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4 years ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ndimg
sealed class TempDirectory : IDisposable
public DirectoryInfo Directory { get; }
public TempDirectory(DirectoryInfo location)
Directory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(location.FullName, TempFile.GenerateLocation()));
public TempDirectory() : this(new DirectoryInfo(TempFile.TempFileLocation)) { }
public void Dispose()
sealed class TempFile : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable
public static string GenerateLocation()
var time = DateTime.Now;
return $"ndimg-{time.Year}-{time.Month}-{time.Day}-{time.Hour}.{time.Minute}.{time.Second}.{time.Millisecond}-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}";
public void Dispose()
if (File.Exists)
if (Stream != null)
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
if (File.Exists)
await Stream.DisposeAsync();
if (File.Exists)
try { File.Delete(); } catch { }
public static string TempFileLocation { get; set; }
static TempFile()
TempFileLocation = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), GenerateLocation())).FullName;
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += (o, e) =>
foreach (var file in new DirectoryInfo(TempFileLocation).GetFiles()) try
catch { }
Directory.Delete(TempFileLocation, true);
catch { }
public FileInfo File { get; }
public Stream Stream { get; }
public TempFile(DirectoryInfo location)
var nam = Path.Combine(location.FullName, GenerateLocation() + ".tmp");
File = new FileInfo(nam);
Stream = new FileStream(nam, FileMode.Create);
public TempFile() : this(new DirectoryInfo(TempFileLocation)) { }
private TempFile(FileInfo fi)
File = fi;
Stream = null;
public static TempFile WithNoStream()
return new TempFile(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(new DirectoryInfo(TempFileLocation).FullName, GenerateLocation() + ".tmp")));