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//! Container for switching between un/encrypted stream
use super::*;
use std::mem;
use chacha20stream::{
Key, IV,
use tokio::io::AsyncWrite;
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
bool_type!(pub Encrypted; "Is the value encrypted?");
bool_type!(pub Encryption; "What way are we en/decrypting?" => Encrypt, Decrypt);
/// A wrapper `AsyncWrite` stream that allows switching between encrypted (chacha20stream) and plain stream writing.
/// # Polymorphic dispatching
/// While this type implements `AsyncWrite` itself, it is recommended to use the polymorphic mutable reference returned by `as_dyn_unpin_mut()` (or `as_dyn_mut()` for non-`Unpin` values of `S`) for writing if lots of `AsyncWrite` methods will be dispatched on the instance.
/// This will prevent the need to check the discriminant of the enum each time the `DualStream`'s `AsyncWrite` methods are polled.
/// The type implements `AsRef/Mut` for streams `S` that are both `Unpin` and not `Unpin` for convenience.
pub enum DualStream<S>
/// If there is a panic while switching modes, the stream is left in this invariant state.
/// Stream `S` is dropped if the instance is in this state.
/// Stream `S` is being written to through a chacha20stream `AsyncSink` stream cipher.
/// Stream `S` is being written to directly.
// We can use dynamic dispatching to prevent the need to check the enum's discriminant each time.
// We have `AsRef/Mut`s for normal and `Unpin` polymorphic `AsyncWrite`s
impl<'a, S: AsyncWrite + Unpin> AsRef<dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'a> for DualStream<S>
where S: 'a
fn as_ref(&self) -> &(dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'a)
impl<'a, S: AsyncWrite + Unpin> AsMut<dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'a> for DualStream<S>
where S: 'a
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut (dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'a)
impl<'a, S: AsyncWrite> AsRef<dyn AsyncWrite + 'a> for DualStream<S>
where S: 'a
fn as_ref(&self) -> &(dyn AsyncWrite + 'a)
impl<'a, S: AsyncWrite> AsMut<dyn AsyncWrite + 'a> for DualStream<S>
where S: 'a
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut (dyn AsyncWrite + 'a)
impl<'a, S: AsyncWrite + Unpin> DualStream<S>
where S: 'a
/// Convert this stream into an encrypted one.
/// # Notes
/// This method makes sure to `flush()` the encrypted stream before dropping the cipher.
/// # Panics
/// If initialising the cipher fails, this method will panic.
/// # Poisons
/// If this method panics, then the inner stream will be dropped and this instance will be set to `Poisoned`. This is (currently) irrecoverable.
pub async fn to_plain(&mut self) -> io::Result<()>
if !self.is_encrypted() {
// No need to do anything
return Ok(());
use tokio::prelude::*;
/// Convert this stream into an encrypted one.
/// # Notes
/// This method makes sure to `flush()` the encrypted stream before constructing the cipher.
/// # Panics
/// If initialising the cipher fails, this method will panic.
/// # Poisons
/// If this method panics, then the inner stream will be dropped and this instance will be set to `Poisoned`. This is (currently) irrecoverable.
pub async fn to_crypt(&mut self, enc: Encryption, key: Key, iv: IV) -> io::Result<()>
// NOTE: We can't skip this like `to_plain()` does by checking if the instance is already at `Encrypted` as the key/IV may differ.
use tokio::prelude::*;
self.to_crypt_now(enc, key, iv);
impl<'a, S: AsyncWrite> DualStream<S>
where S: Unpin + 'a
/// As an immutable dynamic object for `Unpin` streams.
pub fn as_dyn_unpin(&self) -> &(dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'a)
match self {
Self::Plain(p) => p,
Self::Encrypted(e) => e,
_ => panic!("Poisoned")
/// As a mutable dynamic object for `Unpin` streams
pub fn as_dyn_unpin_mut(&mut self) -> &mut (dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + 'a)
match self {
Self::Plain(p) => p,
Self::Encrypted(e) => e,
_ => panic!("Poisoned")
impl<'a, S: AsyncWrite> DualStream<S>
where S: 'a
/// Create a transparent wrapper
/// Identical to constructing the enum variant `Self::Plain` manually.
#[inline(always)] pub fn plain(stream: S) -> Self
/// Construct an encrypting wrapper over this stream
/// # Panics
/// If constructing the cipher fails
#[inline] pub fn encrypt(stream: S, key: Key, iv: IV) -> Self
Self::Encrypted(AsyncSink::encrypt(stream, key, iv).expect("Initialising cipher failed"))
/// Construct a decrypting wrapper over this stream
/// # Panics
/// If constructing the cipher fails
#[inline] pub fn decrypt(stream: S, key: Key, iv: IV) -> Self
Self::Encrypted(AsyncSink::decrypt(stream, key, iv).expect("Initialising cipher failed"))
/// Construct an encrypting or decrypting wrapper over this stream
/// # Panics
/// If constructing the cipher fails
#[inline(always)] pub fn crypt(stream: S, enc: Encryption, key: Key, iv: IV) -> Self
match enc {
Encryption::Encrypt => Self::encrypt(stream, key, iv),
Encryption::Decrypt => Self::decrypt(stream, key, iv),
/// Is this stream set to encrypted?
