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4 years ago
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Linq;
using Tools;
using System.IO;
namespace Tools.Crypto
static unsafe class MemoryHelper
public static byte[] UMToByteArray(void* ptr, int size)
byte[] output = new byte[size];
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)ptr, output, 0, size);
return output;
public static void ByteArrayToUM(byte[] input, void* ptr, int size)
Marshal.Copy(input, 0, (IntPtr)ptr, size);
public static T[] UMToArray<T>(T* ptr, int size) where T : unmanaged
T[] output = new T[size];
fixed (T* outputPtr = output)
Buffer.MemoryCopy(ptr, outputPtr, size * sizeof(T), size * sizeof(T));
return output;
public static void ArrayToUM<T>(T[] input, T* ptr, int size) where T : unmanaged
fixed (T* inputPtr = input)
Buffer.MemoryCopy(inputPtr, ptr, sizeof(T) * size, sizeof(T) * size);
public unsafe struct RSAHashSignature
public const int Length = 32;
internal fixed byte sig[Length];
public byte[] Signature
fixed (byte* ptr = sig)
return MemoryHelper.UMToByteArray(ptr, Length);
fixed (byte* ptr = sig)
MemoryHelper.ByteArrayToUM(value, ptr, Length);
public static RSAHashSignature CreateSignature(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, SHA256 algo, byte[] data)
return rsa.SignData(data, algo).ToUnmanaged<RSAHashSignature>();
public static RSAHashSignature CreateSignature(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, byte[] data)
using (var algo = SHA256.Create())
return CreateSignature(rsa, algo, data);
public bool Verify(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, SHA256 algo, byte[] data)
return rsa.VerifyData(data, algo, Signature);
public bool Verify(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, byte[] data)
using (var algo = SHA256.Create())
return Verify(rsa, algo, data);
public unsafe struct RSACiphertext
public const int Length = 128;
internal fixed byte ciphertext[Length];
public byte[] Ciphertext
fixed (byte* ptr = ciphertext)
return MemoryHelper.UMToByteArray(ptr, Length);
fixed (byte* ptr = ciphertext)
MemoryHelper.ByteArrayToUM(value, ptr, Length);
public void EncryptSingleBlock(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, byte[] plain)
Ciphertext = rsa.Encrypt(plain, false);
public byte[] DecryptSingleBlock(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa)
return rsa.Decrypt(Ciphertext, false);
public unsafe static RSACiphertext[] Encrypt(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, byte[] plain)
byte[] ct = rsa.Encrypt(plain, false);
if (ct.Length == Length) return new RSACiphertext[] { new RSACiphertext() { Ciphertext = ct } };
else if (ct.Length % Length == 0)
int ciphers = ct.Length / Length;
RSACiphertext* cipher = stackalloc RSACiphertext[ciphers];
Marshal.Copy(ct, 0, (IntPtr)cipher, ciphers * sizeof(RSACiphertext));
return MemoryHelper.UMToArray<RSACiphertext>(cipher, ciphers);
//Probably won't happen?
int ciphers = (ct.Length / Length) + 1;
RSACiphertext* cipher = stackalloc RSACiphertext[ciphers];
Marshal.Copy(ct, 0, (IntPtr)cipher, ciphers * sizeof(RSACiphertext));
return MemoryHelper.UMToArray<RSACiphertext>(cipher, ciphers);
public static byte[] Decrypt(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa, RSACiphertext[] cipher)
byte[] byts = new byte[sizeof(RSACiphertext) * cipher.Length];
fixed (RSACiphertext* input = cipher)
fixed (byte* output = byts)
Buffer.MemoryCopy(input, output, byts.Length, byts.Length);
return rsa.Decrypt(byts, false);
public unsafe struct AESKey
public const int KeySize = 32;
public const int IVSize = 16;
internal fixed byte key[KeySize];
internal fixed byte iv[IVSize];
/// <summary>
/// The Key (256 bit)
/// </summary>
public byte[] Key
byte[] bytes = new byte[KeySize];
fixed (byte* k = key)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)k, bytes, 0, KeySize);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != KeySize) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + KeySize + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* k = key)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)k, KeySize);
/// <summary>
/// The IV (128 bits)
/// </summary>
public byte[] IV
byte[] bytes = new byte[IVSize];
fixed (byte* k = iv)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)k, bytes, 0, IVSize);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != IVSize) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + IVSize + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* k = iv)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)k, IVSize);
/// <summary>
/// Binary serialisation of this key
/// </summary>
public byte[] BinaryData
return this.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
if (value.Length < sizeof(AESKey)) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be at least " + sizeof(AESKey) + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (AESKey* k = &this)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)k, sizeof(AESKey));
/// <summary>
/// Create a new key
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The new AES Key</returns>
public static AESKey NewKey()
using (RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())
byte[] buffer = new byte[sizeof(AESKey)];
return buffer.ToUnmanaged<AESKey>();
/// <summary>
/// Set the key and iv to an AesCryptoServiceProvider
/// </summary>
/// <param name="r">The CSP</param>
public void ToCSP(AesCryptoServiceProvider r)
r.KeySize = 256;
r.BlockSize = 128;
r.Key = Key;
r.IV = IV;
public void FromAes(Aes aes)
Key = aes.Key;
IV = aes.IV;
public void ToAes(Aes aes)
aes.KeySize = 256;
aes.BlockSize = 128;
aes.Key = Key;
aes.IV = IV;
/// <summary>
/// Get the key and iv from and AESCryptoServiceProvider
