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//! The available formats to convert
use super::*;
use std::io;
use object::{
Object, OwnedObject,
pub struct Config;
/// A directive for a format on how to encode and decode objects.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct FormatDirective
encode: fn (&Config, &mut dyn io::Write, &dyn Object) -> io::Result<usize>,
decode: fn (&Config, &mut dyn io::Read) -> io::Result<(OwnedObject<'static>, usize)>,
macro_rules! directive {
($($name:literal),+ => $encode:expr, $decode:expr) => {
(&[$($name),+], FormatDirective {
encode: $encode,
decode: $decode,
/// All format directives and their name(s)
pub static FORMATS: &[(&'static [&'static str], FormatDirective)] = &[
directive!("json" => |_, _, _| todo!(), |_, _| todo!()),
directive!("s-expression", "sexpr" => |_, _, _| todo!(), |_, _| todo!()),
directive!("cbor" => |_, _, _| todo!(), |_, _| todo!()),