#[inline] pub fn is_encrypted(&self) -> bool
if let Self::Encrypted(_) = self {
} else {
/// Is this stream in an invalid state?
#[inline(always)] pub fn is_poisoned(&self) -> bool {
if let Self::Poisoned = self {
} else {
/// Move out of self, and in turn poison this insatance until self is assigned a proper value again.
#[inline(always)] fn poison(&mut self) -> Self
mem::replace(self, Self::Poisoned)
/// Immediately convert this stream into an encrypted one.
/// # Notes
/// Make sure to `flush()` the stream **before** calling this or data may be lost.
/// # Panics
/// If initialising the cipher fails, this method will panic.
/// # Poisons
/// If this method panics, then the inner stream will be dropped and this instance will be set to `Poisoned`. This is (currently) irrecoverable.
//TODO: in chacha20stream: Add `try_encrypt()`, `try_decrypt()` which both return `Result<Self, (S, Error)>`, to not lose the inner stream if the cipher fails to initialise.
#[inline] pub fn to_crypt_now(&mut self, enc: Encryption, key: Key, iv: IV)
let inner = match self.poison() {
Self::Encrypted(enc) => enc.into_inner(),
Self::Plain(inner) => inner,
_ => panic!("Poisoned"),
*self = Self::Encrypted(match enc {
Encryption::Encrypt => AsyncSink::encrypt(inner, key, iv),
Encryption::Decrypt => AsyncSink::decrypt(inner, key, iv),
}.expect("Initialising cipher failed"));
/// Immediately convert this stream into a plain one
/// # Notes
/// Make sure to `flush()` the stream **before** calling this or encrypted data may be lost.
/// # Panics
/// If dropping the cipher fails, this method will panic.
/// # Poisons
/// If this method panics, then the inner stream will be dropped and this instance will be set to `Poisoned`. This is (currently) irrecoverable.
#[inline] pub fn to_plain_now(&mut self)
*self = Self::Plain(match self.poison() {
Self::Plain(p) => p,
Self::Encrypted(e) => e.into_inner(),
_ => panic!("Poisoned"),
/// A mutable reference to the inner (plain) stream, whether this instance is set to encrypted or not.
pub fn inner_plain_mut(&mut self) -> &mut S
match self {
Self::Plain(p) => p,
Self::Encrypted(e) => e.inner_mut(),
_ => panic!("Poisoned")
/// A reference to the inner (plain) stream, whether this instance is set to encrypted or not.
pub fn inner_plain(&self) -> &S
match self {
Self::Plain(p) => p,
Self::Encrypted(e) => e.inner(),
_ => panic!("Poisoned")
/// Consume into the inner (plain) stream
#[inline] pub fn into_inner(self) -> S
match self {
Self::Plain(p) => p,
Self::Encrypted(e) => e.into_inner(),
_ => panic!("Poisoned")
/// As an immutable dynamic object
pub fn as_dyn(&self) -> &(dyn AsyncWrite + 'a)
match self {
Self::Plain(p) => p,
Self::Encrypted(e) => e,
_ => panic!("Poisoned")
/// As a mutable dynamic object
pub fn as_dyn_mut(&mut self) -> &mut (dyn AsyncWrite + 'a)
match self {
Self::Plain(p) => p,
Self::Encrypted(e) => e,
_ => panic!("Poisoned")
impl<S: AsyncWrite> AsyncWrite for DualStream<S>
fn poll_write(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<Result<usize, io::Error>> {
let obj = unsafe {
self.map_unchecked_mut(|this| this.as_dyn_mut())
obj.poll_write(cx, buf)
fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), io::Error>> {
let obj = unsafe {
self.map_unchecked_mut(|this| this.as_dyn_mut())
fn poll_shutdown(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), io::Error>> {
let obj = unsafe {
self.map_unchecked_mut(|this| this.as_dyn_mut())
mod tests
use tokio::prelude::*;
use chacha20stream::keygen;
/// Write the whole `input` buffer encrypted, switch to plain, then write the first 5 bytes of `input` again.
async fn wrapper_construct()
let input = "Hello world!";
let backing = Vec::new();
let (key, iv) = keygen();
let written = {
let mut wrapper = super::DualStream::Plain(backing);
// Encrypting
wrapper.to_crypt(super::Encryption::Encrypt, key, iv).await.unwrap();
// Plain
// Shutdown the stream and consume it.
eprintln!("Output bytes: {:?}", written);
eprintln!("Output attempted string: {:?}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&written[..]));
// TODO: Write a test using Tokio's `duplex` to read and write encrypted bytes on 2 tasks, then compare the output to the input afterwards