Changed test build targeting shared libraries to build with a `./` soname. If the target library already exists however, it is not rebuilt and the normal soname configuration used when the target was built will be used.Avril2024-04-20 14:04:12 +0100
Added `TARGET` var for `test` - {debug,release}.{a,so} (which build of lib to link to,) and configurable `TEST_{C,LD}FLAGS`. Fixed bug of adding test flags to dep build when it doesn"t already exist.Avril2024-04-15 23:43:58 +0100
Tested impl: works! Thoudh... XXX: man says `FD_CLOEXEC` should be passable to `memfd_secret()`, but it fails with `EINVAL` if passed `FD_CLOEXEC`...? Find out why?Avril2024-04-15 17:44:47 +0100
Added `memfd_secret()`"s disabled path. Added checks to translate valid flags {from,to} `memfd_{secret,create}()` (if the flag bits aren"t the same at comptime.)Avril2024-04-15 16:59:26 +0100
Added raw syscall shim `_memfd_secret()` and testing func `_has_memfd_secret()`. Added passthu resolver target for when enabled, started re-write `memfd_create()` shim polyfil resolver target.Avril2024-04-15 15:06:13 +0100