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#[macro_export] macro_rules! unwrap {
(return $($code:expr)?; $err:expr) => {
match $err {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error: {}", e);
let rc = -1;
$(let rc = $code;)?
mod state;
mod pool;
mod map;
mod job;
mod work;
mod arg;
mod open;
mod consts;
fn work(arg::Operation{output, inputs}: arg::Operation) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
// todo:
// - create and open output file
let output = open::output(output)?;
// - open and stat all input files in order (`job::create_from_file`).
// - `fallocate` the output file fd to the sum of all input file sizes
// - `mmap` the output file as writable
// - spawn the task thread pool
// - move the output mapped file to the thread-safe refcounted `state::State`.
// - dispatch jobs to the pool with their fds, stats, and calculated output offsets; along with a reference to the output mapped file and a sender for the completion stream (`job::Prelude::start`)
// - Read the completion stream receiver until all file jobs have been signaled as completed
// - wait on all worker threads to complete.
// - ensure all data was written.
fn main() {
match arg::parse_args() {
Ok(op) => unwrap!(return 1; work(op)),
Err(arg::ArgParseError::NoOutput) => arg::usage(),