@ -32,11 +32,58 @@ pub struct Buffered<T: ?Sized, const SIZE: usize>
#[pin] stream: T
impl<T: ?Sized + AsyncWrite, const SIZE: usize> AsyncWrite for Buffered<T, SIZE>
#[inline] fn div_mod<V>(a: V, b: V) -> (V, <V as std::ops::Div>::Output, <V as std::ops::Rem>::Output)
where V: std::ops::Div + std::ops::Rem + Clone
(a.clone(), a.clone() / b.clone(), a % b)
impl<T: ?Sized, const SIZE: usize> AsyncWrite for Buffered<T, SIZE>
where T: AsyncWrite
fn poll_write(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<Result<usize, io::Error>> {
let this = self.project();
let w = if buf.len() + this.buffer.len() > SIZE {
// `buf` cannot fit into buffer, push the bytes that can fit.
let buf = &buf[..(this.buffer.len()-SIZE)];
} else {
// `buf` can fit into buffer.
// Push `SIZE` bytes from buffer,
loop {
if this.buffer.len() >= SIZE {
use futures::ready;
match ready!(this.stream.poll_write(cx, &this.buffer[..SIZE])) {
Ok(n) => {
x => return Poll::Ready(x),
//TODO: How to break after this?
} else {
// TODO: How to re-queue for polling?
match div_mod(buf.len(), SIZE) {
// Buffer is equal to `SIZE`
(sz, _, _) if sz == SIZE => (),
// Buffer is smaller than `SIZE`
(sz, 0, x) => (),
// Buffer is a multiple of SIZE,
(sz, x, 0) => (),
// TODO: Push `buf` into `self.buffer`. When `self.buffer` is full, write to `self.stream` and clear what's been written.
fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), io::Error>> {
todo!("Flush any remaining bytes in the buffer to `stream`")
@ -53,4 +100,4 @@ impl<T: ?Sized + AsyncWrite, const SIZE: usize> AsyncWrite for Buffered<T, SIZE>
todo!("How to do the above?")