You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

176 lines
4.4 KiB

use std::{
type HASHER = hash::Crc64Checksum;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn it_works() -> Result<(), error::Error>
let input = b"lolis are super ultra mega cute";
let kana = generate(input, salt::Salt::default())?;
println!("kana: {}", kana);
assert_eq!(kana, "ワイトひはっトと");
fn ffi() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
unsafe {
unsafe fn work_with_salt(salt: salt::Salt) -> Result<String, error::Error> {
let input = b"lolis are super ultra mega cute";
let salt = salt::into_raw(salt);
// Simulate ffi call;
let mut sz: libc::size_t = 0;
assert_eq!(GENERIC_SUCCESS, _kana_length(&input[0] as *const u8 as *const libc::c_void, input.len(), salt as *const libc::c_void, &mut sz as *mut size_t));
assert_eq!(sz, 24);
let mut output = malloc_array::heap![unsafe u8; sz];
assert_eq!(GENERIC_SUCCESS, _kana_do(&input[0] as *const u8 as *const libc::c_void, input.len(), salt as *mut libc::c_void, output.as_ptr_mut() as *mut libc::c_char, sz));
let string = std::str::from_utf8(&output[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!("けほほぇほょすゆ", work_with_salt(salt::Salt::None)?);
assert_eq!("ワイトひはっトと", work_with_salt(salt::Salt::default())?);
pub const BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 4096;
mod array;
mod reinterpret;
mod ext;
use ext::*;
mod group; //unused
mod sixteen;
use sixteen::Bit16IterExt;
mod def;
mod map;
mod salt;
mod hash;
mod provider;
mod mnemonic;
mod error;
mod ffi;
use ffi::*;
fn compute<T: Read, Digest: provider::ByteProvider>(mut from: T, salt: salt::Salt) -> Result<(usize, String), error::Error>
let (read, hash) = provider::compute::<_, Digest>(&mut from, salt)?;
println!("hash ({}): {}", read, hash);
let mut output = String::with_capacity(128);
for element in hash.bytes().iter()
.map(|bytes| mnemonic::Digest::new(unsafe{reinterpret::bytes(&bytes)}))
write!(output, "{}", element)?;
pub fn generate<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(bytes: T, salt: salt::Salt) -> Result<String, error::Error>
let bytes = bytes.as_ref();
let mut nbytes = bytes;
let (ok, string) = compute::<_, HASHER>(&mut nbytes,salt)?;
if ok == bytes.len() {
} else {
return Err(error::Error::Length{expected: bytes.len(), got: ok});
use std::ffi::c_void;
use libc::{
use malloc_array::{
// FFI section
/// Calculate the length in bytes of a kana hash output.
/// # Note
/// Does not consume `salt`
pub unsafe extern "C" fn _kana_length(bin: *const c_void, sz: size_t, salt: *const c_void, out_len: *mut size_t) -> i32
try error::Error::Unknown;
let bin = HeapArray::<u8>::from_raw_copied(bin as *const u8, usize::from(sz));
let string = c_try!(generate(&bin, salt::clone_from_raw(salt as *const salt::FFI)));
*out_len = string.bytes().len().into();
/// Compute and write a kana hash output to a string.
/// # Note
/// Consumes `salt`
pub unsafe extern "C" fn _kana_do(bin: *const c_void, sz: size_t, salt: *mut c_void, out_str: *mut c_char, str_len: size_t) -> i32
try error::Error::Unknown;
let bin = HeapArray::<u8>::from_raw_copied(bin as *const u8, usize::from(sz));
let string: Vec<u8> = c_try!(generate(&bin, salt::from_raw(salt as *mut salt::FFI))).bytes().collect();
libc::memcpy(out_str as *mut c_void, &string[0] as *const u8 as *const c_void, std::cmp::min(str_len, string.len()));
/// Free a salt allocated with `_kana_new_salt`
pub unsafe extern "C" fn _kana_free_salt(salt: *mut c_void) -> i32
drop(salt::from_raw(salt as *mut salt::FFI));
/// Create a new salt
pub unsafe extern "C" fn _kana_new_salt(bin: *const c_void, sz: size_t, nptr: *mut *const c_void) -> i32
try error::Error::Unknown;
let nptr = nptr as *mut *const salt::FFI;
if bin.is_null() {
*nptr = salt::into_raw(salt::Salt::default());
} else if sz == 0 {
*nptr = salt::into_raw(salt::Salt::None);
} else {
let bin = HeapArray::<u8>::from_raw_copied(bin as *const u8, usize::from(sz));
*nptr = salt::into_raw(salt::Salt::unfixed(&bin[..]));