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//! Extensions
pub trait Tuple2Ext<T, U>
fn swap(self) -> (U, T);
impl<T, U> Tuple2Ext<T, U> for (T, U)
fn swap(self) -> (U, T) {
(self.1, self.0)
pub fn is_utf8_char_boundary(byte: u8) -> bool
//! Copied from stdlib
(byte as i8) >= -0x40
pub trait StrExt
fn floor_char_boundary_impl(&self, index: usize) -> usize;
impl<T: ?Sized + AsRef<str>> StrExt for T
fn floor_char_boundary_impl(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
//! copied from stdlib
let this = self.as_ref();
if index >= this.len() {
} else {
let lower_bound = index.saturating_sub(3);
let new_index = this.as_bytes()[lower_bound..=index]
.rposition(|&b| is_utf8_char_boundary(b));
// SAFETY: we know that the character boundary will be within four bytes
unsafe { lower_bound + new_index.unwrap_unchecked() }