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//! Wrapper around internal pipes fds.
//! These pipe fds are valid across forks, and can be used for IPC between parent and non-exec()d child process forks.
use super::*;
use errno::Errno;
use std::{error, fmt};
use std::ops::Drop;
use std::io::{
Read, Write,
use std::panic::{
// TODO: Add non-`sys` type: `Channel<T>`, which can be used to send/recv typed data between parent and child.
// It should leverage the two below functions: `move_*_stream()`.
/// Move a value into a stream.
/// This function will return `Ok` if and only if all bytes from `val` were successfully written to the stream `to`.
/// If only a subset of them were written, then the data is corrupt and that is counted as an error.
/// # Safety
/// The object `val` is written into the stream `to` verbatim. Its destructor is not run.
/// The object should be read verbatim from the stream with no errors or corruption before its dropped, or it will leak resources.
/// This function is safe, but reading from the stream into a new object is not.
/// ## Unpin
/// `T` should be `Unpin` in case it contains self-referrential data, as those references will no longer be valid after being moved across a stream.
// TODO: Should we expose these to the user somehow, with an unsafe helper module maybe? They could be useful.
// Or perhaps: Add the functionality to move types to/from the child/parent into the library, similar to `mpsc`.
// XXX: This is not safe, and will cause a memory leak when moving from parent to child. If a box is passed to the child, then it will not be deep copied, nor will it be correctly freed on the parent. Idk how to handle this for complex types...
pub(crate) fn move_write_value<T: Send, S: Write>(mut to: S, val: T) -> io::Result<()>
let bytes = unsafe {
std::slice::from_raw_parts(&val as *const T as *const u8, std::mem::size_of::<T>())
// Catch any panics that may happen in `write`.
let res = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(move || {
// Ensure this happens even if the above panics.
drop(bytes); // Make sure `bytes` isn't dangling after we move `val` into `forget()`.
// Resume unwind if one occoured, if not return the value
match res {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(panic) => resume_unwind(panic),
/// Write a value into a stream. The value can be unsized but must be `Send` as we cannot guarantee the stream will not be read on a seperate thread.
/// This is a safe function, but reading from the other stream is not.
/// Ownership is not transfered to the other side of the stream, so make sure that if the value is not `Copy` any resources owned by `val` are properly transfered to the read object.
// Should this require `Send` as a bound?
pub(crate) fn copy_write_value<T: Send, S: Write>(mut to: S, val: &T) -> io::Result<usize>
let sz = std::mem::size_of_val(val);
let bytes = unsafe {
std::slice::from_raw_parts(val as *const T as *const _, sz)
/// Read a value from a stream.
/// # Safety
/// This is extremely unsafe, it reads the type `T` bitwise from the stream.
/// The caller must ensure that any pointers contained within `T` remain valid after being passed through a stream, and that the type passed through has not been corrupted within the stream.
pub(crate) unsafe fn copy_read_value<T: Send, S: Read>(mut from: S) -> io::Result<T>
let mut value = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<T>::uninit();
let bytes = {
std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(value.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _ as *mut _, std::mem::size_of::<T>())
from.read_exact(&mut bytes[..])?;
/// Read a value from a stream.
/// This is currently identical to `copy_read_value()`.
/// # Safety
/// This is extremely unsafe, it reads the type `T` bitwise from the stream.
/// The caller must ensure that any pointers contained within `T` remain valid after being passed through a stream, and that the type passed through has not been corrupted within the stream.
#[inline] pub(crate) unsafe fn move_read_value<T: Send, S: Read>(from: S) -> io::Result<T>
// These are effectively the same.
/// Kind of pipe error
pub enum ErrorKind
/// Failed to create pipes
/// Unknown error
/// A raw unix pipe.
/// Encapsulates a raw fd, proventing arbitrary operations on it while it is owned by the instance.
/// The fd is closed when this instance is dropped.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct RawPipe(i32);
impl io::Read for RawPipe
#[inline] fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
Ok(read_raw(self.0, buf)?)
impl io::Write for RawPipe
#[inline] fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
Ok(write_raw(self.0, buf)?)
