Initial commit

Added functional `opaque_object_handle<T>()` -> `opaque_handle`.

Added auto-casting operators for `opaque_handle`.

Fortune for opaque_handle's current commit: Blessing − 吉
Avril 2 years ago
commit 70d92c60b1
Signed by: flanchan
GPG Key ID: 284488987C31F630

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include <stdexcept>
#if 0 //XXX: This doesn't work, we need `opaque_handle` to not be a template...
namespace _opaque_impl {
struct opaque_handle {
virtual constexpr ~opaque_handle();
inline constexpr explicit opaque_handle(void* data) noexcept : _ptr(data){}
template<typename From>
inline constexpr static opaque_handle from_object(T& ptr) noexcept
return opaque_handle{dynamic_cast<void*>(&ptr) ?: static_cast<void*>(&ptr)};
inline constexpr void* ptr() const noexcept {
return _ptr;
template<typename To>
inline constexpr T* downcast() const noexcept {
return dynamic_cast<To*>(_ptr);
template<typename To>
inline constexpr downcast_unsafe() const noexcept {
return static_cast<To*>(_ptr);
template<typename To>
inline T* ptr_as() { return std::bit_cast<To>(_ptr); }
void* _ptr;
template<typename T>
struct opaque_handle_for : opaque_handle
constexpr opaque_handle_for(T&& value)
: opaque_handle(opaque_handle::template from_object<T>(*new T(std::move(value)))){}
constexpr virtual ~opaque_handle_for()
if(T* ptr = downcast_unsafe<T>()) {
delete ptr;
struct opaque_handle
struct opaque_not_copyable : std::exception{};
struct opaque_handle_moved : std::exception{};
struct opaque_bad_cast : std::exception{};
struct opaque_handle;
struct opaque_handle_impl;
struct opaque_handle_impl {
friend class opaque_handle;
virtual constexpr ~opaque_handle_impl() noexcept {}
template<typename To>
inline constexpr const To* try_cast() const noexcept { return static_cast<const To*>(as_raw_ptr()); }
template<typename To>
inline constexpr To* try_cast() noexcept { return static_cast<To*>(as_raw_ptr()); }
constexpr virtual void* as_raw_ptr() const noexcept = 0;
constexpr virtual opaque_handle_impl* try_clone() const = 0;
inline virtual opaque_handle_impl& clone() const {
if(auto* np = try_clone()) return *np;
throw opaque_not_copyable{};
constexpr opaque_handle_impl() noexcept{}
struct opaque_handle final {
constexpr explicit opaque_handle(opaque_handle_impl* ptr) noexcept : _impl(ptr){}
constexpr opaque_handle(opaque_handle&& move) noexcept
: _impl(std::exchange(move._impl, nullptr)){}
inline opaque_handle(const opaque_handle& copy)
: _impl(copy._impl
? std::addressof(copy._impl->clone()) //(copy._impl->try_clone() ?: throw opaque_not_copyable{})
: nullptr){}
constexpr ~opaque_handle()
if(_impl) delete _impl;
constexpr const void* as_ptr() const noexcept { return _impl ? _impl->as_raw_ptr() : nullptr; }
constexpr void* as_ptr() noexcept { return _impl ? _impl->as_raw_ptr() : nullptr; }
template<typename T>
constexpr const T* try_cast() const noexcept { return static_cast<const T*>(as_ptr()); }
template<typename T>
constexpr T* try_cast() noexcept { return static_cast<T*>(as_ptr()); }
constexpr bool has_value() const noexcept { return bool(_impl); }
constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return has_value(); }
template<typename T>
constexpr const T* operator->() const noexcept { return try_cast<T>(); }
template<typename T>
constexpr T* operator->() noexcept { return try_cast<T>(); } //XXX: TODO: throw if try_cast<T>() is null and T is not `void`.
inline auto operator*() const noexcept {
return _impl_deref_const{*this};
inline auto operator*() noexcept {
return _impl_deref{*this};
template<typename T>
inline auto operator*() noexcept { return *(try_cast<T>() ?: throw opaque_bad_cast{}); }
template<typename T>
constexpr operator T*() noexcept { return try_cast<T>(); }
template<typename T>
constexpr operator const T*() const noexcept { return try_cast<T>(); }
struct _impl_deref_const {
const opaque_handle& ptr;
template<typename T>
inline operator const T&() && {
return *(ptr.try_cast<T>() ?: throw opaque_bad_cast{});
template<typename T>
inline operator const T&() const&& {
return *(ptr.try_cast<T>() ?: throw opaque_bad_cast{});
struct _impl_deref {
opaque_handle& ptr;
template<typename T>
inline operator T&() && {
return *(ptr.try_cast<T>() ?: throw opaque_bad_cast{});
template<typename T>
inline operator const T&() const&& {
return *(ptr.try_cast<T>() ?: throw opaque_bad_cast{});
opaque_handle_impl* _impl;
template<typename T>
struct opaque_handle_object : public opaque_handle_impl
friend class opaque_handle;
inline constexpr opaque_handle_object(T&& value) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>)
: _obj(std::move(value)){}
inline constexpr virtual ~opaque_handle_object() {}
inline constexpr void* as_raw_ptr() const noexcept override { return const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(&_obj) /*?: (static_cast<void*>(&_obj) ?: &_obj)*/); }
inline constexpr opaque_handle_impl* try_clone() const override {
if constexpr(std::is_copy_constructible_v<T>) {
return new opaque_handle_object<T>{T{_obj}};
} else return nullptr;
T _obj;
