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1 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
946a3e6cc3 | 4 years ago |
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
//! For parsing arguments
use super::*;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::mem::Discriminant;
use std::fmt;
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] use config::OutputSerialisationMode;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum InspectKind
Treemap(Option<(u64, u64)>),
impl fmt::Display for InspectKind
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
match self {
Self::Treemap(None) => write!(f, "treemap"),
Self::Treemap(Some((x,y))) => write!(f, "treemap:{}:{}", x, y), // Width and height.
impl std::str::FromStr for InspectKind
type Err = eyre::Report;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err>
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Argument
/// Kinds of modes of operation for the program.
/// These map to `super::Mode`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Copy)]
enum ModeKind
impl Default for ModeKind
fn default() -> Self
impl Argument
/// What mode does this argument change to, if any?
fn mode_change_kind(&self) -> Option<ModeKind>
Some(match self
Self::ModeChangeHelp => ModeKind::Help,
_ => return None,
/// Insert this `Argument` into config
pub fn insert_into_cfg(self, cfg: &mut Config)
use Argument::*;
match self {
Inspect(InspectKind::Treemap(None)) => cfg.inspection.treemap = Some((640, 480)),
Inspect(InspectKind::Treemap(x)) => cfg.inspection.treemap = x,
LimitConcMaxProc => cfg.max_tasks = config::max_tasks_cpus(),
LimitConc(max) => cfg.max_tasks = Some(max),
UnlimitConc => cfg.max_tasks = None,
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] Save(output) => cfg.serialise_output = Some(OutputSerialisationMode::File(output.into())),
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] SaveStdout => cfg.serialise_output = Some(OutputSerialisationMode::Stdout),
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] SaveRaw(output) => {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature="prealloc")] {
cfg.serialise_output = Some(OutputSerialisationMode::PreallocFile(output.into()));
} else {
cfg.serialise_output = Some(OutputSerialisationMode::RawFile(output.into()));
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] SaveRawStdout => cfg.serialise_output = Some(OutputSerialisationMode::RawStdout),
LimitRecurse(limit) => cfg.recursive = if limit.get() == 1 { config::Recursion::None } else { config::Recursion::Limited(limit) },
UnlimitRecurse => cfg.recursive = config::Recursion::Unlimited,
LogVerbose => cfg.output_level = config::OutputLevel::Verbose,
LogQuiet => cfg.output_level = config::OutputLevel::Quiet,
LogSilent => cfg.output_level = config::OutputLevel::Silent,
Input(path) => cfg.paths.push(path.into()),
_ => (), //unreachable()! // Do nothing instead of panic.
impl fmt::Display for Argument
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
use Argument::*;
match self
Inspect(ins) => write!(f, "--inspect {}", ins),
ModeChangeHelp => write!(f, "--help"),
LimitConcMaxProc => write!(f, "-m"),
LimitConc(limit) => write!(f, "--threads {}", limit),
UnlimitConc => write!(f, "-M (--threads 0)"),
Save(s) => write!(f, "--save {:?}", s),
SaveStdout => write!(f, "-D"),
SaveRaw(s) => write!(f, "--save-raw {:?}", s),
SaveRawStdout => write!(f, "-R"),
LimitRecurse(rec) => write!(f, "--recursive {}", rec),
UnlimitRecurse => write!(f, "-r (--recursive 0)"),
LogVerbose => write!(f, "-v"),
LogQuiet => write!(f, "-q"),
LogSilent => write!(f, "-Q"),
StopReading => write!(f, "-"),
Input(input) => write!(f, "<{}>", input),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy)]
enum MX
Many(&'static [Discriminant<Argument>]),
impl Default for MX
fn default() -> Self
impl MX
/// Is this argument discriminant mutually exclusive with this other argument?
pub fn is_mx(&self, this: Discriminant<Argument>, other: &Argument) -> bool
use std::mem::discriminant;
let other = discriminant(other);
match self
Self::Itself if other == this => true,
Self::All => true,
Self::Only(disc) if other == *disc => true,
Self::Many(discs) if discs.contains(&other) => true,
_ => false,
impl Argument
/// Is this `Argument` mutually exclusive with another?
