'a, const QUOTE: u8>(string: &'a [u8], f: &mut (impl fmt::Write + ?Sized)) -> fmt::Result
let data = if let Some(mut location) = memchr::memchr(QUOTE, string) {
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(string.len() * 2);
Cow::Owned(loop {
data.extend([b'\\', QUOTE]);
location += match memchr::memchr(QUOTE, &string[location..]) {
Some(x) if !&string[(location + x)..].is_empty() => x,
_ => break data,
} else {
let string = String::from_utf8_lossy(data.as_ref());
if string.split_whitespace().take(2).count() == 1
f.write_char(QUOTE as char)?;
f.write_char(QUOTE as char)
} else {
match self {
Self::Stdin { command, args } => {
quote_into::<b'\''>(command.as_bytes(), f)?;
args.iter().map(move |arg| {
use fmt::Write;
f.write_char(' ').and_then(|_| quote_into::<b'"'>(arg.as_bytes(), f))
Self::Positional { command, args } => {
quote_into::<b'\''>(command.as_bytes(), f)?;
args.iter().map(move |arg| {
use fmt::Write;
f.write_char(' ').and_then(|_| match arg.as_ref() {
Some(arg) => quote_into::<b'"'>(arg.as_bytes(), f),
None => f.write_str(POSITIONAL_ARG_STRING),
impl ExecMode {
pub fn is_positional(&self) -> bool
if let Self::Positional { .. } = &self {
} else {
pub fn is_stdin(&self) -> bool
pub fn command(&self) -> &OsStr
match self {
Self::Positional { command, .. } |
Self::Stdin { command, .. } =>
/// Returns an iterator over the arguments.
/// Its output type is `Option<&OsStr>`, because the variant may be `Positional`. If it is instead `Stdin`, all values yielded will be `Some()`.
pub fn arguments(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Option<&'_ OsStr>>
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct ArgIter<'a>(Result<std::slice::Iter<'a, Option<OsString>>, std::slice::Iter<'a, OsString>>);
impl<'a> Iterator for ArgIter<'a>
type Item = Option<&'a OsStr>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
Some(match &mut self.0 {
Err(n) => Some(,
Ok(n) =>|x| x.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_os_str()))?
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
match &self.0 {
Err(n) => n.size_hint(),
Ok(n) => n.size_hint()
impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for ArgIter<'a>{}
impl<'a> iter::FusedIterator for ArgIter<'a>{}
ArgIter(match self {
Self::Positional { args, .. } => Ok(args.iter()),
Self::Stdin { args, .. } => Err(args.iter())
/// Returns a tuple of `(command, args)`.
/// # Modes
/// * When invariant is `Stdin`, `positional` is ignored and can be `iter::empty()` or an empty array. If it is not, it is still ignored.
/// * When invariant is `Positional`, `positional` is iterated on for every instance a positional argument should appear.
/// If the iterator completes and there are positional arguments left, they are removed from the iterator's output, and the next argument is shifted along. `iter::repeat(arg)` can be used to insert the same argument into each instance where a positional argument is expected.
pub fn into_process_info<T, I>(self, positional: I) -> (OsString, ExecModeArgIterator<I>)
where I: IntoIterator<Item=OsString>,
match self {
Self::Stdin { command, args } => (command, ExecModeArgIterator::Stdin(args.into_iter())),
Self::Positional { command, args } => (command,
/// # Panics
/// If the invariant of the enum was `Positional`.
pub fn into_process_info_stdin(self) -> (OsString, ExecModeArgIterator<NoPositionalArgs>)
fn _panic_invalid_invariant() -> !
panic!("Invalid invariant for ExecMode: Expected `Stdin`, was `Positional`.")
match self {
Self::Stdin { command, args } => (command, ExecModeArgIterator::Stdin(args.into_iter())),
_ => _panic_invalid_invariant()
pub struct ArgZippingIter<T>(std::vec::IntoIter<Option<OsString>>, iter::Fuse<T::IntoIter>)
where T: IntoIterator<Item = OsString>;
/// Private trait used to mark an instantiation of `ExecModeArgIterator<T>` as not ever being the `Positional` invariant.
