Started `file` module: Will have file interfaces from `memfd`: `ManagedFD`, `UnmanagedFD`, and `MemoryFile`.

Fortune for mapped-file's current commit: Small curse − 小凶
Avril 3 years ago
parent 5ba18c9358
commit d3cc7b45a5
Signed by: flanchan
GPG Key ID: 284488987C31F630

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
//! Useful for C-interop
use super::*;
macro_rules! c_try {
($call:expr => $invalid:literal; $fmt:literal $(, $args:expr)*) => {
fn _panic_bad_c_call<'a>(args: ::std::fmt::Arguments<'a>) -> !
panic!("C call failed (invalid return {}): {}", $invalid, args)
let res = unsafe { $call };
if res == $invalid {
_panic_bad_c_call(format_args!($fmt $(, $args)*))
($call:expr => if $func:expr; $fmt:literal $(, $args:expr)*) => {
fn _panic_bad_c_call<'a, T: ::std::fmt::Display>(invalid: T, args: ::std::fmt::Arguments<'a>) -> !
panic!("C call failed (invalid return {}): {}", invalid, args)
let res = unsafe { $call };
if $func(res) {
_panic_bad_c_call(res, format_args!($fmt $(, $args)*));
(? $call:expr => if $func:expr; $fmt:literal $(, $args:expr)*) => {
let res = unsafe { $call };
if $func(res) {
Err(FFIError::from_last_error(res, format_args!($fmt $(, $args)*)))
} else {
(? $call:expr => $invalid:literal; $fmt:literal $(, $args:expr)*) => {
let res = unsafe { $call };
if res == $invalid {
Err(FFIError::from_last_error($invalid, format_args!($fmt $(, $args)*)))
} else {
/* Eh... Idk why this doesn't work...
($call:expr => {$($invalid:pat $(if $pred:pat)?),+} => $fmt:literal $(, $args:expr)*) => {
fn _panic_bad_c_call<'a, T: ::std::fmt::Display>(invalid: T, args: ::std::fmt::Arguments<'a>) -> !
panic!("C call failed (invalid return {}): {}", invalid, args)
let res = $call;
match res {
$($invalid $(if $pred)? => _panic_bad_c_call(res, format_args!($fmt $(, $args)*))),*
x => x,
pub(crate) use c_try;
/// Error context for a failed C call.
/// Returns the invalid return value, the `errno` error, and a message.
pub(crate) struct FFIError<'a, T>(T, io::Error, fmt::Arguments<'a>);
impl<'a, T> FFIError<'a, T>
where FFIError<'a, T>: error::Error
fn from_last_error(value: T, arguments: fmt::Arguments<'a>) -> Self
Self(value, io::Error::last_os_error(), arguments)
impl<'a, T> AsRef<io::Error> for FFIError<'a, T>
fn as_ref(&self) -> &io::Error {
impl<'a, T> FFIError<'a, T>
/// A reference to the value
pub fn value(&self) -> &T
/// Clone an instance of the value
pub fn to_value(&self) -> T
where T: Clone
/// Consume into the value
pub fn into_value(self) -> T
/// Consume into a recursive 2-tuple of `((value, error), message)`.
pub fn into_parts(self) -> ((T, io::Error), impl fmt::Display + fmt::Debug + 'a)
((self.0, self.1), self.2)
/// A reference to the inner OS error
pub fn error(&self) -> &io::Error
/// Get a reference to an opaque type that can be formatted into the message
pub fn message(&self) -> &(impl fmt::Display + fmt::Debug + 'a)
/// Consume an opaque type that can be formatted into the message
pub fn into_message(self) -> impl fmt::Display + fmt::Debug + 'a
/* This doesn't work...
/// Render any referenced arguments in the message into a string, reducing the lifetime requirement of the message to `'static`.
/// # Notes
/// If `T` is not also `'static`, then the resulting instance will not be `'static` itself. If `T` is not `'static`, use `into_owned()` instead.
pub fn message_into_owned(self) -> FFIError<'static, T>
FFIError(self.0, self.1, format_args!("{}", self.2.to_string()))
/// Clone any referenced arguments of the message and the value into a non-referential object, reducing the lifetime requirements of the returned instance to `'static`.
pub fn into_owned(self) -> FFIError<'static, T::Owned>
where T: ToOwned,
T::Owned: 'static
FFIError(self.0.to_owned(), self.1, format_args!("{}", self.2.to_string()))
impl<'a, T> error::Error for FFIError<'a, T>
where FFIError<'a, T>: fmt::Display + fmt::Debug
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
impl<'a, T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Display for FFIError<'a, T>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, "C call failed (invalid return {:?}): {}", self.0, &self.2)
impl<'a, T> From<FFIError<'a, T>> for io::Error
fn from(from: FFIError<'a, T>) -> Self

