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//! Extension traits, global functions + macros.
use super::*;
use std::convert::Infallible;
pub use std::{
TryFrom, TryInto,
/// Add forwarding borrow + deref (+ optional `into_inner()`) impls for a type.
/// # Usage
/// For a mutable forwarding newtype:
/// ```
/// # use crate::forward_newtype;
/// # use core::borrow::*;
/// /// A mutable buffer newtype over an array.
/// struct Buffer([u8; 16]);
/// forward_newtype!(mut Buffer => [u8], 0); // Generates `Borrow<[u8]>`, `BorrowMut<[u8]>`, `Deref<Target=[u8]>`, and `DerefMut` impls for `Buffer` that return `<&[mut] self.>0` (as specified by `0`.)
/// ```
/// For an immutable forwarding newtype:
/// ```
/// # use crate::forward_newtype;
/// # use core::borrow::*;
/// /// A mutable buffer newtype over an array.
/// struct Data([u8; 16]);
/// forward_newtype!(ref Buffer => [u8], 0); // Generates `Borrow<[u8]>` and `Deref<Target=[u8]>` impls for `Buffer` that return `<& self.>0` (as specified by `0`.) Immutable access only is specified by `ref`.
/// ```
/// ## Consuming into inner
/// To generate an `into_inner(self) -> T` inherent impl for the type, the syntax `forward_newtype!(move [const] Type => Inner, accessor)` can be used.
/// If `const` is passed, then the `into_inner()` function will be a `const fn`, if not, then it won't be.
/// To combine with ref-forwarding accessors, the syntax `forward_newtype!(move [const] {ref/mut} Type => Inner, accessor)` can be used to generate them all; the `Borrow`, `BorrowMut`, `Deref`, `DerefMut` and `pub [const] fn into_inner()`.
/// This is the most likely to be useful.
/// If you need a seperate `into_inner()` impl, you can either not use the `move` declarator, or use the `ref`/`mut` accessor generator in a different statement than the `move` one:
/// ```
/// # use crate::forward_newtype;
/// # use core::borrow::*;
/// /// A mutable buffer newtype over an array.
/// struct Buffer([u8; 16]);
/// forward_newtype!(mut Buffer => [u8], 0); // Generate a mutable & immutable forwarding ref to a slice of bytes.
/// forward_newtype!(move const Buffer => [u8; 16], 0); // Generate a seperately typed `into_inner()` that returns the sized array.
/// ```
macro_rules! forward_newtype {
(ref $type:ty => $inner:ty, $($expr:tt)+) => {
impl Borrow<$inner> for $type
fn borrow(&self) -> &$inner
impl ::std::ops::Deref for $type {
type Target = $inner;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
(mut $type:ty => $inner:ty, $($expr:tt)+) => {
forward_newtype!(ref $type => $inner, $($expr)+);
impl BorrowMut<$inner> for $type
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut $inner
&mut self.$($expr)+
impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for $type {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
(move const $type:ty => $inner:ty, $($expr:tt)+) => {
impl $type {
/// Consume into the inner value.
pub const fn into_inner(self) -> $inner {
(move $type:ty => $inner:ty, $($expr:tt)+) => {
impl $type {
/// Consume into the inner value.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> $inner {
(move const ref $type:ty => $inner:ty, $($expr:tt)+) => {
forward_newtype!(move const $type => $inner, $($expr)+);
forward_newtype!(ref $type => $inner, $($expr)+);
(move ref $type:ty => $inner:ty, $($expr:tt)+) => {
forward_newtype!(move $type => $inner, $($expr)+);
forward_newtype!(ref $type => $inner, $($expr)+);
(move const mut $type:ty => $inner:ty, $($expr:tt)+) => {
forward_newtype!(move const $type => $inner, $($expr)+);
forward_newtype!(mut $type => $inner, $($expr)+);
(move mut $type:ty => $inner:ty, $($expr:tt)+) => {
forward_newtype!(move $type => $inner, $($expr)+);
forward_newtype!(mut $type => $inner, $($expr)+);
/// The default bottom type.
/// To use the `unwrap_infallible()`-like interface, functions that return `-> !` should be changed to `-> Never`.