pub fn is_mx_with(&self, other: &Self) -> bool
use std::mem::discriminant;
lazy_static! {
static ref MX_REF: HashMap<Discriminant<Argument>, MaybeVec<MX>> = {
let mut out = HashMap::new();
macro_rules! mx {
(@) => {
(@ self $($tt:tt)*) => {
iter![MX::Itself].chain(mx!(@ $($tt)*))
(@ [$inner:expr] $($tt:tt)*) => {
iter![MX::Only(discriminant(&$inner))].chain(mx!(@ $($tt)*))
(@ [$($inner:expr),*] $($tt:tt)*) => {
iter![MX::Many(vec![$(discriminant(&$inner)),*].leak())].chain(mx!(@ $($tt)*))
(@ $ident:ident $($tt:tt)*) => {
iter![MX::$ident].chain(mx!(@ $($tt)*))
($disc:expr => $($tt:tt)*) => {
out.insert(discriminant(&$disc), mx!(@ $($tt)*).collect());
mx!(Argument::ModeChangeHelp => All);
mx!(Argument::LimitConcMaxProc => self [Argument::UnlimitConc,
mx!(Argument::UnlimitConc => self [Argument::LimitConcMaxProc, Argument::LimitConc(unsafe{NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1)})]);
mx!(Argument::LimitConc(unsafe{NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1)}) => self [Argument::LimitConcMaxProc, Argument::UnlimitConc]);
mx!(Argument::Save(String::default()) => self [Argument::SaveStdout,
mx!(Argument::SaveStdout => self [Argument::Save(String::default()),
mx!(Argument::SaveRaw(Default::default()) => self [Argument::Save(String::default()),
mx!(Argument::SaveRawStdout => self [Argument::Save(String::default()),
mx!(Argument::LimitRecurse(unsafe{NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1)}) => self [Argument::UnlimitRecurse]);
mx!(Argument::UnlimitRecurse => self [Argument::LimitRecurse(unsafe{NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1)})]);
mx!(Argument::LogVerbose => self [Argument::LogQuiet, Argument::LogSilent]);
mx!(Argument::LogQuiet => self [Argument::LogVerbose, Argument::LogSilent]);
mx!(Argument::LogSilent => self [Argument::LogQuiet, Argument::LogVerbose]);
mx!(Argument::StopReading => All);
mx!(Argument::Input(String::default()) => None);
let this = discriminant(self);
match MX_REF.get(&this) {
Some(mx) if mx.iter().filter(|mx| mx.is_mx(this, other)).next().is_some() => true,
_ => false,
/// Should we continue parsing and/or reading arguments?
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Continue
/// Keep parsing the arguments
/// Stop parsing arguments, add the rest of args as `Input`s
/// On mode change, we don't need to parse the rest of the argument. Stop reading entirely, and optionally return the last one here, which must be a mode change argument.
/// Returning this when the contained value is `Some` immediately terminates parsing and precedes to mode-switch. However, if it is `None`, parsing of chained short args is allowed to continue, although `Abort(None)` will be returned at the end regardless of subsequent `Continue` results from that change (unless one is an `Abort(Some(_))`, which immediately returns itself.)
// Box `Argument` to reduce the size of `Continue`, as it is returned from functions often and when its value is set to `Some` it will always be the last `Argument` processed anyway and the only one to be boxed here at all.
//TODO: Deprecate the early return of an `Argument` here. Either change it to `Mode`, or have no early return. Mode change happens at the bottom in `into_mode` now.
impl Continue
/// Should we keep *parsing* args?
#[inline] pub fn keep_reading(&self) -> bool
if let Self::Yes = self {
} else {
/// Is this an abort?
