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#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
#include <common.h>
namespace util{
enum class bound
template<typename T> struct range;
using bounds = range<bound>;
constexpr static inline const bounds default_bounds();
template<typename T>
struct range final
using type = T;
//constexpr inline range(T start, T end) : start(start), end(end){}
constexpr inline range(T&& start, T&& end) : start(std::move(start)), end(std::move(end)){}
constexpr inline range(const T& start, const T& end) : start(start), end(end){}
constexpr inline range(range<T>&& move) : start(std::move(move.start)), end(std::move(move.end)) {}
constexpr inline range(const range<T>& copy) : start(copy.start), end(copy.end){}
constexpr inline ~range() {}
constexpr inline auto length() const { return end-start; }
constexpr inline auto length(const T& from) const { return from - start; }
constexpr inline bool negative() const { return length() < 0; }
constexpr inline range<T>& normalise() {
if(negative()) std::swap(start, end);
return *this;
template<usize I>
requires (I < 2)
constexpr inline T& get() { return I ? end : start; }
template<usize I>
requires (I < 2)
constexpr inline const T& get() const { return I ? end : start; }
template<bounds Bounds = default_bounds()>
constexpr inline bool contains(const T& value) const
return (Bounds.get<0>() == bound::Exclusive
? value > start
: value >= start) &&
(Bounds.get<1>() == bound::Exclusive
? value < end
: value <= end);
template<bounds Bounds = default_bounds()>
constexpr inline void clamp(T& value) const
if constexpr(Bounds.get<0>() == bound::Exclusive) {
if (value <= start) value = start + 1;
} else if (value < start) value = start;
if constexpr(Bounds.get<1>() == bound::Exclusive) {
if (value >= end) value = end - 1;
} else if (value > end) value = end;
// Scale the `value` from this range to another one (of a compatable type).
template<bounds Bounds = default_bounds()>
constexpr inline auto scale(const range<auto>& to, T value)
const auto diff = length(value);
const f64 fract = f64(diff) / f64(length());
const auto diff2 = decltype(to)::type(fract * f64(to.length()));
return to.start + diff2;
template<bounds Bounds>
constexpr inline auto scale(const range<T>& to, T value);
T start, end;
constexpr static inline const bounds default_bounds() { return { bound::Inclusive, bound::Exclusive }; }