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//! Error handling, reporting and propagating.
//! Allows us to take advantage of `Result<T,E>` and interop idiomatic Rust error reporing with the ffi C functions' error reporting.
//! Functions returning or constructing `GHOST_TSuccess` will be able to be taken advantage of to be propagated and reported better.
//! See [`GhostResult`] for more information.
use super::*;
use std::{
/// A result that returns potentially an error. In the form of `GHOST_TSuccess`.
/// # Usage
/// Its function is to provide more ergonomic error handling for Rust code, while still being able to easily interface with the C code.
/// # Propagating
/// Can be used to use `?` operator on functions returning `GHOST_TSuccess`.
/// When building on nightly, the following is possible.
/// ```
/// # use ghost::{error::GhostResult, c::GHOST_TSuccess};
/// extern "C" {fn returns_tsuccess() -> GHOST_TSuccess;}
/// fn try_things_internal() -> GHOST_TSuccess
/// {
/// unsafe {
/// returns_tsuccess()?;
/// }
/// GHOST_TSuccess::Success
/// }
/// fn caller()
/// {
/// match try_things_internal() {
/// GHOST_TSuccess::Success => println!("Yay!"),
/// GHOST_TSuccess::Failure => panic!("Fug"),
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// On stable, it must be rewritten a bit differently, however:
/// ```
/// # use ghost::{error::GhostResult, c::GHOST_TSuccess};
/// extern "C" {fn returns_tsuccess() -> GHOST_TSuccess;}
/// fn try_things_internal() -> GhostResult
/// {
/// unsafe {
/// returns_tsuccess()?;
/// }
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// fn caller()
/// {
/// match try_things_internal() {
/// Ok(_) => println!("Yay!"),
/// Err(_) => panic!("Fug"),
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// The bottom scenario is preferrable for Rust, as we are using `Result<T,E>` instead of an integer.
/// # When to use
/// This type should be preferred in Rust code, and `GHOST_TSuccess` preferred when doing a lot of FFI at once.
/// # Notes
/// *Usually* the internal result will be `()`. But idk if that will always be the case so it's still possible to set.
pub type GhostResult<T = ()> = Result<T, GhostError>;
/// Error type for failed GHOST calls.
/// As of yet it doesn't contain any information and is just an opaque zero-sized structure.
pub struct GhostError(());
impl error::Error for GhostError{}
impl fmt::Display for GhostError
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, "GHOST function call failed")
impl From<types::GHOST_TSuccess> for GhostResult
#[inline] fn from(from: types::GHOST_TSuccess) -> Self
impl From<GhostResult> for types::GHOST_TSuccess
#[inline] fn from(from: GhostResult) -> Self
impl fmt::Display for types::GHOST_TSuccess
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
match self {
Self::Failure => write!(f, "Failure"),
Self::Success => write!(f, "Success"),
impl std::ops::Try for types::GHOST_TSuccess
type Ok = ();
type Error = GhostError;
fn into_result(self) -> Result<Self::Ok, Self::Error>
fn from_error(_: Self::Error) -> Self
fn from_ok(_: Self::Ok) -> Self
impl types::GHOST_TSuccess
/// Consume this instance into `Result<(), GhostError>`.
pub const fn into_result(self) -> GhostResult
match self {
types::GHOST_TSuccess::Success => Ok(()),
types::GHOST_TSuccess::Failure => Err(GhostError(())),
/// Convert a `GhostResult` into `GHOST_TSuccess`.
pub const fn from_result(from: GhostResult) -> Self
match from {
Ok(_) => Self::Success,
Err(_) => Self::Failure,