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#include <map>
#include <alloc.h>
extern "C" {
base_allocator::~base_allocator() {}
namespace alloc {
// This is the *true manager* of the allocation arena, when it is destroyed, the memory is cleared
struct FrozenAllocator::anon_raw_secmem {
// Base class for all deallocations that happen within an `anon_raw_secmem` (managed, static, polymorphic, unmanaged, etc.) (TODO: See below, the base should be moved into the header so typed children can be templated...)
struct deleter { //XXX: TODO: How to define this type in the header file? It should be the virt base of all templated deleters,
//TODO: XXX: Rework this design, the deleter must be typed for the value it is deleting... This virtual base should be in the header, and should just contain the shared_ptr reference to anon_raw_secmem.
virtual ~deleter() = default;
// To prevent anon_raw_secmem being destroyed while there are still allocated values, the base class for the deleter for those values contains a refcount. e.g: `std::unique_ptr<T, deleter_for<T>>` where: `deleter_for<T> final : public deleter { virtual ~deleter_for(); ... };`, or `std::shared_ptr<T>`, where: `std::shared_ptr<value_with_deleter<T>>` aliases-ctor(`old, old->value_ptr()`) -> `std::shared_ptr<T>`
std::shared_ptr<anon_raw_secmem> m_manager_ref;
~anon_raw_secmem() {
//TODO: Clear and `munmap()` the used page(s)
//XXX: Due to how this is managed via `shared_ptr<>`, it is UB for this to be called *before* all actual allocation of the memory are unallocated (via `deleter`, which they must *all* be managed by.
struct FrozenAllocator::alloc_info {
struct FrozenAllocator::alloc_value {
struct FrozenAllocator::_impl {
std::shared_ptr<anon_raw_secmem> m_manager;
std::map<alloc_info, std::unique_ptr<alloc_value>> m_values;
#define $CLASS FrozenAllocator
$ctor_move(m) noexcept
: inner_(std::move(m.inner_)) {}
$assign_move(m) {
if($LIKELY(this != &m))
inner_ = std::move(m.inner_);
return *this;
$dtor() {}
#undef $CLASS /* FrozenAllocator */