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30 lines
545 B

#include <frame.h>
#include <cstdio>
#define BODY(T, U, nm) \
template<> T* _sm_init<T>(_sm_user* frame, T init) \
{ \
printf("hi\n"); \
frame->free = false; \
frame-> nm = (U)init; \
return (T*)&frame-> nm; \
} \
template<> T* _sm_get<T>(_sm_user* frame) \
{ \
return (T*)&frame-> nm; \
#define BODY_T(T, S) BODY(T, uint ## S ## _t, _ ## S)
#define BODY_INT(T, S) BODY_T(T, S) \
BODY_T(unsigned T, S)
BODY_INT(char, 8)
BODY_INT(short, 16)
BODY_INT(int, 32)
BODY_INT(long, 64)
BODY(float, float, _f32)
BODY(double, double, _f64)