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//! Splash screen~
use super::*;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use recolored::Colorize;
macro_rules! feature {
(in $name:tt, $desc:literal) => {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg($name)] {
println!(" +{}\t{}", stringify!($name).bright_green(), $desc);
} else {
println!(" -{}", stringify!($name));
(on $name:literal, $desc:literal $($tt:tt)*) => {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature=$name)] {
println!(" +{}\t{}", $, format!($desc $($tt)*));
} else {
println!(" -{}", $name.bright_blue());
(off $name:literal, $desc:literal $($tt:tt)*) => {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature=$name)] {
println!(" +{}\t{}", $name.bright_red(), format!($desc $($tt)*));
} else {
println!(" -{}", $;
pub fn splash() -> ! {
// splash screen
> sever ({}) v{}
> Coerce hardlinks to new files
For verbose output, set `RUST_LOG` env var to one of the following:
trace - Most verbose
debug - Verbose
info - Default
warn - Only show warnings
error - Only show errors
Made by {} with <3 (Licensed GPL 3.0 or later)"#, arg::program_name(), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS"));
println!("\nEnabled extensions: ");
feature!(in nightly, "\tCompiled with Rust nightly extensions");
feature!(on "splash", "\tShow this message");
feature!(on "parallel", "\tWill run up to {} operations in parallel",|x| Cow::Owned(x.to_string())).unwrap_or(Cow::Borrowed("unlimited")));
feature!(on "limit-concurrency", "Concurrency is capped");
feature!(off "threads", "\tUsing thread-pool");
feature!(on "recursive", "\tRecursivly process files up to {} directories deep", recurse::MAX_DEPTH);
feature!(on "limit-recursion", "Recusrion depth is capped");
feature!(off "paranoid-dedup", "Use SHA256 for argument dedup instead of basic hashing");