/// </summary>
/// <param name="r">The CSP</param>
public void FromCSP(AesCryptoServiceProvider r)
Key = r.Key;
IV = r.IV;
/// <summary>
/// Initialise a new AESKey from an AESCryptoServiceProvider
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aes">The AES key</param>
public AESKey(AesCryptoServiceProvider aes)
public AESKey(Aes aes)
public unsafe struct RSAPublicKey
public const int ModulusSize = 128;
public const int ExponentSize = 3;
internal fixed byte mod[ModulusSize];
internal fixed byte exp[ExponentSize];
/// <summary>
/// The modulus of this key
/// </summary>
public byte[] Modulus
byte[] bytes = new byte[ModulusSize];
fixed (byte* m = mod)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, ModulusSize);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != ModulusSize) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + ModulusSize + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = mod)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, ModulusSize);
/// <summary>
/// The public exponent of this key
/// </summary>
public byte[] Exponent
byte[] bytes = new byte[ExponentSize];
fixed (byte* m = exp)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, ExponentSize);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != ExponentSize) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + ExponentSize + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = exp)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, ExponentSize);
/// <summary>
/// Binary serialisation of this key
/// </summary>
public byte[] BinaryData
return this.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
if (value.Length < sizeof(RSAPublicKey)) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be at least " + sizeof(RSAPublicKey) + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (RSAPublicKey* k = &this)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)k, sizeof(RSAPublicKey));
/// <summary>
/// Set the public key to a RSACryptoServiceProvider
/// </summary>
/// <param name="csp">The CSP to set the key to</param>
public void ToCSP(RSACryptoServiceProvider csp)
var p = csp.ExportParameters(false);
p.Modulus = Modulus;
p.Exponent = Exponent;
/// <summary>
/// Get the public key information from an RSACryptoServiceProvider and return it in an RSAPublicKey struct
/// </summary>
/// <param name="csp">The CSP</param>
/// <returns>A new RSAPublicKey struct</returns>
public static RSAPublicKey FromCSP(RSACryptoServiceProvider csp)
RSAPublicKey rp = new RSAPublicKey();
var p = csp.ExportParameters(false);
rp.Modulus = p.Modulus;
rp.Exponent = p.Exponent;
return rp;
public static implicit operator byte[](RSAPublicKey rp)
return rp.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static explicit operator RSAPublicKey(byte[] byt)
return byt.ToUnmanaged<RSAPublicKey>();
public unsafe struct RSAPrivateKey
public override string ToString()
return BitConverter.ToString(this.ToByteArrayUnmanaged()).Replace("-", "");
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is RSAPrivateKey priv && priv.ToByteArrayUnmanaged().SequenceEqual(this.ToByteArrayUnmanaged());
public override int GetHashCode()
return (int)DamienG.Security.Cryptography.Crc32.Compute(this.ToByteArrayUnmanaged());
public RSAPublicKey PublicPart => new RSAPublicKey() { Modulus = Modulus, Exponent = Exponent };
public const int ModulusLength = 128;
public const int ExponentLength = 3;
public const int DLength = 128;
public const int PLength = 64;
public const int QLength = 64;
public const int DPLength = 64;
public const int DQLength = 64;
public const int InverseQLength = 64;
internal fixed byte modulus[ModulusLength];
internal fixed byte exponent[ExponentLength];
internal fixed byte d[DLength];
internal fixed byte p[PLength];
internal fixed byte q[QLength];
internal fixed byte dp[DPLength];
internal fixed byte dq[DQLength];
internal fixed byte inverseQ[InverseQLength];
public byte[] Modulus
byte[] bytes = new byte[ModulusLength];
fixed (byte* m = modulus)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, ModulusLength);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != ModulusLength) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + ModulusLength + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = modulus)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, ModulusLength);
public byte[] Exponent
byte[] bytes = new byte[ExponentLength];
fixed (byte* m = exponent)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, ExponentLength);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != ExponentLength) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + ExponentLength + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = exponent)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, ExponentLength);
public byte[] D
byte[] bytes = new byte[DLength];
fixed (byte* m = d)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, DLength);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != DLength) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + DLength + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = d)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, DLength);
public byte[] P
byte[] bytes = new byte[PLength];
fixed (byte* m = p)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, PLength);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != PLength) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + PLength + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = p)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, PLength);
public byte[] Q
byte[] bytes = new byte[QLength];