template<typename T>
opaque_handle_object(T&&) -> opaque_handle_object<T>;
/// Make an opaque_handle from an object.
template<typename T>
constexpr inline opaque_handle make_opaque_object_handle(T&& value) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<T>)
return opaque_handle{static_cast<opaque_handle_impl*>(new opaque_handle_object<T>(std::forward<T>(value)))};
enum class opaque_handle_operation
template<typename F, typename T>
concept OpaqueHandleFunc = std::is_invocable_v<F, T*, opaque_handle_operation>
&& std::is_convertible_v<std::invoke_result_t<F, T*, opaque_handle_operation>, T*>;
/// Create and opaque_handle from a data pointer and a lambda which handles the copying (if possible) and deleting of the object
/// `handler` should be in the form: `auto* (T*, opaque_handle_operation) [noexcept]` and the reference must outlive the returned object. It should handle a `null` argument, and it can return `null`.
template<typename T, OpaqueHandleFunc<T> HandleF> // Note: This should be a lambda, or a free-function. it's lifetime must not end before the `opaque_handle` returned from this function does.
constexpr inline opaque_handle make_opaque_handle(T* data, const HandleF& handler) noexcept
constexpr bool is_nothrow = std::is_nothrow_invocable_v<HandleF, T*, opaque_handle_operation>;
struct object_handler
constexpr object_handler(const object_handler& c) noexcept(is_nothrow)
: data(c.handler(data, opaque_handle_operation::Clone))
, handler(c.handler){}
constexpr object_handler(object_handler&& m) noexcept
: data(std::exchange(, nullptr))
, handler(m.handler){}
constexpr object_handler(T* data, const HandleF& handler) noexcept
: data(data)
, handler(handler){}
constexpr /*virtual*/ ~object_handler() noexcept(is_nothrow)
if(data) handler(data, opaque_handle_operation::Delete);
T* data;
const HandleF& handler;
return make_opaque_object_handle(object_handler{data, handler});
/// Create and opaque_handle from a data pointer and a move-constructible functor which handles the copying (if possible) and deleting of the object.
/// `handler` should be in the form: `auto* (T*, opaque_handle_operation) [noexcept]`. Its lifetime is managed by the returned opaque_handle
template<typename T, OpaqueHandleFunc<T> HandleF>
constexpr inline opaque_handle make_opaque_handle(T* data, HandleF&& handler) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<HandleF>)
constexpr bool is_nothrow = std::is_nothrow_invocable_v<HandleF, T*, opaque_handle_operation>;
constexpr bool is_nothrow_ctor = std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v<HandleF>;
struct object_handler
constexpr object_handler(const object_handler& c) noexcept(is_nothrow && std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<HandleF>) requires(std::is_copy_constructible_v<HandleF>)
: data(c.handler(data, opaque_handle_operation::Clone))
, handler(c.handler){}
constexpr object_handler(object_handler&& m) noexcept
: data(std::exchange(, nullptr))
, handler(std::move(m.handler)){}
constexpr object_handler(T* data, HandleF&& handler) noexcept(is_nothrow_ctor)
: data(data)
, handler(std::move(handler)){}
constexpr /*virtual*/ ~object_handler() noexcept(is_nothrow)
if(data) handler(data, opaque_handle_operation::Delete);
T* data;
HandleF handler;
return make_opaque_object_handle(object_handler{data, std::forward<HandleF>(handler)});
/// Create and opaque_handle from a data pointer and a constexpr handler funcion template param (e.g. a lambda)
/// `Func` should be in the form: `auto* (T*, opaque_handle_operation) [noexcept]`. It must be a constant expression.
template<typename T, OpaqueHandleFunc<T> auto Func>
constexpr inline opaque_handle make_opaque_handle(T* data) noexcept
using HandleF = decltype(Func);
constexpr bool is_nothrow = std::is_nothrow_invocable_v<HandleF, T*, opaque_handle_operation>;
struct object_handler
constexpr object_handler(const object_handler& c) noexcept(is_nothrow)
: data(Func(data, opaque_handle_operation::Clone)){}
constexpr object_handler(object_handler&& m) noexcept
: data(std::exchange(, nullptr)){}
constexpr object_handler(T* data) noexcept
: data(data){}
constexpr /*virtual*/ ~object_handler() noexcept(is_nothrow)
if(data) Func(data, opaque_handle_operation::Delete);
T* data;
return make_opaque_object_handle(object_handler{data});

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#include <cstdio>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "../include/opaque.hh"
static void print_view(std::string_view ptr)
//std::string_view ptr{string};
size_t sz;
if(__builtin_expect((sz = ptr.size()) > 0, true)) {
write(1, "> ", 2);
write(1,, sz);
} else write(1, "! <null>\n", 8);
write(1, "\n", 1);
if(__builtin_expect((sz = ptr.size()) > 0, true)) {
printf("> %.*s\n", (int)sz,;
} else puts("! <null>\n");
static inline void print(const std::string& string)
std::string_view sv{string};
return print_view(sv);
int main()
const opaque_handle v{make_opaque_object_handle(std::string{"Hello world"})};
print(*v); //XXX: Why does converting it to string_view here break it?
return 0;