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//! RSA public key serialisation
use super::*;
/// A container of RSA public key
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RsaPublicBody
garbage: [u8; PADDING_SZ],
key: rsa::RsaPublicKey,
impl RsaPublicBody
/// Create a new body container from this RSA public key
pub fn new_key(key: rsa::RsaPublicKey) -> Self
Self {
garbage: new_padding(),
/// Create a new instance with new padding
pub fn with_padding(self) -> Self
Self {
garbage: new_padding(),
/// Give this body new padding
pub fn give_padding(&mut self)
self.garbage = new_padding();
/// Consume into the internal key
pub fn into_key(self) -> rsa::RsaPublicKey
/// The internal key
pub fn key(&self) -> &rsa::RsaPublicKey
/// Mutable reference to the internal key
pub fn key_mut(&mut self) -> &mut rsa::RsaPublicKey
&mut self.key
/// Write this body's key to a PEM string
pub fn to_pem_string(&self) -> eyre::Result<String>
.wrap_err_with(|| eyre!("Failed to write public key body to PEM string"))
.with_section(|| format!("{:?}", self.key).header("Key body data was"))
/// Read this body from a PEM string encoded key
/// # Notes
/// This creates new padding for the returned body
pub fn from_pem(pem: impl AsRef<str>) -> eyre::Result<Self>
let pem = pem.as_ref();
.wrap_err_with(|| eyre!("Failed to read public key body from PEM string"))
.with_section(|| pem.to_owned().header("PEM string was"))?))
/// Write RSA public body to a binary stream
#[instrument(skip(out), err)]
pub async fn write_bytes<T: AsyncWrite+?Sized+Unpin>(&self, out: &mut T, ses_enc: &AesKey) -> Result<usize, eyre::Report>
if self.garbage == [0u8; PADDING_SZ] {
warn!("Writing empty-padded body");
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = self.key.to_bytes();
let mut tbuf = Vec::with_capacity(buf.len()); //eh, i need to do calculating instead of these dumb temp buffers...
aes::encrypt_stream(ses_enc, &mut &buf[..], &mut tbuf).await
.wrap_err_with(|| eyre!("Failed to encrypt body stream with header key"))
.with_section(|| format!("{}", buf.fmt_view()).header("Body stream was"))
.with_section(|| ses_enc.to_string().header("Header key was"))?;
out.write_u64(try_usize!(<- tbuf.len())?).await?;
Ok(8 + tbuf.len())
/// Read an RSA public body from a binary stream
#[instrument(skip(input), err)]
pub async fn read_bytes<T: AsyncRead+?Sized+Unpin>(input: &mut T, ses_enc: &AesKey) -> Result<Self, eyre::Report>
let sz = try_usize!(-> input.read_u64().await?)?;
let mut tbuf = vec![0u8; sz];
input.read_exact(&mut tbuf[..]).await?;
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(tbuf.len());
aes::decrypt_stream(ses_enc, &mut &tbuf[..], &mut output).await
.wrap_err_with(|| eyre!("Failed to decrypt body stream with header key"))
.with_section(|| format!("{}", tbuf.fmt_view()).header("Body stream was"))
.with_section(|| ses_enc.to_string().header("Header key was"))?;
if output.len() < PADDING_SZ {
return Err(eyre!("Padding is invalid"))
.with_section(|| tbuf.to_view_string().header("Decrypted body stream was"));
let mut garbage = [0u8; PADDING_SZ];
bytes::copy_slice(&mut garbage[..], &output[output.len()-PADDING_SZ..]);
let key = rsa::RsaPublicKey::from_bytes(&output[..output.len()-PADDING_SZ])
.wrap_err_with(|| eyre!("Failed to instantiate key from body"))
.with_section(|| tbuf.to_view_string().header("Decrypted body stream was"))?;
Ok(Self {
key, garbage
/// Write an RSA public body to a text stream
#[instrument(err, skip(out))]
pub async fn write_text<T: AsyncWrite+Unpin+?Sized>(&self, out: &mut T, ses_enc: &AesKey) -> Result<usize, eyre::Report>
let text = serialise::into_text_with_key_async(self, ses_enc).await
.wrap_err_with(|| eyre!("Failed to serialise body to text"))
.with_section(|| format!("{:?}", self.key).header("Body key was"))
.with_section(|| ses_enc.to_string().header("Header key was"))?;
Ok(write_chunked_text!(out, text))
/// Read an RSA public body from a text stream
#[instrument(err, skip(input))]
pub async fn read_text<T: AsyncBufRead+Unpin+?Sized>(input: &mut T, ses_enc: &AesKey) -> Result<Self, eyre::Report>
let whole = read_chunked_text!(input);
Ok(serialise::from_text_with_key_async(&whole[..], ses_enc).await
.wrap_err_with(|| eyre!("Failed to deserialise body from text"))
.with_section(move|| whole.header("Body was"))
.with_section(|| ses_enc.to_string().header("Header key was"))?)
impl KeyBodySerialisable for RsaPublicBody
#[inline] fn serialise_text<'a, 'b: 'a, T: AsyncWrite+Unpin+?Sized>(&'a self, out: &'b mut T, ses_enc: &'b AesKey) -> LocalBoxFuture<'a, Result<usize, eyre::Report>>
self.write_text(out, ses_enc).boxed_local()
#[inline] fn serialise_bytes<'a, 'b: 'a, T: AsyncWrite+Unpin+?Sized>(&'a self, out: &'b mut T, ses_enc: &'b AesKey) -> LocalBoxFuture<'a, Result<usize, eyre::Report>>
self.write_bytes(out, ses_enc).boxed_local()
impl KeyBodyDeserialisable for RsaPublicBody
#[inline] fn deserialise_bytes<'a, T: AsyncBufRead+Unpin+?Sized>(input: &'a mut T, ses_enc: &'a AesKey) -> LocalBoxFuture<'a, Result<Self, eyre::Report>>
where Self: 'a
Self::read_bytes(input, ses_enc).boxed_local()
#[inline] fn deserialise_text<'a, T: AsyncBufRead+Unpin+?Sized>(input: &'a mut T, ses_enc: &'a AesKey) -> LocalBoxFuture<'a, Result<Self, eyre::Report>>
where Self: 'a
Self::read_text(input, ses_enc).boxed_local()