unsafe trait NoPositional{}
pub enum NoPositionalArgs{}
impl Iterator for NoPositionalArgs
type Item = OsString;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
match *self{}
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
(0, Some(0))
unsafe impl NoPositional for NoPositionalArgs{}
unsafe impl NoPositional for std::convert::Infallible{}
impl ExactSizeIterator for NoPositionalArgs{}
impl DoubleEndedIterator for NoPositionalArgs
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match *self{}
impl iter::FusedIterator for NoPositionalArgs{}
impl From<std::convert::Infallible> for NoPositionalArgs
fn from(from: std::convert::Infallible) -> Self
match from{}
pub enum ExecModeArgIterator<T: IntoIterator<Item = OsString>> {
impl<I> Iterator for ExecModeArgIterator<I>
where I: IntoIterator<Item = OsString>
type Item = OsString;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
loop {
break match self {
Self::Stdin(vec) =>,
Self::Positional(ArgZippingIter(ref mut vec, ref mut pos)) => {
match {
None => {
match {
None => continue,
replace => replace,
set => set,
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
match self {
Self::Stdin(vec, ..) => vec.size_hint(),
Self::Positional(ArgZippingIter(vec, ..)) => vec.size_hint(),
impl<I> iter::FusedIterator for ExecModeArgIterator<I>
where I: IntoIterator<Item = OsString>{}
// ExecModeArgIterator can never be FixedSizeIterator if it is *ever* `Positional`
impl<I: NoPositional> ExactSizeIterator for ExecModeArgIterator<I>
where I: IntoIterator<Item = OsString>{}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Default)]
pub struct Options {
/// For `-exec` (stdin exec) and `-ecec{}` (positional exec)
exec: Vec<ExecMode>,
impl Options
fn count_exec(&self) -> (usize, usize)
self.exec.is_empty().then(|| (0, 0))
.or_else(move ||
self.exec.iter().map(|x| {
x.is_positional().then(|| (0, 1)).unwrap_or((1, 0))
.reduce(|(s, p), (s1, p1)| (s + s1, p + p1)))
/// Has `-exec` (stdin) or `-exec{}` (positional)
/// Tuple element 1 is for `-exec`; element 2 is for `-exec{}`.
pub fn has_exec(&self) -> (bool, bool)
self.exec.is_empty().then(|| (false, false))
.or_else(move ||
self.exec.iter().map(|x| {
let x = x.is_positional();
(!x, x)
.reduce(|(s, p), (s1, p1)| (s || s1, p || p1)))
.unwrap_or((false, false))
pub fn has_positional_exec(&self) -> bool
pub fn has_stdin_exec(&self) -> bool
pub fn opt_exec(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item= &'_ ExecMode> + ExactSizeIterator + iter::FusedIterator + DoubleEndedIterator
pub fn into_opt_exec(self) -> impl Iterator<Item=ExecMode> + ExactSizeIterator + iter::FusedIterator
/// The executable name of this program.
/// # Returns
/// * If the program's executable name is a valid UTF8 string, that string.
/// * If it is not, then that string is lossily-converted to a UTF8 string, with invalid characters replaced accordingly. This can be checked by checking if the return value is `Cow::Owned`, if it is, then this is not a reliable indication of the exetuable path's basename.
/// * If there is no program name provided, i.e. if `argc == 0`, then an empty string is returned.
pub fn program_name() -> Cow<'static, str>
lazy_static! {
static ref NAME: OsString = std::env::args_os().next().unwrap_or(OsString::from_vec(Vec::new()));
/// Parse the program's arguments into an `Options` array.
/// If parsing fails, an `ArgParseError` is returned detailing why it failed.