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
//! Types for, and operations on file descriptors. Useful for mapping
use super::*;
/// Raw file-descriptor for standard input
pub const STDIN_FILENO: RawFd = libc::STDIN_FILENO;
/// Raw file-descriptor for standard output
pub const STDOUT_FILENO: RawFd = libc::STDOUT_FILENO;
/// Raw file-descriptor for standard error
pub const STDERR_FILENO: RawFd = libc::STDERR_FILENO;
mod managed;
mod unmanaged;
pub use self::{
pub mod memory;
mod tests
use super::*;
fn std_in_out_err_fileno()
fn test_fileno<const EXPECTED: RawFd>(expected_name: &'static str, got: RawFd)
assert_eq!(EXPECTED, got, "{expected_name} invalid: expected: {EXPECTED}, got {got}");
test_fileno::<STDIN_FILENO>("STDIN_FILENO", std::io::stdin().as_raw_fd());
test_fileno::<STDOUT_FILENO>("STDOUT_FILENO", std::io::stdout().as_raw_fd());
test_fileno::<STDERR_FILENO>("STDERR_FILENO", std::io::stderr().as_raw_fd());

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
//! Represents a managed `RawFd`.
//! This will `close()` its contained `RawFd` on drop.
//! Can be useful for OS operations on file descriptors without leaking open fds.
use super::*;
use std::{
use libc::{
dup, dup2,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct ManagedFD(RawFd);
impl Clone for ManagedFD {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self(c_try!(dup(self.0) => if |x| x < 0; "dup(): failed to duplicate file descriptor {}", self.0))
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) {
c_try!(dup2(self.0, source.0) => -1; "dup2(): failed to set file descriptor {} to alias {}", self.0, source.0);
impl ops::Drop for ManagedFD
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
//TODO: implement the rest of ManagedFD from `memfd` module in `utf8encode`

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
//! Provides physical in-memory file descriptors.
//! This can be useful for temporary buffers where a file descriptor is required.
//! Huge-pages can also be used for this memory.
use super::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct MemoryFile(ManagedFD);
mod hugetlb;
//TODO: implement `memfd` (and its hugetlb interface, extracted to ``) from `utf8encode`.

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
//! Huge-page interface for `MemoryFile`.
use super::*;
//TODO: implement `memfd`'s hugetlb interface from `utf8encode` here.

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
//! Provides a wrapper over `RawFd` that does not close it on drop.
//! This can be useful for aliasing file descriptors.
use super::*;
/// Represents a `RawFd` but does not provide any ownership of it.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct UnmanagedFD(RawFd);
//TODO: implement a full version of the temporary struct `UnmanagedFD` from `utf8encode`

@ -20,6 +20,11 @@ use std::{
mod ffi;
use ffi::c_try;
pub mod file;
mod uniq;
use uniq::UniqueSlice;
@ -434,3 +439,5 @@ impl<T> ops::DerefMut for MappedFile<T>
//TODO: Continue copying from `utf8encode` at the //TODO (cont.) line
