You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

180 lines
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//! Parser for generate mode
use super::*;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver;
use std::collections::HashSet;
pub(super) async fn handle(mut rx: Receiver<Atom>) -> Result<config::Operation, error::ConstructError>
let mut had = smallmap::Map::new();
struct Output
kind: Option<GenerateKeyKind>,
input: Option<String>,
password: Password,
input_password: Password,
format: KeyFormat,
output: Option<String>,
output_public: Option<String>,
fn _invalidate<D: std::fmt::Display>(msg: D) -> !
panic!("{}. This should've been handled by `parse()`", msg);
macro_rules! invalidate {
($msg:literal) => {
($msg:literal $($tt:tt)*) => {
_invalidate(format!($msg $($tt)*));
let mut stage = Output{
kind: Some(match rx.recv().await.unwrap() {
Atom::Generate(GenerateAtom::Type(ty)) => ty,
_ => invalidate!("First atom is not type."),
while let Some(Atom::Generate(atom)) = rx.recv().await
if GenerateAtom::hash_into(&atom, &mut had) {
return Err(error::ConstructError::AlreadyExists(format!("TODO: {:?}", atom)));
match atom {
GenerateAtom::Type(_) => invalidate!("Type cannot be specified twice."),
GenerateAtom::Input(input) => stage.input = Some(input),
GenerateAtom::Password(passwd) => stage.password = passwd,
GenerateAtom::Format(format) => stage.format =format,
GenerateAtom::Output(output) => stage.output = Some(output),
GenerateAtom::PublicOutput(output) => stage.output_public = Some(output),
GenerateAtom::InputPassword(passwd) => stage.input_password = passwd,
let input_pw = stage.input_password;
let output = if let Some(GenerateKeyKind::Rsa) = stage.kind {
config::op::GenerateKey::Rsa(config::op::Rsa {
input:|inp| (inp, input_pw)),
output_priv: stage.output.ok_or_else(|| error::ConstructError::ExpectedNotPresent("output"))?,
output_pub: stage.output_public,
password: stage.password,
description: Default::default(), /* TODO */
} else {
config::op::GenerateKey::Aes(config::op::Aes {
input:|inp| (inp, input_pw)),
output: stage.output.ok_or_else(|| error::ConstructError::ExpectedNotPresent("output"))?,
password: stage.password,
description: Default::default(), /* TODO */
fn split<'a>(input: &'a str) -> (&'a str, Option<&'a str>)
if let Some(index) = input.find('=') {
(&input[..index], Some(&input[(index+1)..]))
} else {
(input, None)
pub(super) async fn parse<I: IntoIterator<Item=String>>(args: I, atoms: &mut mpsc::Sender<Atom>) -> Result<(), error::Error>
let mut args = args.into_iter();
let mut reading = true;
let mut sent_output=0usize;
macro_rules! send {
($atom:expr) => {
let (mode, _) = {
let arg =;
match arg.as_ref().map(|x| x.trim().to_uppercase()).as_deref() {
Some("RSA") => (GenerateKeyKind::Rsa, send!(GenerateAtom::Type(GenerateKeyKind::Rsa)).await?),
Some("AES") => (GenerateKeyKind::Aes, send!(GenerateAtom::Type(GenerateKeyKind::Aes)).await?),
_ => return Err(error::Error::ExpectedKind(arg)),
while let Some(arg) =
macro_rules! take_one {
($msg:literal $($tt:tt)*) => {
match {
Some(v) => v,
None => return Err((arg, error::ParseErrorKind::ExpectedArg(format!($msg $($tt)*))).into()),
let mut had = HashSet::new();
if reading && arg.starts_with("--") {
let (key, value) = split(&arg);
if had.contains(&key[..]) {
return Err((error::ParseErrorKind::NotUniqueLong(Some(key.to_owned())), arg).swap().into());
} else {
match &key.to_lowercase().trim()[2..] {
"input" => send!(GenerateAtom::Input(take_one!("--input: Expected filename"))).await?,
"password" if value.is_some() => {
let value = value.unwrap();
"password" => send!(GenerateAtom::Password(Password::Yes)).await?,
"format" if mode.is_rsa() =>
send!(GenerateAtom::Format(match take_one!("--format: Expected output format").to_uppercase().trim() {
"PEM" => KeyFormat::PEM,
"BIN" => KeyFormat::Bin,
"TEXT" => KeyFormat::Text,
__ => return Err((arg, error::ParseErrorKind::UnknownKeyFormat("rsa")).into()),
"format" =>
send!(GenerateAtom::Format(match take_one!("--format: Expected output format").to_uppercase().trim() {
"BIN" => KeyFormat::Bin,
"TEXT" => KeyFormat::Text,
__ => return Err((arg, error::ParseErrorKind::UnknownKeyFormat("aes")).into()),
_ => return Err((arg, error::ParseErrorKind::UnexpectedArg(None)).into()),
} else {
if had.contains(&arg[..]) {
return Err((arg, error::ParseErrorKind::NotUniqueLong(None)).into());
} else {
match sent_output
0 => send!(GenerateAtom::Output(arg)).await?,
1 if mode.is_rsa() => send!(GenerateAtom::PublicOutput(arg)).await?,
_ => return Err((arg, error::ParseErrorKind::UnexpectedArg(None)).into()),
sent_output +=1;