#[inline] fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
impl From<RawPipe> for i32
#[inline] fn from(from: RawPipe) -> Self
impl RawPipe
/// Transfer ownership of the internal fd to the caller
#[inline] pub fn take(self) -> i32
let i = self.0;
/// Transfer ownership of an fd into a new managed instance.
/// # Safety
/// The caller should ensure the fd is valid, or all operations on the instance returned will fail.
#[inline] pub const unsafe fn new_unchecked(int: i32) -> Self
/// Get a raw handle to the fd
/// # Safety
/// This operation is unsafe as the caller could close the fd while its still owned by the instance.
/// If you want to transfer ownership of the fd to yourself, use `take()` or `Into::into()`.
#[inline] pub const unsafe fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> i32
/// Transfer ownership of an fd into a new managed instance.
/// # Panics
/// If the fd value was below 0.
pub fn new(int: i32) -> Self
assert!(int > 0, "invalid fd");
impl Drop for RawPipe
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
/// Create a raw pipe pair. Returns `(tx, rx)`: writer then reader.
pub(crate) fn unix_pipe() -> Result<(RawPipe, RawPipe), Error>
use libc::pipe;
let mut pipe_fds: [libc::c_int; 2] = [-1;2];
if unsafe{pipe(pipe_fds.as_mut_ptr())} == 0 {
Ok((RawPipe(i32::from(pipe_fds[1])), RawPipe(i32::from(pipe_fds[0]))))
} else {
/// A writer for a bi-directinoal unix pipe
/// Created by splitting `Pipe`, data written to this is available to be read from its `ReadHalf` counterpart.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct WriteHalf(RawPipe);
/// A reader for a bi-directional unix pipe.
/// Created by splitting `Pipe`, data read from this is data that was sent to its `WriteHalf` counterpart.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ReadHalf(RawPipe);
/// A bi-drectional unix pipe
/// Data written to the pipe is available to be read from it (unless the pipe is mismatched.)
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Pipe
tx: RawPipe,
rx: RawPipe,
impl Pipe
/// Split this pipe into a read and write half.
/// Data written to the `WriteHalf` is sent to the `ReadHalf` (unless the pipe is mismatched.)
#[inline] pub fn split(self) -> (WriteHalf, ReadHalf)
(WriteHalf(self.tx), ReadHalf(self.rx))
/// Create a `Pipe` from two halves.
/// # Mismatched halves
/// The halves do not need to have originated from the same `Pipe`.
/// If they are not, then writing to the `Pipe` will send the data to its original receiver, and reading from it will take the data from its original sender.
#[inline] pub fn unsplit(tx: WriteHalf, rx: ReadHalf) -> Self
Self::new_from_raw((tx.0, rx.0))
/// Create a new `Pipe` from a pair of raw file descriptors.
/// # Safety
/// Does not check that the integers provided are valid and open file descriptors.
#[inline(always)] fn new_from_raw((tx, rx): (RawPipe, RawPipe)) -> Self
/// Create a new `Pipe` from a pair of raw file descriptors.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must check that `tx` and `rx` are valid, open file descriptors
// TODO: When writing the async version make sure to state that the fds need to be non-blocking.
#[inline] pub unsafe fn from_raw(tx: RawPipe, rx: RawPipe) -> Self
Self::new_from_raw((tx, rx))
/// Transfer the ownership of the socket's inner Tx and Rx fds.
pub fn into_raw(self) -> (RawPipe, RawPipe)
(self.tx, self.rx)
/// Create a new `Pipe` from two new file descriptors that stream to eachother.
/// Data written to this pipe will also be read from it.
/// The pipe can be `split()`, and then `unsplit()` with a different split pipe's half to create a stream between those two pipes.
#[inline] pub fn new() -> Result<Self, Error>
let sk = unix_pipe()?;
/// Create a pair of bi-directional linked pipes.