#[inline] pub fn is_abort(&self) -> bool
if let Self::Abort(_) = self {
} else {
impl Default for Continue
fn default() -> Self
impl From<bool> for Continue
fn from(from: bool) -> Self
if from {
} else {
pub type Output = HashSet<Argument>;
#[inline] const fn suggestion_intended_arg() -> &'static str {
"If this was intended as a path instead of an option, use option `-` before it."
fn save_output(output: &mut Output, item: Argument) -> eyre::Result<()>
if let Some(mx) = output.iter().filter(|arg| item.is_mx_with(arg)).next() {
return Err(eyre!("Arguments are mutually exclusive"))
.with_section(|| item.header("Trying to addargument "))
.with_section(|| mx.to_string().header("Which is mutually exclusive with previously added"));
output.insert(item); //TODO: Warn when adding duplicate?
fn parse_single<I>(_args: &mut I, output: &mut Output, this: char) -> eyre::Result<Continue>
where I: Iterator<Item=String>
let item = match this
'r' => Argument::UnlimitRecurse,
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] 'D' => Argument::SaveStdout,
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] 'R' => Argument::SaveRawStdout,
'v' => Argument::LogVerbose,
'q' => Argument::LogQuiet,
'Q' => Argument::LogSilent,
'm' => Argument::LimitConcMaxProc,
'M' => Argument::UnlimitConc,
unknown => {
return Err(eyre!("Unknown short argument {:?}", unknown))
save_output(output, item)
.with_section(|| this.header("Short argument was"))?;
/// Consume this iterator into `Input`s
pub fn consume<I>(args: I, output: &mut Output)
where I: IntoIterator<Item=String>
pub fn parse_next<I>(args: &mut I, output: &mut Output, this: String) -> eyre::Result<Continue>
where I: Iterator<Item=String>
let mut keep_reading = Continue::Yes;
let item = match this.trim()
"--inspect" => {
let ins =!("`--inspect` expects a parameter"))
Argument::Inspect(ins.parse().wrap_err(eyre!("Failed to parse parameter for `--inspect`"))?)
" --threads" => {
let max =!("`--threads` expects a parameter"))
match NonZeroUsize::new(max.parse::<usize>()
.wrap_err(eyre!("`--threads` expects a non-negative number"))
.with_section(move || max.header("Parameter given was"))?)
Some(max) => Argument::LimitConc(max),
None => Argument::UnlimitConc,
"--recursive" => {
let max =!("`--recursive` expects a parameter"))
match NonZeroUsize::new(max.parse::<usize>().wrap_err(eyre!("`--recursive` expects a non-negative number"))
.with_section(move || max.header("Parameter given was"))?)
Some(x) => Argument::LimitRecurse(x),
None => Argument::UnlimitRecurse,
"--help" => {
return Ok(Continue::Abort(Some(Box::new(Mode::Help))));
"-" => {
return Ok(Continue::No);
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] "--save" => {
let file =!("`--save` expects a parameter"))
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] "--save-raw" => {
let file =!("`--save` expects a parameter"))
single if single.starts_with("-") => {
for ch in single.chars().skip(1) {
match parse_single(args, output, ch)
.wrap_err(eyre!("Error parsing short argument"))
.with_section(|| this.clone().header("Full short argument chain was"))? {
abort @ Continue::Abort(Some(_)) => return Ok(abort),
x @ Continue::No |
x @ Continue::Abort(_) if !x.is_abort() => keep_reading = x,
_ => (),
return Ok(keep_reading);
_ => {
keep_reading = Continue::No;
save_output(output, item)?;
/// Converts parsed argument lists into a respective mode.
