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;; ISS3 config template
(native cfg)
(native perm)
(defparameter *all* '(listing images encrypted-listing encrypted-images add edit super))
(database (prompt "Enter (pathname" :string))
(port (prompt "Enter port" :integer))
(password nil)
(welcome "ISS v3 server.")
(key 123456789ABCDEFF)
(permissions ;;You can also set file like (permissions "file.lisp")
(:default '(listing images)) ;;default
(permission-entry :name "entry 1" :public-key 123456789ABCDEFF :level *all*)
(permission-entry :name "entry 2" :password (sha1 "this is password") :level '(listing images encrypted-listing encrypted-images))
(permission-entry :name "entry 2.5" :password 123456789ABCDEFF :level '(listing images encrypted-listing encrypted-images))
(permission-entry :name "entry 3" :public-key (keyfile "filename") :level *all*)
(permission-entry :name "entry 3.5" :public-key (keyfile "filename" base64) :level *all*) ;;call base64() on file
(permission-entry :name "entry 4" :public-key (base64 "insert thing here") :level *all*)))))