part: `SearchSeq` now uses capacity-extended-switching between forward and backward searching (like `SearchPar` does.)

part: Fixed bug where `cap` may grow above buffer-halve length (in `SearchSeq` and `SearchPar`.)

part: TODO: Added test skeleton for testing `SearchSeq` and `SearchPar` correctness. Implement these tests!

Fortune for reverse's current commit: Small blessing − 小吉
Avril 11 months ago
parent f9068beca1
commit 9d2ae29e8b
Signed by: flanchan
GPG Key ID: 284488987C31F630

@ -32,14 +32,55 @@ impl MidpointFBSearcher<u8> for SearchSeq
fn search_combined<'a>(&self, haystack: &'a [u8], begin: usize, needle: u8) -> Option<&'a u8> {
let max_cap = match get_max_pivot_search_area(haystack.len() > (DEFAULT_PIVOT_MAX_SEARCH_AREA * DEFAULT_MEM_DETECT_HUGE_SIZE_PAGES)){ // Assume huge-page memory if len is larger than 4 pages.
// On debug builds, cap search area to one system page only.
_ignore if cfg!(debug_assertions) && (*REAL_PAGE_SIZE) > 0 =>
// SAFETY: We have checked if `*REAL_PAGE_SIZE` is non-zero above.
Some(unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(*REAL_PAGE_SIZE as usize) }),
// Otherwise, use the detected value.
cap => cap,
match haystack.split_at(begin) {
([], []) => None,
([], x) => self.search_forward(x, needle),
(x, []) => self.search_backward(x, needle),
(x, y) => {
// If both the buffers are lower than `max_cap`, just do the entire operation on each
(x, y) if|max| x.len() <= max.get() && y.len() <= max.get()).unwrap_or(false) => {
self.search_forward(y, needle)?;
self.search_backward(x, needle)
(mut x, mut y) => {
let len = std::cmp::min(x.len(), y.len());
let mut cap = std::cmp::min(len, DEFAULT_PIVOT_MAX_SEARCH_AREA);
while cap <= len {
// If cap is too large for one (or more) of the buffers, truncate it.
if cap > y.len() || cap > x.len() {
cap = std::cmp::min(y.len(), x.len());
// Search forwards in `y`. (up to `cap`)
if let Some(y) = self.search_forward(&y[..cap], needle) {
return Some(y);
// Search backwards in `x`. (down to `cap`)
if let Some(x) = self.search_backward(&x[(x.len()-cap)..], needle) {
return Some(x);
// Cut out `cap` bytes from the start of forwards
y = &y[cap..];
// Cut out `cap` bytes from the end of backwards.
x = &x[..cap];
// Grow `cap` by 1 ^2 (not passing `max_cap` if there is one set.)
cap =|max| std::cmp::min(max.get(), cap << 1)).unwrap_or_else(|| cap << 1);
@ -193,15 +234,24 @@ impl MidpointFBSearcher<u8> for SearchPar
// Otherwise, use the detected value.
cap => cap,
// Cap the cap to `max_cap` if there is a max cap.
let cap = if let Some(max) = max_cap.as_ref() {
std::cmp::min(max.get(), self.cap_start)
} else {
let forward = if hf.len() > 0 {
let cap = self.cap_start;
let cap = cap;
let sf = &self;
let complete = &complete;
Some(s.spawn(move || -> Option<_> {
let mut cap = std::cmp::min(cap, hf.len());
let len = hf.len();
while cap <= len {
// If `cap` is larger than the buffer `hf`, truncate it.
cap = std::cmp::min(cap, hf.len());
// Search forward in `hf` up to `cap` bytes.
if let /*v @ */Some(x) = sf.search_forward(&hf[..cap], needle) {;
//complete.call_once(|| complete_val = true);
@ -220,13 +270,16 @@ impl MidpointFBSearcher<u8> for SearchPar
let backward = if hb.len() > 0 {
let cap = self.cap_start;
let cap = cap;
let sf = &self;
let complete = &complete;
Some(s.spawn(move || -> Option<_> {
let mut cap = std::cmp::min(cap, hb.len());
let len = hb.len();
while cap <= len {
// If `cap` is larger than the buffer `hb`, truncate it.
cap = std::cmp::min(cap, hb.len());
// Search backwards in `hb` up to `cap` bytes.
if let /*v @ */Some(x) = sf.search_backward(&hb[(hb.len()-cap)..], needle) {;
//complete.call_once(|| complete_val = true);
@ -266,3 +319,36 @@ where S: MidpointFBSearcher<u8>
//XXX: Should we add a `SearchAsync`? Or an impl for SearchPar that uses already-spawned threads? TODO: It would be best if we could re-use extant threads instead of spawning two on each partition...
//Parallel (feature="threads") byte area partition-on-nearest-newline-to-halve impl, and non-parallel (default) impl. These impls can differ in their desired depths of partitioning (using parallel impls should balance num of partitions to num of logical cpus & input(/desired chunk) size.)
//TODO: Add tests for `Search{Seq,Par}` partitioning methods.
mod test
fn partition_seq()
todo!("Test `SearchSeq` sequential partition searcher")
fn partition_par_heavy()
todo!("Test `SearchPar` parallel partition searcher")
//TODO: Thread-reusing parallel `MidpointFBSearcher` (SearchSeq is thread-*spawning*; heavy.) This may require we use async and tasks. If it does, we should also create a `SearchAsync` partitioner (XXX: MidpointFBSearcher is currently a synchonous-only interface; a pure-async pivot finder may require a refactor.)
#[cfg(all(feature="threads-async", feature = "threads"))]
fn partition_par_light()
unimplemented!("A light (thread-*reusing*) parallel searcher has not yet been implemented")
fn partition_par_async()
unimplemented!("A pure async parallel searcher has not yet been implemented")