/// # Notes
/// These functions assume the mode has already been correctly calculated to be the mode pertaining to that function.
mod modes {
use super::*;
use config::Config;
/// Consume a parsed list of arguments in `Normal` mode into a `Normal` mode `Config` object.
pub fn normal(args: Output) -> eyre::Result<config::Config>
let mut cfg = Config::default();
for arg in args.into_iter()
arg.insert_into_cfg(&mut cfg);
/// Consume this parsed list of arguments into a `Mode` and return it
pub fn into_mode(args: Output) -> eyre::Result<Mode>
let mut mode_kind = ModeKind::default(); //Normal.
for arg in args.iter() {
//find any mode change Argument (with `Argument::mode_change_kind()`) in `args`, changing `mode_kind` in turn. There should be at most 1.
if let Some(mode) = arg.mode_change_kind()
mode_kind = mode;
//pass `args` to the respective mode generation function in mode `modes`, and wrap that mode around its return value.
match mode_kind
ModeKind::Normal => modes::normal(args).map(Mode::Normal),
ModeKind::Help => Ok(Mode::Help),
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
use super::*;
use treemap::{
use data::{FsInfo, INodeInfoGraph, INodeInfoGraphEntry};
/// A treemap of all **files** in the graph.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Treemap
//layout: TreemapLayout,
nodes: Vec<MapNode>,
impl Treemap
/// All nodes of the map.
#[inline] pub fn nodes(&self) -> &[MapNode]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct MapNode
name: String,
vw_size: f64, // Should be halved each iteration
vw_bounds: Rect, // should be Rect::new() before aligntment
impl MapNode
/// The calculated bounds of the node
#[inline] pub fn bounds(&self) -> &Rect
/// The name of the node
#[inline] pub fn name(&self) -> &str
#[inline] fn size(&self) -> f64 //Is this useful for consumer?
#[inline] fn new(name: String) -> Self
Self {
vw_size: 1.0,
vw_bounds: Rect::new(),
/// Create a treemap from this graph.
pub fn treemap(_cfg: &Config, graph: &INodeInfoGraph, (w, h): (f64, f64)) -> Treemap
let layout = TreemapLayout::new();
let mut nodes = Vec::with_capacity(graph.len());
//TODO: Recursively walk the graph, halving size with each iteration. (Maybe we need `INodeInfoGraph` here, not `Hierarchicalinodegraph`?)
let total_size = graph.total_size();
let size = 1.0;
fn calc_path<'a, I: IntoIterator<Item = INodeInfoGraphEntry<'a>>>(insert: &'a mut Vec<MapNode>, from: I, total_size: u64, size: f64, scale: f64)
for top in from {
let path = top.path();
match {
FsInfo::Directory(_) => {
//TODO: Do we add dir itself? I think not?
// Add children
let size = size * 0.5;
calc_path(insert, top.level().unwrap(), total_size, size, scale);
&FsInfo::File(sz, _) => {
let fract = (sz as f64) / (total_size as f64);
insert.push(MapNode {
name: path.to_string_lossy().into_owned(),
vw_size: fract * scale,
vw_bounds: Rect::new(),
calc_path(&mut nodes, graph.top_level(), total_size, size, 1.0);
layout.layout_items(&mut nodes[..], Rect {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
w, h,
Treemap {
impl Mappable for MapNode
fn size(&self) -> f64
fn bounds(&self) -> &Rect
fn set_bounds(&mut self, bounds: Rect)
self.vw_bounds = bounds;
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
//! Prints the information found in graph in different ways
use super::*;
use data::HierarchicalINodeGraph;
use config::Config;
//pub mod repl;
/// Print the most basic info
pub fn print_basic_max_info(cfg: &Config, graph: &HierarchicalINodeGraph)
cfg_println!(Quiet; cfg, "Max size file: {:?}", graph.path_max_size_for(data::FsKind::File));
cfg_println!(Quiet; cfg, "Max size dir: {:?}", graph.path_max_size_for(data::FsKind::Directory));
cfg_println!(Quiet; cfg, "Max size all: {:?}", graph.path_max_size());
mod map;
pub use map::*;
@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
//! Graph inspection REPL
use super::*;
use std::{fmt, error};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::io;
use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;
use rustyline::Editor;
mod env;
mod command;
mod opcodes;
/// Default history file name
/// # Path lookup
/// * To make this an absolute path, start it with `/`
/// * To make this path relative to the user's home directory, start it with `~/` (Note: If we are unable to find the user's home directory, it is considered a lookup **failure** (*not* a **disable**) and `calculate_history_path()` will return `Err`.)
