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(in-package :kana-hash)
(define-condition kana-hash-error (error)
((msg :initarg :msg
:reader messig))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "~a" (messig condition)))))
(defun handle-kana-hash-error (error-code)
(error 'kana-hash-error :msg
((= error-code KHASH_ERROR_IO) "IO Error")
((= error-code KHASH_ERROR_FORMAT) "Format Error")
((= error-code KHASH_ERROR_LENGTH) "Length Error")
((= error-code KHASH_ERROR_RNG) "RNG Error")
((= error-code KHASH_ERROR_UNKNOWN) "Unknown Error"))))
(defmacro with-success (thing function &body body)
`(multiple-value-bind (return-code ,thing) ,function
(if (= KHASH_SUCCESS return-code)
(progn ,@body)
(error 'kana-hash-error (handle-kana-hash-error return-code)))))
(defmacro with-context ((ctx algo salt-type salt) &body body)
`(multiple-value-bind (return-code ,ctx) (ffi-khash-new-context ,algo ,salt-type ,salt)
(unless (= KHASH_SUCCESS return-code)
(error 'kana-hash-error (handle-kana-hash-error return-code)))
(when ,ctx
(ffi-khash-free-context ,ctx)))))
(defun make-hash (string &key (algo +algo-default+) (salt-type +salt-default+) salt
&aux (salt (or salt nil)))
(when salt
(setf salt-type +salt-specific+))
(unless salt
(setf salt (format nil "~a" salt)))
(with-context (ctx algo salt-type salt)
(with-success hash-length (ffi-khash-length ctx string)
(with-success kana-hash (ffi-khash-do ctx string hash-length)
(setf ctx nil)
(export 'make-hash)