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//! Salt for the digest `Context` (see module `ctx`)
//! # Salt kinds
//! * Hard-coded embedded 32 byte salt (default)
//! * Fixed compile time or global static 32 byte salt
//! * Fixed runtime 32 byte salt
//! * Dynamically sized runtime salt
//! * No salt
//! You can also generate a random salt at runtime with `Salt::random()` which uses `getrandom`'s RNG to create a fixed 32 bytes salt.
//! # Method of salting
//! The salt is fed into the hashing function directly after the data.
//! # FFI note
//! When generating a dynamic salt from an FFI context, there is a hard limit of 1024 bytes for safety reasons. This is more than enough data for a salt.
#[cfg(feature="ffi")] use malloc_array::*;
use getrandom::{
use hex_literal::hex;
use std::{
/// The static salt size. (32 bytes.)
/// When providing a compile-time or otherwise global salt, it must be of this size.
pub const SIZE: usize = 32;
/// The default embedded static salt.
/// It is recommended to use your own salt instead of this one, but this is used as the default if a salt option is not provided.
/// # Guarantee
/// This salt is guaranteed stay the same throughout all versions and iterations of this library.
/// It was randomly generated as the 32 bytes hex literal `hex!("6787f049791466d5a31a3aa6f7138d8fbb907fd1785758298b5c97b0f3fb31ff")`.
pub static EMBEDDED_SALT: &'static [u8; SIZE] = STATIC_SALT;
const STATIC_SALT: &[u8; SIZE] = &hex!("6787f049791466d5a31a3aa6f7138d8fbb907fd1785758298b5c97b0f3fb31ff");
/// A salt to use for the kana-hash algorithm, or lack thereof.
/// It is recommended to provide your own salt, but the default `EMBEDDED_SALT` can be used instead.
pub enum Salt
/// Do not salt the hash at all
/// Salt with a compile-time, global, or leaked 32 byte array
Static(&'static [u8; SIZE]),
/// Salt with a runtime 32 byte array
Fixed([u8; SIZE]),
/// Salt with a runtime dynamic boxed byte slice of any size (must be at least 1)
impl Default for Salt
fn default() -> Self
impl Salt
/// A fixed size salt of [SIZE]
pub fn fixed(array: [u8; SIZE]) -> Self
/// A salt from a slice
pub fn unfixed<T>(slice: &T) -> Self
where T: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized
let slice = slice.as_ref();
assert!(slice.len() > 0, "Salt expects at least one byte.");
/// No salt
pub const fn none() -> Self
/// Try to create a random salt
pub fn random() -> Result<Self, Error>
let mut buffer = [0u8; SIZE];
getrandom(&mut buffer[..])?;
/// The default embedded salt
pub const fn internal() -> Self
/// Get the raw bytes of this salt
pub fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8]
match &self {
Self::Fixed(ar) => &ar[..],
Self::Dynamic(vec) => &vec[..],
Self::Static(s) => &s[..],
_ => &[],
/// Append salt bytes to a stream.
pub fn append<W: Write+?Sized>(&self, to: &mut W) -> io::Result<usize>
pub(crate) struct FFI
salt_type: u8,
size: u32,
body: *mut u8,
pub(crate) const SALT_TYPE_NONE: u8 = 0;
pub(crate) const SALT_TYPE_DEFAULT: u8 = 1;
pub(crate) const SALT_TYPE_SPECIFIC: u8 = 2;
pub(crate) const SALT_TYPE_RANDOM: u8 = 3;
/// We won't try to copy more than this much data.
const MAX_FFI_SALT_SIZE: usize = 1024;
/// Clone a new `Salt` from an `FFI` salt.
#[cfg(feature="ffi")] pub(crate) unsafe fn clone_from_raw(ptr: *const FFI) -> Salt
let ffi = &*ptr;
match ffi.salt_type {
SALT_TYPE_SPECIFIC if ffi.size > 0 => {
Salt::Dynamic(HeapArray::from_raw_copied(ffi.body as *const u8, usize::try_from(ffi.size).unwrap()).into_boxed_slice())
_ => Salt::None,
/// Consume an `FFI` salt and return a `Salt`.
#[cfg(feature="ffi")] pub(crate) unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *mut FFI) -> Salt
let ffi = &mut *ptr;
let out = match ffi.salt_type {
SALT_TYPE_SPECIFIC if ffi.size > 0 => {
Salt::Dynamic(HeapArray::from_raw_parts(ffi.body as *mut u8, usize::try_from(ffi.size).unwrap()).into_boxed_slice())
_ => Salt::None,
ffi.salt_type = SALT_TYPE_NONE;
ffi.size = 0;
ffi.body = 0 as *mut u8;
/// Consume a `Salt` and output a new `FFI` salt.
#[cfg(feature="ffi")] pub(crate) unsafe fn into_raw(salt: Salt) -> FFI
unsafe fn allocate(slice: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> FFI
let (body, size) = box_with_malloc(slice);
size: size.try_into().unwrap(),
match &salt {
Salt::None => FFI {
salt_type: SALT_TYPE_NONE,
size: 0,
body: 0 as *mut u8,
Salt::Static(STATIC_SALT) => FFI {
size: 0,
body: 0 as *mut u8,
Salt::Dynamic(bytes) => allocate(&bytes),
Salt::Fixed(bytes) | &Salt::Static(bytes) => allocate(&bytes),
#[cfg(feature="ffi")] fn box_with_malloc(slice: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> (*mut u8, usize)
unsafe { HeapArray::from_slice_copied(slice) }.into_raw_parts()