/// * Otherwise, the path is taken relative to the current working directory
/// # Notes
/// This is only used when the `save-history` feature is enabled.
const DEFAULT_HISTORY_FILE: &'static str = "~/.dirstat_history";
/// Get the path to the history file.
/// # Lookup
/// * If the `DIRSTAT_HISTORY` envvar is set and not empty, use this file path.
/// * If the `DIRSTAT_HISTORY` envvar is set and empty, saving history is considered **disabled**, we return `Ok(None)`.
/// * Otherwise, refer to lookup rules for `DEFAULT_HISTORY_FILE`.
pub fn calculate_history_path() -> io::Result<Option<PathBuf>>
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature="save-history")] {
} else {
unreachable!("Tried to calculate repl history path when binary was compiled with history saving perma-disabled.")
/// Inspect the graph with commands
/// # Note
/// This function synchronously blocks the current thread.
pub fn inspect(cfg: &Config, graph: &HierarchicalINodeGraph) -> Result<(), ReplExitError>
let mut repl = Editor::<()>::new(); //TODO: Change `()` to our completer, when we have a decent idea of how they'll work.
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature="save-history")] {
let history_path = match calculate_history_path() {
Ok(Some(path)) => {
if let Err(err) = repl.load_history(&path)
cfg_eprintln!(cfg, "Failed to load repl history from {:?}: {}", path, err);
Ok(None) => None,
cfg_eprintln!(cfg, "Failed to find repl history: {}", err);
let res: Result<(), ReplExitError> = try {
loop {
let line = repl.readline("> ")?;
//TODO: How to interpret commands?
todo!("Interpret commands from `line`.");
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature="save-history")] {
if let Some(path) = history_path {
if let Err(err) = repl.save_history(&path)
cfg_eprintln!(cfg, "Failed to save repl history to {:?}: {}", path, err);
/// When the inspection repl exists abnormally.
pub enum ReplExitError
impl From<ReadlineError> for ReplExitError
#[inline] fn from(from: ReadlineError) -> Self
impl error::Error for ReplExitError
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
Some(match &self
Self::ReadLine(rl) => rl
impl fmt::Display for ReplExitError
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
match self
Self::ReadLine(ReadlineError::Eof) |
Self::ReadLine(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => write!(f, "exit"),
Self::ReadLine(_) => write!(f, "readline error"),
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
//! Repl commands
use super::*;
use std::str::FromStr;
use super::env::*;
pub struct Context<'a>
/// Environment containing variable name mappings.
env: &'a mut Lexenv,
/// Trait for commands.
/// # Defining commands
/// A command object should be created once only, and then referenced and executed using `params` and through mutating `cx`.
pub trait Command: fmt::Debug
fn execute(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>, params: Vec<Value>) -> eyre::Result<()>;
/// Command structurally parsed.
/// Can be converted into `Command` with the `TryInto` trait.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct IR
op: String,
params: Vec<Value>,
impl FromStr for IR
type Err = CommandParseError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
/// Error when parsing a command into `IR`.
pub struct CommandParseError(String);
impl error::Error for CommandParseError{}
impl fmt::Display for CommandParseError
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, "failed to parse command from {:?}", self.0)
@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
//! Execution environment for repl
use super::*;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
pub struct Lexenv
/// Maps symbol name to value in generations.
kvstack: BTreeMap<usize, HashMap<String, Value>>,
/// Current generation of the satck
current_generation: usize,
impl Lexenv
/// The generation number of the current level.
pub fn depth(&self) -> usize
/// Create a new empty lexenv
pub fn new() -> Self
Self {
kvstack: BTreeMap::new(),
current_generation: 0,
/// All valid symbols at this level.
