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#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <cow.h>
#define LIKELY(ex) __builtin_expect(!!(ex), 1)
#define UNLIKELY(ex) __builtin_expect(!!(ex), 0)
#define box(t) aligned_alloc(_Alignof(t), sizeof(t))
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(COW_TRACE)
#define TRACE(msg, ...) (fprintf(stderr, "<libcow> [TRACE] %s->%s():%d: " msg "\n", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__), (void)0)
#define TRACE(msg, ...) ((void)0)
#if !defined(COW_NO_ASSERT)
#define ASSERT(expr, msg) do { if(!(expr)) die("assertion failed: `" #expr "`: " msg); } while(0)
#define ASSERT(op, msg) ((void)0)
#define LASSERT(expr, msg) ASSERT(LIKELY(expr), "(unexpected) " msg)
#define UASSERT(expr, msg) ASSERT(UNLIKELY(expr), "(expected) " msg)
// struct cow { ... }
#include "cow_t.h"
#include "error.h"
static __attribute__((noreturn)) __attribute__((noinline)) __attribute__((cold)) void die(const char* error)
fprintf(stderr, "<libcow> [FATAL]: ");
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n (no matching errno, try compiling with `-DCOW_TRACE` and/or `-DDEBUG`)\n", error);
static inline cow_t* box_value(cow_t v)
cow_t* boxed = box(cow_t);
LASSERT(boxed != NULL, "aligned_alloc() returned `NULL` for `cow_t`");
TRACE("boxing cow_t { origin = %p, fd = 0x%x, size = %lu } -> %p (%lu bytes)", v.origin, v.fd, v.size, (const void*)boxed, sizeof(cow_t));
*boxed = v;
LASSERT(cow_ptr(boxed) == boxed->origin, "ptr extraction mismatch. this should never happen (check origin field offset)");
return boxed;
static inline int shm_fd(size_t size)
_Thread_local static char buffer[12] = {0};
snprintf(buffer, 11, "0x%08lx", size);
//fprintf(stderr, "shm_fd_name: '%s'\n", buffer);
// XXX: Not entirely sure how ownership works for the string passed here... Let's not.
int fd = memfd_create(buffer, 0);
int fd = memfd_create("cow_create:shm_fd", 0);
if(fd<=0) die("cow_create:shm_fd:memfd_create");
if(ftruncate(fd, size) != 0) die("cow_create:shm_fd:ftruncate");
return fd;
static inline int cow_real_fd(const cow_t* cow)
return cow->fd & INT_MAX;
int cow_is_fake(const cow_t* cow)
return cow->fd<0;
size_t cow_size(const cow_t* cow)
return cow->size;
inline internal cow_t _cow_create_unboxed(size_t size)
cow_t ret;
ret.error = COW_POISON_NONE;
ret.size = size;
ret.fd = shm_fd(size);
ret.origin = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, ret.fd, 0);
if(ret.origin == MAP_FAILED) die("cow_create:mmap");
TRACE("mapped new origin cow page of %lu size at %p (memfd %d)", size, ret.origin, ret.fd);
return ret;
cow_t* cow_create(size_t size)
return box_value(_cow_create_unboxed(size));
inline internal void _cow_free_unboxed(const cow_t* cow)
TRACE("unmapping %s cow of %lu size from %p (fd %d, real fd %d)", cow_is_fake(cow) ? "fake" : "and closing fd of origin", cow->size, cow->origin, cow->fd, cow_real_fd(cow));
munmap(cow->origin, cow->size);
void cow_free(cow_t* restrict cow)
cow_t* cow_clone(const cow_t* cow)
cow_t clone;
clone.error = COW_POISON_NONE;
clone.origin = mmap(cow->origin, cow->size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, cow_real_fd(cow), 0);
if(clone.origin == MAP_FAILED) die("cow_clone:mmap");
clone.fd = (~INT_MAX) | cow->fd;
clone.size = cow->size;
TRACE("mapped cloned cow page of %lu size from %p (%s) at %p (clone fd %d, parent fd %d, real fd %d)", clone.size, cow->origin, cow_is_fake(cow) ? "fake" : "origin", clone.origin, clone.fd, cow->fd, cow_real_fd(&clone));
return box_value(clone);