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", instrument(err(Display)))]
pub fn parse_args() -> Result<Options, ArgParseError>
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", instrument(level="debug", skip_all, fields(args = ?std::any::type_name::<I>())))]
fn parse_from<I, T>(args: I) -> Result<Options, ArgParseError>
where I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<OsString>
let mut args = args.into_iter().map(Into::into);
let mut output = Options::default();
let mut idx = 0;
//XXX: When `-exec{}` is provided, but no `{}` arguments are found, maybe issue a warning with `if_trace!(warning!())`? There are valid situations to do this in, but they are rare...
let mut parser = || -> Result<_, ArgParseError> {
while let Some(mut arg) = {
idx += 1;
macro_rules! try_parse_for {
(@ assert_parser_okay $parser:path) => {
const _:() = {
const fn _assert_is_parser<P: TryParse + ?Sized>() {}
const fn _assert_is_result<P: TryParse + ?Sized>(res: P::Output) -> P::Output { res }
(try $parser:path => $then:expr$(, $or:expr)?) => {
try_parse_for!(@ assert_parser_okay $parser);
//_assert_is_closure(&$then); //XXX: There isn't a good way to tell without having to specify some bound on return type...
if let Some(result) = parsers::try_parse_with::<$parser>(&mut arg, &mut args) {
$(let result = result.map_err($or);)?$then)
} else {
($parser:path => $then:expr) => {
$then(try_parse_for!(try $parser => std::convert::identity)?)
try_parse_for!(try parsers::ExecMode => |result| output.exec.push(result))?;
.map(move |_| output)
pub enum ArgParseError
/// With an added argument index.
WithIndex(usize, Box<ArgParseError>),
/// Returned when an invalid or unknown argument is found
/// Returned when the argument, `argument`, is passed in an invalid context by the user.
InvalidUsage { argument: String, message: String, inner: Option<Box<dyn error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> },
trait ArgParseErrorExt<T>: Sized
fn with_index(self, idx: usize) -> Result<T, ArgParseError>;
impl ArgParseError
pub fn wrap_index(self, idx: usize) -> Self {
Self::WithIndex(idx, Box::new(self))
impl<T, E: Into<ArgParseError>> ArgParseErrorExt<T> for Result<T, E>
fn with_index(self, idx: usize) -> Result<T, ArgParseError> {
.map_err(move |e| e.wrap_index(idx))
impl error::Error for ArgParseError
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
match self {
Self::InvalidUsage { inner, .. } => inner.as_ref().map(|x| -> &(dyn error::Error + 'static) { x.as_ref() }),
Self::WithIndex(_, inner) => inner.source(),
_ => None,
impl fmt::Display for ArgParseError
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
match self {
Self::WithIndex(index, inner) => write!(f, "Argument #{index}: {inner}"),
Self::UnknownOption(opt) => f.write_str(String::from_utf8_lossy(opt.as_bytes()).as_ref()),
Self::InvalidUsage { argument, message, .. } => write!(f, "Invalid usage for argument `{argument}`: {message}")
trait ArgError: error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static
fn into_invalid_usage(self) -> (String, String, Box<dyn error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>)
where Self: Sized;
trait TryParse: Sized
type Error: ArgError;
type Output;
fn visit(argument: &OsStr) -> Option<Self> { let _ = argument; None }
fn parse<I: ?Sized>(self, argument: OsString, rest: &mut I) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error>
where I: Iterator<Item = OsString>;
impl<E: error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static> From<(String, String, E)> for ArgParseError
fn from((argument, message, inner): (String, String, E)) -> Self
Self::InvalidUsage { argument, message, inner: Some(Box::new(inner)) }
impl<E: ArgError> From<E> for ArgParseError
fn from(from: E) -> Self
let (argument, message, inner) = from.into_invalid_usage();
Self::InvalidUsage { argument, message, inner: Some(inner) }
mod parsers {
use super::*;
