You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
5.6 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <str.h>
struct string {
usize len, cap;
struct str_meta {
enum str_ownership owned;
union _str_meta_inner {
struct str_meta_owned {
_Atomic usize refs; // Number of derrivations from this
void (*m_free)(void*); // How to free (when `_MALLOC`).
_Atomic bool orphan; // If a `derive` references this parent somehow, but this string has been `str_free()`d. Tell the derived string that sets the `refs` to 0 to free it.
} owned;
struct str_meta_derived {
// String this is derived from, can be either owned or derived.
struct string* _shared parent;
// `str`'s offset from `parent->str`.
usize offset;
} derived;
} _inner;
} meta;
// The start of this string slice. Regardless of slicing
char* str;
//TODO: We can use offsetof() to reverse the result of `str_new()` from char* (str field) to str_t*.
inline static isize _str_wrap_index(usize _max, isize wr)
isize max = (isize)_max;
ifU(max<0) FATAL("max too large, must be <= isize::max (%lu)", SIZE_MAX>>1);
else if(!max) return 0;
while(wr<0) wr = max + wr;
wr = wr >=max ? wr % max : wr;
return wr;
// Create a cstring (nul-terminated) from `from`. This string is statically allocated and should not be modified.
// `sl` - Max size of `from` buffer. If 0, then just free the allocated buffer and return empty string;
// `from` - Non-nul-terminated string buffer to copy from.
// `len` - A pointer to a wrappable index for `from`. If `len` is negative, then offset from `sl`, if it's positive, offset from 0; if it's NULL, use `sl` itself. It is wrapped around `sl` in the case that the computed offset is >= sl.
// # Notes
// Don't `free()` this returned pointer, this function handles that on call and on program exit.
static const char* _str_raw_to_cstrsa(usize sl, const char from[restrict sl], isize*pINOUT len)
static _Thread_local char* _ma_buf = NULL;
if(!sl) {
free(_ma_buf); //free(NULL) is allowed.
return "";
_callcv(exit) void _cleanup() { free(_ma_buf); _ma_buf = NULL; }
isize fp = (isize) (sl & (SIZE_MAX >> 1));
if(!len) len = &fp;
TRACE("copying wrapped %ld bytes from buffer %p[%lu]", *len, from, sl);
usize rl = (usize) (*len = _str_wrap_index(sl, *len));
if(_ma_buf) _ma_buf = realloc(_ma_buf, rl+1);
else _ma_buf = malloc(rl+1);
memmove(_ma_buf, from, rl);
_ma_buf[rl] = 0;
return (const char*)_ma_buf;
inline static bool _str_meta_is_owned(enum str_ownership owned)
return AS(owned, u32) & AS(STRF_OWNED, u32);
// Returns true for owned, false for derived
inline static bool _str_meta_parts_from(enum str_ownership o, union _str_meta_inner *pIN inner, struct str_meta_owned* *pOUT own, struct str_meta_derived* *pOUT derive)
return (PTR_ASSIGN(own, &inner->owned), true);
else return (PTR_ASSIGN(derive, &inner->derived), false);
inline static bool _str_is_owned(const str_t*pIN str)
return _str_meta_is_owned(str->meta.owned);
inline static bool _str_is_owned_parts(str_t*pIN str, struct str_meta_owned* *pOUT own, struct str_meta_derived* *pOUT derive)
return _str_meta_parts_from(str->meta.owned, &str->meta._inner, own, derive);
static union _str_meta_inner _str_default_meta(enum str_ownership oship, bool *pOUT owned)
union _str_meta_inner output;
struct str_meta_owned* o_own = NULL;
struct str_meta_derived* o_der = NULL;
// PTR_ASSIGNv always evaluates both args, so this is fine
_str_meta_parts_from(oship, &output,
*o_own = (struct str_meta_owned){
.refs = 0,
.m_free = NULL,
.orphan = false,
*o_own = (struct str_meta_owned){
.refs = 0,
.m_free = &free,
.orphan = false,
*o_der = (struct str_meta_derived){
.parent = NULL,
.offset = 0,
ERROR("Cannot assign metadata from ownership type 0x%x, returning 0'd metadata", AS(oship, u32));
memset(&output, 0, sizeof(output));
return output;
/// Allocates a bare new str_t. The metadata will be incomplete for `derived` string slices, and `str` will be `NULL`. For `owned` strings, `str` will be `calloc()`ed to `cap+1`.
static str_t _str_alloc_bare(usize cap, enum str_ownership owned)
bool is_owned;
let meta_inner = _str_default_meta(owned, &is_owned);
struct str_meta meta = {
.owned = owned,
._inner = meta_inner,
str_t str = {
.len = 0,
.cap = cap,
.meta = meta,
str.str = is_owned ? calloc(cap+1, 1) : NULL;
return str;
static void _str_force_free(struct str_meta_owned*pIN o_own, void* ptr)
(o_own->m_free ?: &free)(ptr);
void str_free(str_t* restrict strp)
str_t str = unbox_value(strp);
struct str_meta_owned* o_own = NULL;
struct str_meta_derived* o_der = NULL;
if(_str_is_owned_parts(&str, &o_own, &o_der))
if(o_own->refs > 0) o_own->orphan = true;
else if(str.meta.owned == STR_OWNED_MALLOC && str.str)
_str_force_free(o_own, str.str);
else {
TODO(" \
//TODO: Find top-level parent (traverse list of potentially derived `o_der->parent`s. \
//TODO: While doing so, compute the full offset that this slice has from the top owned parent. \
//TODO: Then, decrement its `refs` \
//TODO: Then, if it is marked as `orphan`, and we have decremented its `refs` to 0, free its `ptr`. \