/// Get the size of this cow area by assuming layout. This should work assuming "cow_t.h"'s build assertions didn't fail and avoids an extra call.
/// XXX: Deprecated function unpon seeing preferable codegen for using `cow_size()` over this. Use `cow_size()` instead.
#define cow_size_unsafe(v) cow_size(v)
#define _cow_size_unsafe(v) cow_size(v)
// XXX: This macro is *VERY* ABI sensitive. This shouldn't be used if the ABI has changed since the build of libcow's `cow_t.h` passed its static assertions in *both* the C and C++ implementations.
// The C++ API uses this by default for its `Cow::size()` function.
/// Note: This behaviour can be diabled by building with `-DCOW_NO_ASSUME_ABI`. In this case, this function calls out to the C API to determine the size.
/// There is also likely no benefit using this over `size()` in LTO enabled builds.