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using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Tools
namespace ByValData
namespace Fixed
namespace Special
public unsafe struct FixedSHA1Hash
public const int Size = 20;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public FixedSHA1Hash(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedSHA1Hash from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedSHA1Hash(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedSHA1Hash>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray1
public const int Size = 1;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public byte AsByte
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *ptr = value;
public sbyte AsSByte
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(sbyte*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(sbyte*)ptr = value;
public FixedByteArray1(byte asByte)
AsByte = asByte;
public FixedByteArray1(sbyte asSbyte)
AsSByte = asSbyte;
public FixedByteArray1(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray1 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray1(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray1>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray2
public const int Size = 2;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public short AsShort
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(short*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(short*)ptr = value;
public ushort AsUShort
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(ushort*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(ushort*)ptr = value;
public char AsChar
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(char*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(char*)ptr = value;
public FixedByteArray2(char fromChar)
AsChar = fromChar;
public FixedByteArray2(short fromShort)
AsShort = fromShort;
public FixedByteArray2(ushort fromUshort)
AsUShort = fromUshort;
public FixedByteArray2(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray2 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray2(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray2>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray4
public const int Size = 4;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public int AsInt
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(int*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(int*)ptr = value;
public uint AsUInt
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(uint*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(uint*)ptr = value;
public bool AsBool
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(bool*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(bool*)ptr = value;
public float AsFloat
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(float*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(float*)ptr = value;
public FixedByteArray4(float fromFloat)
AsFloat = fromFloat;
public FixedByteArray4(bool fromBool)
AsBool = fromBool;
public FixedByteArray4(int fromInt)
AsInt = fromInt;
public FixedByteArray4(uint fromUint)
AsUInt = fromUint;
public FixedByteArray4(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray4 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray4(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray4>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray8
public const int Size = 8;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public long AsLong
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(long*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(long*)ptr = value;
public ulong AsULong
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(ulong*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(ulong*)ptr = value;
public double AsDouble
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(double*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(double*)ptr = value;
public FixedByteArray8(double asDouble)
AsDouble = asDouble;
public FixedByteArray8(ulong asUlong)
AsULong = asUlong;
public FixedByteArray8(long asLong)
AsLong = asLong;
public FixedByteArray8(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray8 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray8(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray8>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray16
public const int Size = 16;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public decimal AsDecimal
fixed (byte* ptr = data) return *(decimal*)ptr;
fixed (byte* ptr = data) *(decimal*)ptr = value;
public FixedByteArray16(decimal from)
AsDecimal = from;
public FixedByteArray16(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray16 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray16(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray16>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray32
public const int Size = 32;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public FixedByteArray32(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray32 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray32(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray32>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray64
public const int Size = 64;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public FixedByteArray64(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray64 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray64(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray64>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray128
public const int Size = 128;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public FixedByteArray128(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray128 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray128(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray128>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray256
public const int Size = 128;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public FixedByteArray256(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray256 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray256(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray256>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray512
public const int Size = 512;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public FixedByteArray512(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray512 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray512(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray512>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray1024
public const int Size = 1024;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public FixedByteArray1024(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray1024 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray1024(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray1024>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray2048
public const int Size = 2048;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public FixedByteArray2048(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray2048 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray2048(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray2048>();
public unsafe struct FixedByteArray4096
public const int Size = 4096;
public fixed byte data[Size];
public FixedByteArray4096(byte[] from)
fixed (byte* p = data)
Marshal.Copy(from, 0, (IntPtr)p, Math.Min(Size, from.Length));
public static implicit operator byte[](FixedByteArray4096 from)
return from.ToByteArrayUnmanaged();
public static implicit operator FixedByteArray4096(byte[] from)
return from.ToUnmanaged<FixedByteArray4096>();
public static class ExBinTools
public static unsafe byte[] ToByteArrayUnmanaged<T>(this T t) where T : unmanaged
byte[] o = new byte[sizeof(T)];
fixed (byte* ptr = o)
*(T*)ptr = t;
return o;
public static unsafe T ToUnmanaged<T>(this byte[] bytes) where T : unmanaged
fixed (byte* ptr = bytes)
return *(T*)ptr;
public static unsafe ref T ZeroMemory<T>(this ref T value) where T : unmanaged
byte[] buffer = new byte[sizeof(T)];
fixed (T* valuePtr = &value)
Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, (IntPtr)valuePtr, sizeof(T));
return ref value;
public static unsafe ref T SetMemory<T>(this ref T value, byte def=default) where T : unmanaged
byte[] buffer = new byte[sizeof(T)];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(T); i++) buffer[i] = def;
fixed (T* valuePtr = &value)
Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, (IntPtr)valuePtr, sizeof(T));
return ref value;