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//! Generic pointer slice
#ifndef _SLICE_H
#define _SLICE_H
#include <limits.h>
#include "ints.h"
#include "macros.h"
typedef struct _slice {
union {
void* ptr;
u8* bytes;
usize len;
} slice_t;
#define SLICE_MAX ((struct _slice){ .ptr = AS(UINTPTR_MAX, void*), .len = SIZE_MAX })
#define SLICE(origin, length) ((struct _slice){ .ptr = ((void*)(origin)), .len = ((usize)(length)) })
_mixin usize slice_end(const slice_t*pIN slice)
return AS(slice->bytes + slice->len, usize);
_mixin usize slice_start(const slice_t*pIN slice)
return AS(slice->bytes, usize);
_mixin struct { usize start, end; } slice_sted(const slice_t*pIN slice)
return (var(slice_sted(NULL))){
.start = slice_start(slice),
.end = slice_end(slice),
// Format string for slices
#define SLICE_FORMAT "%lu..%lu"
// Expects a pointer to a `slice_t`
#define SLICE_FORMAT_ARGS(slice) slice_start(slice), slice_end(slice)
#define SLICE_STR_MAX_SIZE 42lu
usize slice_strn(const slice_t*pIN slice, usize len, char str[static pOUT len]);
usize slice_str_sz(const slice_t*pIN slice);
// Pointer returned from this function is TLS static and will change on each call.
const char* slice_strs(const slice_t*pIN slice);
// Pointer returned from this function must be free'd
char* slice_str(const slice_t*pIN slice);
#endif /* _SLICE_H */