Added -z, -0, --nul, --delim <byte>, -I, --delim ifs: Set line seperator for stdin input and writing output to \0, or to a specific byte, or to the value of the IFS env var
write_opt!("-r","--recursive <limit>"=>"Recursively sort input files, up to `<limit>` (set to 0 for infniite); if limit is not specified, recursion is infinite")?;
write_opt!("-z","-0","--nul"=>"Seperate lines when reading/writing by the ascii NUL character (0) instead of a newline. This applies to reading input from `stdin` as well as writing output")?;
write_opt!("-I","--delim ifs"=>"Read the first byte of the IFS environment variable as the I/O line seperator.")?;
write_opt!("--delim <byte>"=>"Use this user-provided byte as the I/O line seperator")?;
write_opt!("-a","--atime"=>"Sort by atime")?;
write_opt!("-c","--ctime"=>"Sort by ctime (default)")?;