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#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include "exopt.h"
#define _EO_CONSTANT_VALUE(X) ([] { \
struct { \
typedef decltype(X) comptime_constant_t; \
consteval operator comptime_constant_t() const noexcept { return (X); } \
} inner; \
return inner; \
namespace exopt { namespace util [[gnu::visibility("internal")]] {
template<typename T, typename U>
concept comptime = std::convertible_to<T, U> and requires{
typename T::comptime_constant_t;
constexpr auto comptime_value(auto value) noexcept {
using U = decltype(value);
struct inner {
typedef U comptime_constant_t;
consteval operator comptime_constant_t() const noexcept { return std::move(value); }
U value;
constexpr inner(std::add_rvalue_reference_t<U> m) noexcept : value(std::move(m)) {}
constexpr ~inner() = default;
return inner{ std::move(value) };
static_assert(comptime_value(std::string_view{"hello"}.size()) == 5, "Bad comptime_value()");
static_assert(_EO_CONSTANT_VALUE(std::string_view{"hello world"}) == std::string_view{"hello world"}, "Bad CONSTANT_VALUE()");
} }