debug_assert!(u64::try_from(size).is_ok(),"Output file too large, would exceed unsigned 64bit integer");
// - `fallocate` the output file fd to the sum of all input file sizes
// - `mmap` the output file as writable
// - create state
letstate: state::State={todo!()};
// - spawn the task thread pool
// - move the output mapped file to the thread-safe refcounted `state::State`.
// - dispatch jobs to the pool with their fds, stats, and calculated output offsets; along with a reference to the output mapped file and a sender for the completion stream (`job::Prelude::start`)
// - truncate the output file to the correct size (sum of all the input sizes) if needed (we do not truncate before fallocate()ing it, so if a previous larger file existed there, it will have trailing garbage)