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//! Contains `Collapse` impls for primitive types through a newtime wrapper.
//! Such wrappers are a workaround for the lack of template specialisation available in Rust so far, as the generic `impl<T: Hash> Collapse<T> for T` still requires computing the hash of the internal types before reducing to the `u8` page index.
//! For primitive types, this is unnessisary and causes a (very slight) performance loss.
use super::*;
use std::num::*;
pub trait PrimitiveCollapse: private::Sealed
fn collapse(&self) -> u8;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Default, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Primitive<T>(T);
impl<T: PrimitiveCollapse+ Eq> Collapse for Primitive<T>
#[inline(always)] fn collapse(&self) -> u8 {
impl<T: PrimitiveCollapse+ Eq> Primitive<T>
#[inline] pub const fn new(value: T) -> Self
#[inline] pub fn into_inner(self) -> T
#[inline] pub fn inner(&self) -> &T
#[inline] pub fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
&mut self.0
#[inline] pub const fn copy_into_inner(&self) -> T
where T: Copy
macro_rules! prim {
($name:ty) => {
impl private::Sealed for $name{}
impl PrimitiveCollapse for $name
#[inline(always)] fn collapse(&self) -> u8 {
(*self) as u8
($name:ty: +) => {
impl private::Sealed for $name{}
impl PrimitiveCollapse for $name
#[inline(always)] fn collapse(&self) -> u8 {
self.get() as u8
($name:ty: ^) => {
impl private::Sealed for $name{}
impl PrimitiveCollapse for $name
#[inline(always)] fn collapse(&self) -> u8 {
($name:ty: ^+) => {
impl private::Sealed for $name{}
impl PrimitiveCollapse for $name
#[inline(always)] fn collapse(&self) -> u8 {
($name:ty: fn {$($block:tt)*}) => {
impl private::Sealed for $name{}
impl PrimitiveCollapse for $name
#[inline(always)] fn collapse(&self) -> u8 {
($name:ty: {$($block:tt)*}) => {
impl private::Sealed for $name{}
impl PrimitiveCollapse for $name
prim!(u16: ^);
prim!(i16: ^);
prim!(u32: ^);
prim!(i32: ^);
prim!(u64: ^);
prim!(i64: ^);
prim!(u128: ^);
prim!(i128: ^);
prim!(isize: ^);
prim!(usize: ^);
prim!(NonZeroU8: +);
prim!(NonZeroI8: +);
prim!(NonZeroU16: ^+);
prim!(NonZeroI16: ^+);
prim!(NonZeroU32: ^+);
prim!(NonZeroI32: ^+);
prim!(NonZeroU64: ^+);
prim!(NonZeroI64: ^+);
prim!(NonZeroU128: ^+);
prim!(NonZeroI128: ^+);
prim!(NonZeroIsize: ^+);
prim!(NonZeroUsize: ^+);
prim!((): fn {
prim!(!: {
fn collapse(&self) -> u8