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3 years ago
//! Various utility macros
/// Create a duration with time suffix `h`, `m`, `s`, `ms` or `ns`.
/// # Combination
/// These can also be combined.
/// ```
/// # use flan_utils::duration;
/// duration!(1 h, 20 m, 30 s);
/// ```
#[macro_export] macro_rules! duration
(0 $($_any:tt)?) => (::core::time::Duration::from_secs(0));
($dur:literal ms) => (::core::time::Duration::from_millis($dur));
($dur:literal ns) => (::core::time::Duration::from_nanos($dur));
($dur:literal s) => (::core::time::Duration::from_secs($dur));
($dur:literal m) => (::core::time::Duration::from_secs($dur * 60));
($dur:literal h) => (::core::time::Duration::from_secs($dur * 60 * 60));
( $($dur:literal $unit:tt),*)=> {
duration!(0 s) $(
+ duration!($dur $unit)
/// Create a `String` object from a literal.
/// ```
/// # use flan_utils::string;
/// let string = string!("Hello");
/// assert_eq!("Hello", string.as_str());
/// ```
#[macro_export] macro_rules! string {
($string:literal) => (::std::string::String::from($string));
/// A 'soft' assertion of the type `Result<(), impl Error + 'static>`.
/// # Return type
/// The error type created when the condition fails is an opaque ZST which implements `Debug, Clone, Copy, Display, Error`.
/// When formatted, it prints the assertion message provided (or "Assertion failed" if none was), as well as a `stringify!` of the failed condition.
/// It also has two methods:
/// ```ignore
/// /// The expression that failed as a string.
/// #[inline] pub const fn expression(&self) -> &'static str;
/// ```
/// ```ignore
/// /// The assertion message.
/// ///
/// /// If one was not provided, this will be "Assertion failed".
/// #[inline] pub const fn message(&self) -> &'static str;
/// ```
#[macro_export] macro_rules! soft_assert {
//TODO: Rework, change this back to $(; $message:literal)?, have "Assertion failed" always prepended to the write, and the message conditionally added to the `concat!()` and `self.message()` return the empty string when one was not present.
($cond:expr; $message:literal) => {
if !$cond {
use ::std::{fmt, error};
/// Opaque type created within macro `soft_assert`.
/// This type implements `std::{fmt::{Display, Debug}, error::Error}` and is a ZST which implements `Copy`.
/// It also has two methods:
/// ```ignore
/// /// The expression that failed as a string.
/// #[inline] pub const fn expression(&self) -> &'static str;
/// ```
/// ```ignore
/// /// The assertion message.
/// ///
/// /// If one was not provided, this will be "Assertion failed".
/// #[inline] pub const fn message(&self) -> &'static str;
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct SoftAssertionFailedError;
impl error::Error for SoftAssertionFailedError{}
impl fmt::Display for SoftAssertionFailedError
#[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, concat!($message, ": ", stringify!($cond)))
impl SoftAssertionFailedError
/// The expression that failed as a string.
#[inline] pub const fn expression(&self) -> &'static str
/// The assertion message.
/// If one was not provided, this will be "Assertion failed".
#[inline] pub const fn message(&self) -> &'static str
} else {
($cond:expr) => {
$crate::soft_assert!($cond; "Assertion failed")
mod tests
use crate::*;
fn duration()
use core::time::Duration;
assert_eq!(duration!(100 ms), Duration::from_millis(100));
assert_eq!(duration!(1 h, 20 m, 30 s), duration!(1 h) + duration!(20 m) + duration!(30 s));
assert_eq!(duration!(3 s, 20 ms, 100 ns), Duration::from_nanos(100) + Duration::from_millis(20) + Duration::from_secs(3));
fn sort_assert()
let arr = [100; 12];
let ass = soft_assert!(arr.len() == 12);
println!("Ass (expect true): {:?}", ass);
ass.expect("ass 1 expected true");
let ass = soft_assert!(arr[0] - 50 != 50);
println!("Ass (expect false): {:?}", ass);
ass.expect_err("ass 1 expected false");
if let Err(err) = soft_assert!(arr[0] - 50 > arr[1]; "Assertion failed: Element was too small")
println!("Ass err `message()`: {}", err.message());
println!("Ass err `expression()`: {}", err.expression());
println!("\n-> {}", err);
} else {
panic!("ass 3 expected false");
fn string()
let string: String = string!("Hello world");
assert_eq!(&string[..], "Hello world");