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//! Argument parsing and handling
use super::*;
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use config::Config;
/// Executable name
pub fn program_name() -> &'static str
lazy_static! {
static ref NAME: String = std::env::args().next().unwrap();
/// Print splash screen
#[inline] pub fn splash()
eprintln!("dirstat version {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
eprintln!("Made by {} with <3.\n Licensed with GPL v3.0 +", env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS"));
/// Print usage message
pub fn usage()
splash(); println!();
println!("{} [OPTIONS] [-] <paths...>", program_name());
println!("{} --help", program_name());
--recursive <number> Set max directory recursion depth limit (1 = No recursion (default), 0 = Unlimited recursion).
-r Set unlimited directory recursion depth. (same as `--recursive 0`).
--threads <number> Limit the maximum number of tasks allowed to process concurrently (Set to 0 for unlimited.)
-M Set number of parallel running tasks to unlimited. (Same as `--threads 0`).
-m Limit number of parallel tasks to the number of active CPU processors. (default).
- Stop parsing arguments, treat all the rest as paths.
--help Print this message and exit.
The first time a non-option argument is encountered, the program stops parsing arguments and assumes the rest of the arguments are paths.
If parallelism is set to unlimited, there can be a huge syscall overhead. It is recommended to use `-m` (which is default anyway).
/// Print usage message then exit with code 1.
pub fn help() -> !
/// Which mode to run in
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Mode
/// Parse command-line arguments
#[inline] pub fn parse_args() -> eyre::Result<Mode>
fn parse<I: IntoIterator<Item=String>>(args: I) -> eyre::Result<Mode>
let suggestion_intended_arg = || "If this was intended as a path instead of an option, use option `-` before it.";
let mut args = args.into_iter();
let mut cfg = Config::default();
let mut reading = true;
while let Some(opt) =
if reading {
match opt.trim()
"--help" => return Ok(Mode::Help),
"-" => reading = false,
"--threads" => {
let max =!("`--threads` expects a parameter"))
cfg.max_tasks = NonZeroUsize::new(max.parse::<usize>()
.wrap_err(eyre!("`--threads` expects a non-negative number"))
.with_section(move || max.header("Parameter given was"))?);
"-M" => cfg.max_tasks = None,
"-m" => {
cfg.max_tasks = config::max_tasks_cpus(); // this is the default, but it is possible an earlier command mutated it, so doing nothing here would be a bug for that corner case
"--recursive" => {
let max =!("`--recursive` expects a parameter"))
cfg.recursive = max.parse::<usize>()
.wrap_err(eyre!("`--recursive` expects a non-negative number"))
.with_section(move || max.header("Parameter given was"))?.into();
"-r" => cfg.recursive = config::Recursion::Unlimited,
_ => {
reading = false;
} else {