/// # Ordering
/// Each symbol's level will appear in the order from level 0 to the current level, however the order of intra-level symbols is undefined.
pub fn symbols(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'_ Value> + '_
self.kvstack.range(0..=self.current_generation).flat_map(|(_, v)| v.values())
/// All valid symbols **in** this level.
pub fn symbols_local(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'_ Value> + '_
OptionIterator::from(self.kvstack.get(&self.current_generation).map(|x| x.values()))
/// Remove the current level, but leave its memory allocated for further use.
pub fn pop(&mut self)
self.kvstack.entry(self.current_generation).or_insert_with(|| HashMap::new()).clear();
if self.current_generation > 0 {
/// Remove a symbol from the **current** level.
pub fn remove(&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<Value>
self.kvstack.entry(self.current_generation).or_insert_with(|| HashMap::new()).remove(name)
/// Insert a new value mapping into the current level.
pub fn insert(&mut self, name: String, value: Value)
self.kvstack.entry(self.current_generation).or_insert_with(|| HashMap::new()).insert(name, value);
/// Look up a symbol in this or any of the above levels.
pub fn lookup(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Value>
for (_, lvmap) in self.kvstack.range(0..=self.current_generation).rev()
let m = lvmap.get(name);
if m.is_some() {
return m;
/// Look up a symbol in this level.
pub fn lookup_local(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Value>
self.kvstack.get(&self.current_generation).map(|map| map.get(name)).flatten()
/// Create a new, empty level.
pub fn push(&mut self)
/// Remove the current level, deallocating any memory it was using.
pub fn pop_clear(&mut self)
if self.current_generation > 0 {
self.current_generation -=1;
} else {
self.kvstack.entry(0).or_insert_with(|| HashMap::new()).clear();
/// The value type
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum Value
impl Value
/// Parse from an iterator of `char`s.
pub fn parse_chars<T>(ch: &mut T) -> Result<Self, ValueParseError>
where T: Iterator<Item = char>
Some('(') => {
Some('"') => {
Some(first_chr) => {
_ => Err(ValueParseError(String::default())),
/// Parse a `Value` from this string and then return the rest of the string.
pub fn parse_running(s: &str) -> Result<(Self, &'_ str), ValueParseError>
match s.trim().as_bytes()
& [b'(', ..] => {
& [b'"', ..] => {
_ => {
impl FromStr for Value
type Err = ValueParseError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
Self::parse_running(s).map(|(x, _)| x)
impl Value
pub fn try_as_symbol(&self) -> Result<&str, ValueTypeError>
match self {
Self::Symbol(s) => Ok(&s[..]),
_ => Err(ValueTypeError::Symbol),
pub fn try_as_string(&self) -> Result<&str, ValueTypeError>
match self {
Self::Symbol(s) |
Self::String(s) => Ok(&s[..]),
_ => Err(ValueTypeError::String),
pub fn try_as_list(&self) -> Result<&[Value], ValueTypeError>
match self {
Self::List(l) => Ok(&l[..]),
_ => Err(ValueTypeError::List),
pub fn as_symbol(&self) -> Option<&str>
match self {
Self::Symbol(s) => Some(&s[..]),
_ => None,
pub fn as_string(&self) -> Option<&str>
match self {
Self::Symbol(s) |
Self::String(s) => Some(&s[..]),
_ => None,
pub fn as_list(&self) -> Option<&[Value]>
match self {
Self::List(l) => Some(&l[..]),
_ => None,
/// Error when using `try_as_*` functions on `Value`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Copy)]
pub enum ValueTypeError
/// Error when parsing a `Value` from a stirng.
pub struct ValueParseError(String);
impl error::Error for ValueParseError{}
impl fmt::Display for ValueParseError
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, "cannot parse {:?}", self.0)
impl error::Error for ValueTypeError{}
impl fmt::Display for ValueTypeError
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, "type error: expected ")?;
match self {
Self::Symbol => write!(f, "symbol"),
Self::String => write!(f, "string"),
Self::List => write!(f, "list"),
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
//! Defined commands
use super::*;
use env::*;
use command::*;
/// Contains all operations
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Operations
Reference in new issue