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41 lines
879 B

use super::*;
use job::Job;
use std::io::{self, Read};
use std::fmt;
pub fn work_on(job: &mut Job) -> io::Result<usize>
let output = job.output_slice();
let output = unsafe {
// SAFETY: Required because the compiler thinks we're mutably borrowing the same data later on, even though they are unrelated fields of the struct
std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(output.as_mut_ptr(), output.len())
let mut read=0;
while read < job.len() {
match output[read..])? {
0 => break,
current => read+=current,
pub fn output_if_able<T, D>(ar: &mut T)
where T: AsMut<[job::Status<D>]> + ?Sized,
D: fmt::Display
let slice = ar.as_mut();
for item in slice.iter_mut()
if item.is_pending() {
} else {
if let Some(item) = item.take() {
println!("{}", item);