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//! Argument parsing and handling
use super::*;
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use std::fmt;
use config::Config;
mod parsing;
/// Executable name
pub fn program_name() -> &'static str
lazy_static! {
static ref NAME: String = std::env::args().next().unwrap();
/// Print splash screen
#[inline] pub fn splash()
eprintln!("dirstat version {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
eprintln!("Made by {} with <3.\n Licensed with GPL v3.0 +", env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS"));
const OPTIONS_NORMAL: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"--recursive <number> Set max directory recursion depth limit (1 = No recursion (default), 0 = Unlimited recursion).",
"-r Set unlimited directory recursion depth. (same as `--recursive 0`).",
"--threads <number> Limit the maximum number of tasks allowed to process concurrently (Set to 0 for unlimited.)",
"-M Set number of parallel running tasks to unlimited. (Same as `--threads 0`). (default).",
"-m Limit number of parallel tasks to the number of active CPU processors.",
"-q Quiet mode. Don't output info messages about successful `stat`ing.",
"-Q Silent mode. Don't output any messages.",
"-v Verbose mode. Output extra information.",
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] "--save <file> Dump the collected data to this file for further inspection.",
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] "-D Dump the collected data to `stdout` (see `--save`.)",
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] "--save-raw <file> Dump the collected data to this file uncompressed. (see `--save`.)",
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] "-R Dump the collected data to standard output uncompressed. (see `--save-raw`.)",
"- Stop parsing arguments, treat all the rest as paths.",
const NOTES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"The first time a non-option argument is encountered, the program stops parsing arguments and assumes the rest of the arguments are paths.",
"If parallelism is set to unlimited, there can be a huge syscall overhead. It is recommended to use `-m` in large runs.",
"Symlinks are ignored while collecting stat data. They will fail with message 'Unknown file type'. Symlinks are generally very small in the actual data they contain themselves, so this is *usually* unimportant.",
#[cfg(feature="inspect")] "\nThe save formats of `--save` (`-D`) and `--save-raw` (`-Dr`) are incompatible. The former is bzip2 compressed the latter is uncompressed.",
fn get_opt_normal() -> impl fmt::Display
struct Opt;
impl fmt::Display for Opt
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
for line in OPTIONS_NORMAL.iter()
writeln!(f, " {}", line)?;
/// Print usage message
pub fn usage()
splash(); println!();
println!("{} [OPTIONS] [-] <paths...>", program_name());
println!("{} --help", program_name());
--help Print this message and exit.
The first time a non-option argument is encountered, the program stops parsing arguments and assumes the rest of the arguments are paths.
If parallelism is set to unlimited, there can be a huge syscall overhead. It is recommended to use `-m`.
Symlinks are ignored while collection stat data. They will fail with message 'Unknown file type'. Symlinks are generally very small in the actual data they contain themselves, so this is *usually* unimportant.
"#, get_opt_normal());
/// Print usage message then exit with code 1.
pub fn help() -> !
/// Which mode to run in
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Mode
/// Parse command-line arguments
#[inline] pub fn parse_args() -> eyre::Result<Mode>
fn parse<I: IntoIterator<Item=String>>(args: I) -> eyre::Result<Mode>
//let mut cfg = config::Config::default();
let mut buffer = parsing::Output::new();
let mut args = args.into_iter();
while let Some(arg) =
match parsing::parse_next(&mut args, &mut buffer, arg)? {
parsing::Continue::No => {
parsing::consume(args, &mut buffer);
parsing::Continue::Abort(Some(change_to)) => return Ok(*change_to),
parsing::Continue::Abort(_) => break,
_ => (),