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126 lines
2.8 KiB

extern crate heaparray;
use std::{
self, File, OpenOptions,
io::{self, Write,Read,},
mod iter;
use iter::prelude::*;
mod translate;
mod opt;
mod arg;
use opt::Opt;
fn usage() -> ! {
let prog = &arg::program_name();
println!("Usage: {} [-s] [-e <exec string>] [-o <output file>] [-] <files...>", prog);
println!("Usage: {} -h", prog);
println!(" -\t\tStop reading options.");
println!(" -h\t\tPrint this message.");
println!(" -s\t\tSilent mode.");
println!(" -e <exec>\tScript to run after extraction.");
println!(" -o <file>\tOutput filename.");
fn write_file<From, To>(from: From, to: &mut To) -> io::Result<usize>
where From: Read,
To: Write + ?Sized
let mut count =0;
for buf in from.into_iter(8)
.map(|byte| {
count += 1;
.map(|byte| format!("0x{:02x},", byte))
.map(|strs| format!("\t{}", strs.join(" ")))
println!("{}", buf);
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>{
/*let file = OpenOptions::new()
for buf in file.into_iter(4)
.map(|byte| format!("0x{:02x},", byte))
.map(|strs| format!("\t{}", strs.join(" ")))
println!("{}", buf);
match arg::parse()? {
arg::OperationMode::Normal(options, files) => {
let output = options.find(|opt| match opt {
Opt::Output(output) => Some(output.as_str()),
_ => None
let exec = options.find(|opt| match opt {
Opt::Execute(exec) => Some(exec.as_str()),
_ => None
let silent = options.has_tag(&Opt::Silent);
println!("Writing to {}...", output);
let mut fp = OpenOptions::new()
if silent {
writeln!(fp, "#define SILENT")?;
writeln!(fp, "constexpr const int DATA_COUNT = {};", files.len())?;
if let Some(exec) = exec {
let exec = translate::c_escape(exec);
writeln!(fp, "constexpr const char* const DATA_EXEC_AFTER = {};", exec)?;
writeln!(fp, "static constexpr auto DATA_EXEC_AFTER_HASH = {}_sha256;", exec)?;
} else {
writeln!(fp, "constexpr const char* const DATA_EXEC_AFTER = nullptr;")?;
writeln!(fp, "static constexpr auto DATA_EXEC_AFTER_HASH = \"unbound\"_sha256;")?;
let mut sizes = Vec::with_capacity(files.len());
writeln!(fp, "constexpr const unsigned char DATA[] = {{")?;
for file in files.iter() {
let rfp = OpenOptions::new()
print!(" + {}", file);
sizes.push(write_file(rfp, &mut fp)?);
arg::OperationMode::Help => {