/// When `unstable` is enabled, this is an alias to `!` and `-> !` is not special cased.
/// # As return argument
/// When feature `unstable` is enabled, `into_unreachable()` may not be required to ensure propogation to `!` from a function returning `-> Never`.
pub type Never = !;
/// The default bottom type.
/// To use the `unwrap_infallible()`-like interface, functions special cased to `-> !` should be changed to `-> Never`.
/// # As return argument
/// When feature `unstable` is not enabled, `into_unreachable()` may be required to be used when dealing with return bottom types other than the special case `-> !`.
/// This is a current limitation of the type system.
pub type Never = Infallible;
/// Contractually ensures this type cannot exist (i.e. it is a bottom type.)
/// # Safety
/// Instances of the impl type **cannot exist**.
/// They must be bottom types (i.e. empty enums, types contatining an `Infallible` / `!` object, etc.)
/// # Auto-impl
/// This trait is not intended to be implemented on any user-defined type other than empty enums.
/// By default it is implemented for the following types:
/// - `core::convert::Infallible`
/// - `!` (**feature**: `unstable`)
/// - `Box<T>` *where* `T: ?Sized + Unreachable`
pub unsafe trait Unreachable {
/// Force control flow to terminate type checking here.
/// # Note
/// This function will never be executed, it is used to terminate the value's existence in the type system, by converting it from any `Unreachable` type into the bottom return type `!`.
/// If this function ever **can** be called at all, it is undefined behaviour.
fn into_unreachable(self) -> !
where Self: Sized
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
unreachable!("Unreachable conversion from {}!", std::any::type_name::<Self>())
} else {
// SAFETY: Contractually enforced by the trait impl itself.
unsafe {
unsafe impl Unreachable for Infallible {
fn into_unreachable(self) -> ! {
match self {}
unsafe impl Unreachable for ! {
fn into_unreachable(self) -> ! {
match self {}
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + Unreachable> Unreachable for Box<T> {}
pub trait UnwrapPanicExt<T, E> {
/// Unwrap the result `Ok` value or panic as described by the non-returning function `F`, with the `Unreachable` bottom type `N`.
/// This will usually be an `-> !` function, (or an `-> Never` function using the `Unreachable` interface.)
/// # Panic usage
/// `func` must not return. It should panic, resume a panic, or exit the thread/program, trap, or terminate in an infinite loop.
/// It does not *have* to call `panic!()` if it terminates in another way that is not a panic, however.
fn unwrap_or_panic<N: Unreachable, F: FnOnce(E) -> N>(self, func: F) -> T;
/// Unwrap the result `Ok` value or panic as described by the non-returning function `func` with the default bottom type `Never`.
fn unwrap_or_panic_unreachable<F: FnOnce(E) -> Never>(self, func: F) -> T
where Self: Sized {
self.unwrap_or_panic::<Never, _>(func)
pub trait UnwrapInfallibleExt<T> {
/// Unwrapping is infallible and therefore safe to do so without checking.
fn unwrap_infallible(self) -> T;
pub trait UnwrapPanicResumeExt<T> {
/// Unwrap or resume a previous unwind, with the unwind payload in the `Err` variant.
fn unwrap_or_resume(self) -> T;
impl<T, E> UnwrapPanicExt<T, E> for Result<T, E>
fn unwrap_or_panic<N: Unreachable, F: FnOnce(E) -> N>(self, func: F) -> T {
fn _do_panic<Nn: Unreachable, Ee, Ff: FnOnce(Ee) -> Nn>(error: Ee, func: Ff) -> !
match self {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => _do_panic(e, func)
impl<T, E: Unreachable> UnwrapInfallibleExt<T> for Result<T, E>
fn unwrap_infallible(self) -> T {
match self {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
} else {
// SAFETY: Contract bound of `E: Unreachable` ensures this path will never be taken.
unsafe {
/// The type of a caught unwind payload.
pub type UnwindPayload = Box<dyn std::any::Any + Send>;
fn _resume_unwind<E: Into<UnwindPayload>>(e: E) -> !
impl<T, E: Into<UnwindPayload>> UnwrapPanicResumeExt<T> for Result<T, E>
fn unwrap_or_resume(self) -> T {
match self {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(e) => _resume_unwind(e),