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// Scheduler
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector.h>
#include <pthread.h>
inline static size_t num_cpus() {
return sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN );
struct taskarg {
vec_t li;
sched_cb cb;
static void* _spawn(void* _arg)
struct taskarg* restrict arg = _arg;
return NULL;
bool sched_should(size_t ntasks)
register size_t num = num_cpus();
return (num > 1 && ntasks > 1);
bool sched_spawn(vec_t full, sched_cb callback, struct tasklist *restrict t_list)
register size_t spn = num_cpus() + 1;
if (spn > full.len) spn = full.len;
dprintf("Spawning %lu worker threads", spn);
// Split tasks
*t_list = (struct tasklist){
.argc = spn,
.argv = calloc(sizeof(struct taskarg), spn),
.tasks = calloc(sizeof(pthread_t), spn),
struct taskarg* tasklist = t_list->argv;
for(register int i=0;i<spn;i++) tasklist[i] = (struct taskarg){.li = vec_new_with_cap(full.element, full.len), .cb = callback };
for (register int i=0;i<full.len;i++)
vec_push(&tasklist[i%spn].li, vec_index(&full, i));
for(register int i=0;i<spn;i++)
if(pthread_create(&t_list->tasks[i], NULL, &_spawn, &tasklist[i]))
perror("Failed to spawn thread");
return false;
dprintf("Worker thead %d of %lu OK", i, spn);
return true;
void sched_wait(struct tasklist* restrict t_list)
dprintf("Waiting on %lu worker threads", t_list->argc);
for (size_t i=0;i<t_list->argc;i++) {
if(pthread_join(t_list->tasks[i], NULL)) {
perror("Failed to join thread");
dprintf("Joined thread %lu of %lu okay", i, t_list->argc);
dprintf("Freed args and thread handles okay");