/// Writing into one of the pipes will send the data to the other one, and vise-versa.
pub fn pair() -> Result<(Pipe, Pipe), Error>
let (a, b) = (Pipe::new()?, Pipe::new()?);
let (atx, arx) = a.split();
let (btx, brx) = b.split();
Pipe::unsplit(atx, brx),
Pipe::unsplit(btx, arx),
/// Write to a raw fd.
fn write_raw(sock: i32, data: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, Errno>
match unsafe {libc::write(sock, data.as_ptr() as *const _, data.len())} {
x if x < 0 => Err(Errno::last().unwrap_err()),
x => Ok(usize::try_from(x).unwrap()),
/// Read from a raw fd.
fn read_raw(sock: i32, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, Errno>
match unsafe {libc::read(sock, data.as_ptr() as *mut _, data.len())} {
x if x < 0 => Err(Errno::last().unwrap_err()),
x => Ok(usize::try_from(x).unwrap()),
// There's nothing to flush, the fd isn't buffered.
// fn flush_raw(sock: i32) -> Result<(), Errno>
// {
// libc::fsync(sock)
// }
impl io::Read for Pipe
#[inline] fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
impl io::Write for Pipe
#[inline] fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
#[inline] fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
impl io::Read for ReadHalf
#[inline] fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
impl io::Write for WriteHalf
#[inline] fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
#[inline] fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
impl fmt::Display for ErrorKind
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
match self {
Self::Create => write!(f, "failed to create raw pipes"),
_ => write!(f, "unknown error"),
/// An error on a pipe operation
pub struct Error(pub(super) Box<(ErrorKind, Errno)>);
impl ErrorKind
/// Consume into `Error` using the last `errno` value, if it's not set then return `val`.
#[inline] pub(crate) fn try_into_error_or<T>(self, val: T) -> Result<T, Error>
Error::or_last(self, val)
/// Consume into `Error` using the last `errno` value, if it's not set then return the result of `fun`.
#[inline] pub(crate) fn try_into_error_or_with<F, T>(self, fun: F) -> Result<T, Error>
where F: FnOnce() -> T
Error::or_last_with(self, fun)
/// Consume into `Error` using the last `errno` value.
pub(crate) fn try_into_error(self) -> Result<(), Error>
/// Consume into an `Error` using the last `errno` value.
/// # Panics
/// If `errno` was success.
#[inline] pub(crate) fn into_error(self) -> Error
Self::try_into_error(self).expect_err("Expected an error to be set in errno")
impl Error
/// Create a new error of this kind from the last set errno if it's not success.
/// If it is, return `val`.
#[inline] pub(crate) fn or_last<T>(err: ErrorKind, val: T) -> Result<T, Self>
Self::or_last_with(err, move || val)
/// Create a new error of this kind from the last set errno if it's not success.
/// If it is, return the result of `fun`.
pub(crate) fn or_last_with<F, T>(err: ErrorKind, fun: F) -> Result<T, Self>
where F: FnOnce() -> T
Err(Self(Box::new((err, match Errno::or_last_with(fun) {
Ok(v) => return Ok(v),
Err(e) => e,
/// Create a new error of this kind from the last set errno (if it's not success.)
pub(crate) fn last(err: ErrorKind) -> Result<(), Self>
Err(Self(Box::new((err, match Errno::last() {
Ok(()) => return Ok(()),
Err(e) => e,
/// Create a new error of this kind with this errno value
#[inline] pub fn new(kind: ErrorKind, err: Errno) -> Self
Self(Box::new((kind, err)))
/// The kind of pipe error
#[inline] pub fn kind(&self) -> &ErrorKind
/// The errno value
#[inline] pub fn error(&self) -> &Errno
impl error::Error for Error
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
impl fmt::Display for Error
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, "{}: {}", self.0.0, self.0.1)
mod tests
use std::io::{Read, Write};
fn pipe_single_rw()
const DATA: &'static [u8] = b"hello world";
let mut pipe = super::Pipe::new().expect("Creation");
print!("Pipe: {:?}", pipe);
pipe.write_all(DATA).expect("write (ex)");
let mut buffer = [0u8; DATA.len()];
pipe.read_exact(&mut buffer[..]).expect("read (ex)");
assert_eq!(&buffer, DATA, "data different");