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", instrument(level="trace", skip(rest), fields(parser = ?std::any::type_name::<P>())))]
pub(super) fn try_parse_with<P>(arg: &mut OsString, rest: &mut impl Iterator<Item = OsString>) -> Option<Result<P::Output, ArgParseError>>
where P: TryParse
let _span = tracing::debug_span!("parse");
P::visit(arg.as_os_str()).map(move |parser| {
let _in = _span.enter();
parser.parse(std::mem::replace(arg, OsString::default()), rest).map_err(Into::into)
}).map(|res| {
match res.as_ref() {
Err(err) => {
::tracing::event!(::tracing::Level::ERROR, ?err, "Attempted parse failed with error")
_ => ()
}).or_else(|| {
::tracing::event!(::tracing::Level::TRACE, "no match");
/// Parser for `ExecMode`
/// Parses `-exec` / `-exec{}` modes.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ExecMode {
impl ExecMode {
fn is_positional(&self) -> bool
match self {
Self::Postional => true,
_ => false
fn command_string(&self) -> &'static str
if self.is_positional() {
} else {
pub struct ExecModeParseError(ExecMode);
impl error::Error for ExecModeParseError{}
impl fmt::Display for ExecModeParseError
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, "{} needs at least a command", self.0.command_string())
impl ArgError for ExecModeParseError
fn into_invalid_usage(self) -> (String, String, Box<dyn error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>)
where Self: Sized {
(self.0.command_string().to_owned(), "Expected a command file-path to execute.".to_owned(), Box::new(self))
impl TryParse for ExecMode
type Error = ExecModeParseError;
type Output = super::ExecMode;
fn visit(argument: &OsStr) -> Option<Self> {
if argument == OsStr::from_bytes(b"-exec") {
} else if argument == OsStr::from_bytes(b"-exec{}") {
} else {
fn parse<I: ?Sized>(self, _argument: OsString, rest: &mut I) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error>
where I: Iterator<Item = OsString> {
mod warnings {
use super::*;
/// Issue a warning when `-exec{}` is provided as an argument, but no positional arguments (`{}`) are specified in the argument list to the command.
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", inline(never), instrument(level="trace"))]
#[cfg_attr(not(feature="logging"), inline(always))]
pub fn execp_no_positional_replacements()
if_trace!(warn!("-exec{{}} provided with no positional arguments ({}), there will be no replacement with the data. Did you mean `-exec`?", POSITIONAL_ARG_STRING));
/// Issue a warning if the user apparently meant to specify two `-exec/{}` arguments to `collect`, but seemingly is accidentally is passing the `-exec/{}` string as an argument to the first.
#[cfg_attr(feature="logging", inline(never), instrument(level="trace"))]
#[cfg_attr(not(feature="logging"), inline(always))]
pub fn exec_apparent_missing_terminator(first_is_positional: bool, second_is_positional: bool, command: &OsStr, argument_number: usize)
if_trace! {
warn!("{} provided, but argument to command {command:?} number #{argument_number} is `{}`. Are you missing the terminator '{}' before this argument?", if first_is_positional {"-exec{}"} else {"-exec"}, if second_is_positional {"-exec{}"} else {"-exec"}, EXEC_MODE_STRING_TERMINATOR)
let command =|| ExecModeParseError(self))?;
let test_warn_missing_term = |(idx , string) : (usize, OsString)| {
if let Some(val) = Self::visit(&string) {
warnings::exec_apparent_missing_terminator(self.is_positional(), val.is_positional(), &command, idx);
Ok(match self {
Self::Stdin => {
super::ExecMode::Stdin {
args: rest
.take_while(|argument| argument.as_bytes() != EXEC_MODE_STRING_TERMINATOR.as_bytes())
Self::Postional => {
let mut repl_warn = true;
let res = super::ExecMode::Positional {
args: rest
.take_while(|argument| argument.as_bytes() != EXEC_MODE_STRING_TERMINATOR.as_bytes())
.map(|x| if x.as_bytes() == POSITIONAL_ARG_STRING.as_bytes() {
repl_warn = false;
} else {
if repl_warn { warnings::execp_no_positional_replacements(); }