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//! Inserting into the persistant cache.
use super::*;
use ::bytes::BytesMut;
use std::path::Path;
use tokio::fs::{self, File};
use std::io;
use tokio::io::AsyncWrite;
use cryptohelpers::sha2::{Sha256, Digest};
use mem::MemoryMut;
/// The write rule used for cache insertion operations.
/// This ensures the number of bytes returned corresponds to the number written into memory.
/// This is because we care more about the integrity of memcached data, because we can dump that to disk later if the integrity of the disk copy is incorrect.
enum CacheWriteRule{}
impl plex::WriteRule for CacheWriteRule
#[inline(always)] fn compare_byte_sizes(a: usize, b: usize) -> Result<usize, Self::CompareFailedError> {
/// A partially formed cache entry that can be mutated.
/// It has not yet been inserted into a persistant `ByteCache` cache, and is write-only.
pub struct PartialCacheEntry<K>
cfg: Arc<Config>,
id: Uuid,
key: K,
/// Written to with each write to any instance created by `writer()`.
/// Finalised only when freezing this to a completed entry.
hasher: Sha256,
file: Option<File>,
memory: MemoryMut,
/// The writer type for writing to a `PartialCacheEntry`.
pub type PartialCacheEntrySink<'a> = plex::MultiplexWrite<Box<dyn AsyncWrite + Send + Sync + Unpin + 'a>, Sha256Sink<&'a mut Sha256>>;
impl<K: Key> PartialCacheEntry<K>
#[inline(always)] pub(super) fn new_uninit(owner: &ByteCache<K>, key: K) -> Self
Self {
cfg: Arc::clone(&owner.cfg),
id: Uuid::new_v4(),
file: None,
memory: MemoryMut::new(),
hasher: Sha256::new(),
#[inline(always)] pub(super) async fn init(&mut self) -> io::Result<()>
if let Some(root) = &self.cfg.disk_location {
self.file = Some(fs::OpenOptions::new()
.open(gen_temp_path(root, &;
/// Create a writer for this entry
pub fn writer(&mut self) -> PartialCacheEntrySink<'_>
let bx: Box<dyn AsyncWrite + Send + Sync + Unpin + '_> = if let Some(file) = self.file.as_mut()
Box::new((&mut self.memory).multiplex_ruled::<_, CacheWriteRule>(file))
} else {
Box::new(&mut self.memory)
bx.multiplex(Sha256Sink::new(&mut self.hasher))
/// Create a path for a **non-completed** entry
pub(super) fn gen_temp_path(root: impl AsRef<Path>, from: &Uuid) -> PathBuf
root.as_ref().join(format!("{}.open", from))
/// Create a path for a **completed** entry
pub(super) fn gen_path(root: impl AsRef<Path>, from: &Uuid) -> PathBuf
root.as_ref().join(format!("{}.entry", from))