fixed (byte* m = q)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, QLength);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != QLength) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + QLength + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = q)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, QLength);
public byte[] DP
byte[] bytes = new byte[DPLength];
fixed (byte* m = dp)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, DPLength);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != DPLength) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + DPLength + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = dp)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, DPLength);
public byte[] DQ
byte[] bytes = new byte[DQLength];
fixed (byte* m = dq)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, DQLength);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != DQLength) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + DQLength + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = dq)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, DQLength);
public byte[] InverseQ
byte[] bytes = new byte[InverseQLength];
fixed (byte* m = inverseQ)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, InverseQLength);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != InverseQLength) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + InverseQLength + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = inverseQ)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, InverseQLength);
public void FromCSP(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa)
var param = rsa.ExportParameters(true);
Modulus = param.Modulus;
Exponent = param.Exponent;
D = param.D;
P = param.P;
Q = param.Q;
DP = param.DP;
DQ = param.DQ;
InverseQ = param.InverseQ;
public void ToCSP(RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa)
var param = new RSAParameters();
param.Modulus = Modulus;
param.Exponent = Exponent;
param.D = D;
param.P = P;
param.Q = Q;
param.DP = DP;
param.DQ = DQ;
param.InverseQ = InverseQ;
public static RSAPrivateKey Generate()
using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
RSAPrivateKey ret = new RSAPrivateKey();
return ret;
public static bool operator ==(RSAPrivateKey left, RSAPrivateKey right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(RSAPrivateKey left, RSAPrivateKey right)
return !(left == right);
public unsafe struct SHA256Hash
public const int Size = 32;
internal fixed byte hash[Size];
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is SHA256Hash hash && hash.ToByteArrayUnmanaged().SequenceEqual(this.ToByteArrayUnmanaged());
public override int GetHashCode()
return (int)DamienG.Security.Cryptography.Crc32.Compute(this.ToByteArrayUnmanaged());
public byte[] Hash
byte[] bytes = new byte[Size];
fixed (byte* m = hash)
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)m, bytes, 0, Size);
return bytes;
if (value.Length != Size) throw new ArgumentException(nameof(value) + " must be exaclty " + Size + " bytes (not " + value.Length + ")");
fixed (byte* m = hash)
Marshal.Copy(value, 0, (IntPtr)m, Size);
public SHA256Hash(byte[] hash)
Hash = hash;
public static SHA256Hash Generate(byte[] data, SHA256 hasher = null)
if (hasher == null)
using (var hash = SHA256.Create())
return Generate(data, hash);
return (SHA256Hash)hasher.ComputeHash(data);
public static implicit operator byte[](SHA256Hash hash) => hash.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static explicit operator SHA256Hash(byte[] hash) => hash.Length == Size ? hash.ToUnmanaged<SHA256Hash>() : throw new InvalidCastException("Hash must be exactly "+Size+" bytes");
public static bool operator ==(SHA256Hash left, SHA256Hash right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(SHA256Hash left, SHA256Hash right)
return !(left == right);
public override string ToString()
return BitConverter.ToString(this.ToByteArrayUnmanaged()).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
namespace Tools
using Tools.Crypto;
public class IncrementalHashStream : Stream
private long written = 0;
private IncrementalHash hasher;
public IncrementalHashStream(HashAlgorithmName algo)
hasher = IncrementalHash.CreateHash(algo);
private byte[] hash;
public SHA256Hash Hash => new SHA256Hash() { Hash = hash ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Hash has not been computed. (Call Flush())") };
public SHA256Hash HashAndReset()
return Hash;
public override bool CanRead => false;
public override bool CanSeek => false;
public override bool CanWrite => true;
public override long Length => written;
public override long Position { get => throw new NotSupportedException(); set => throw new NotSupportedException(); }
/// <summary>
/// Compute the hash of all written data, store it in <see cref="Hash"/>, and reset the algorithm.
/// </summary>
public override void Flush()
lock (mutex)
hash = hasher.GetHashAndReset();
written = 0;
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override void SetLength(long value)
throw new NotSupportedException();
private readonly object mutex = new object();
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
var dt = new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer, offset, count).Array;
lock (mutex)
written += dt.Length;
public SHA256Hash GetFinalHash()
if (hasher == null) throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.ToString());
return Hash;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing) hasher?.Dispose();
hasher = null;
public static class ExCryptoTools
public static SHA256Hash SHA256Hash(this byte[] data)
using (var sha = SHA256.Create())
return (SHA256Hash)sha.ComputeHash(data);
public static SHA256Hash SHA256Hash(this Stream str)
using (var sha = SHA256.Create())
return (SHA256Hash)sha.ComputeHash(str);