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use super::*;
use std::{
self, Read,
/// Handle a detected dupe
fn handle_dupe<P>(path: P, _mode: &config::Mode) -> Result<(), error::Error>
where P: AsRef<Path>
println!(" -> {:?}", path.as_ref());
/// Handle a detected dupe async
async fn handle_dupe_async<P>(path: P, mode: &config::Mode) -> Result<(), error::Error>
where P: AsRef<Path>
handle_dupe(path, mode)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct DupeCount
pub total: usize,
pub dupes: usize,
impl From<bool> for DupeCount {
fn from(b: bool) -> Self
total: 1,
dupes: if b {0} else {1},
impl ops::Add for DupeCount
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self
Self {
total: +,
dupes: self.dupes + other.dupes,
impl ops::AddAssign for DupeCount
fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Self)
*self = Self {
total: +,
dupes: self.dupes + other.dupes,
impl Default for DupeCount
fn default() -> Self
Self{total:0, dupes:0}
/// Process a file and add it to the table, returns true if is not a dupe.
pub fn process_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(file: P, set: &mut container::DupeMap) -> Result<bool, error::Error>
let mut file = OpenOptions::new()
let sz: usize = file.metadata()?.len().try_into().or(Err(error::Error::Arch(Some("Filesize is too large to be known. you have likely compiled the binary for 32-bit architecture or less. This shouldn't happen on 64-bit systems."))))?;
let mut result = hash::Sha256Hash::default();
error::check_size(sz, hash::compute(&mut file, &mut result)?)?;
/// Process a file and add it to the table, returns true if is not a dupe.
pub async fn process_file_async<P: AsRef<Path>>(file: P, set: &std::sync::Arc<tokio::sync::Mutex<container::DupeMap>>) -> Result<bool, error::Error>
use tokio::{
let mut file = OpenOptions::new()
let sz: usize = file.metadata().await?.len().try_into().or(Err(error::Error::Arch(Some("Filesize is too large to be known. you have likely compiled the binary for 32-bit architecture or less. This shouldn't happen on 64-bit systems."))))?;
let mut result = hash::Sha256Hash::default();
error::check_size(sz, hash::compute_async(&mut file, &mut result).await?)?;
let mut set = set.lock().await;
/// Walk a dir structure and remove all dupes in it
pub fn do_dir<P: AsRef<Path>>(dir: P, depth: usize, set: &mut container::DupeMap, mode: &config::Mode) -> Result<DupeCount, error::Error>
let recurse = match mode.recursion_mode {
config::RecursionMode::N(n) if n > depth => true,
config::RecursionMode::All => true,
_ => false,
let cmode = mode;
let mode = &mode.error_mode;
let mut count = DupeCount::default();
for obj in fs::read_dir(dir.as_ref())? //always return error if this fails
if let Some(obj) = mode.handle(obj)? { // Each one is allowed to fail if `mode` says so
let obj = obj.path();
if obj.is_dir() && recurse {
count += mode.handle(do_dir(obj, depth+1, set, cmode))?.unwrap_or_default();
} else {
count += if mode.handle(process_file(&obj, set))?.unwrap_or_default() {
DupeCount{total: 1, dupes: 0}
} else {
mode.handle(handle_dupe(obj, &cmode))?;
DupeCount{total: 1, dupes: 1}
/// Walk a dir structure and remove all dupes in it
pub fn do_dir_async<P: AsRef<Path> + std::marker::Send + std::marker::Sync + 'static>(dir: P, depth: usize, set: std::sync::Arc<tokio::sync::Mutex<container::DupeMap>>, mode: config::Mode) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, Result<DupeCount, error::Error>>
use std::sync::Arc;
use futures::future::{
async move {
let recurse = match mode.recursion_mode {
config::RecursionMode::N(n) if n > depth => true,
config::RecursionMode::All => true,
_ => false,
let cmode = mode;
let mode = &cmode.error_mode;
let mut children = Vec::new();
let mut workers = Vec::new();
let mut dir = tokio::fs::read_dir(dir.as_ref()).await?; //always return error if this fails
while let Some(Some(obj)) = mode.handle(dir.next_entry().await)?
let obj = obj.path();
if obj.is_dir() && recurse {
let set = Arc::clone(&set);
let cmode = cmode.clone();
let mode = mode.clone();
children.push(tokio::task::spawn(async move {
match mode.handle(do_dir_async(obj, depth+1, set, cmode).await) {
Ok(v) => Ok(v.unwrap_or_default()),
Err(v) => Err(v),
} else {
let set = Arc::clone(&set);
let mode = mode.clone();
let cmode = cmode.clone();
workers.push(tokio::task::spawn(async move {
match mode.handle(process_file_async(&obj, &set).await) {
Ok(v) => {
if v.unwrap_or_default() {
} else {
if let Err(e) = mode.handle(handle_dupe_async(obj, &cmode).await) {
} else {
Err(v) => Err(v),
async fn wait_on<T: IntoIterator<Item=tokio::task::JoinHandle<Result<U, error::Error>>>, U: Default+Into<DupeCount>>(children: T, mode: &error::Mode) -> Result<DupeCount, error::Error>
let mut count = DupeCount::default();
for child in children.into_iter() {
count += mode.handle(error::internal(child.await)? /* thread panicked */)?.unwrap_or_default().into();
// Wait for all children to complete before error checking.
let er1 = wait_on(workers, &mode).await;
let er2 = wait_on(children, &mode).await;
Ok(er1? + er2?)