You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//! A simple character spinner for bars with no known size
use super::*;
use std::io;
/// A single character spinner with optional title that can be told to spin whenever it wants. It implements `Spinner` trait, and is the default spinner.
/// The spinner takes up a line, and renders it's spinner on the end of its title. Calling the `Spinner::bump()` function will cause the character sequence to advance.
/// # Usage
/// To use the spinner you can provide it a `Wheel` (see [[wheel]] module), or it implements the `Default` trait, creating a traditional looking spinner (`|/-\`)
/// ```rust
/// # use termprogress::prelude::*;
/// let mut spin = Spin::default(); //Default new spinner without a title.
/// ```
/// # How it looks
/// It renders in the terminal like:
/// `This is a spinner /`
/// # Thread `Sync`safety
/// This type is safely `Sync` (where `T` is), the behaviour is defined to prevent overlapping writes to `T`.
/// Though it is *advised* to not render a `Spin` from more than a single thread, you still safely can.
/// A display operation on one thread will cause any other threads attempting on to silently and safely abort their display attempt before anything is written to output.
pub struct Spin<T: ?Sized = DefaultOutputDevice>/*<T: ?Sized = DefaultOutputDevice>*/ //TODO: <- implement same as `Bar
title: String,
current: char,
chars: wheel::WheelIntoIter,
output: AtomicRefCell<T>,
impl Spin
/// Create a new spinner with title and wheel writing to `stdout`.
/// To give it the default wheel, you can pass `whl` `Default::default()` to use the default one.
pub fn with_title_default(title: &str, whl: wheel::Wheel) -> Self
Self::with_title(create_default_output_device(), title, whl)
/// Create a new blank spinner with a wheel writing to `stdout`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use termprogress::prelude::*;
/// Spin::new_default(Default::default()); // Create a spinner with the default wheel ('|/-\') that writes to stdout.
/// ```
pub fn new_default(whl: wheel::Wheel) -> Self
Self::new(create_default_output_device(), whl)
impl<T> Spin<T>
/// Return the backing write object
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T
impl<T: ?Sized> Spin<T>
/// Get a mutable reference to the inner object
pub fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
/// Get a shared reference to the inner object
/// # Returns
/// `None` is returned if a display operation is currently in progress on another thread.
/// ## Operation suspension
/// As long as the returned reference lives, **all** display operations will fail silently, on this thread and any other. This method should be avoided in favour of `&*inner_mut()` when exclusive ownership is avaliable.
pub fn inner(&self) -> Option<atomic_refcell::AtomicRef<'_, T>>
impl<T: io::Write> Spin<T>
/// Create a new spinner with title and wheel writing to `output`.
/// To give it the default wheel, you can pass `whl` `Default::default()` to use the default one.
pub fn with_title(output: T, title: &str, whl: wheel::Wheel) -> Self
let mut chars = whl.into_iter();
let current =;
Self {
title: title.to_string(),
output: AtomicRefCell::new(output)
/// Create a new blank spinner with a wheel writing to `output`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use termprogress::prelude::*;
/// Spin::new(std::io::stdout(), Default::default()); // Create a spinner with the default wheel ('|/-\') that writes to stdout.
/// ```
pub fn new(output: T, whl: wheel::Wheel) -> Self
let mut chars = whl.into_iter();
let current =;
Self {
title: String::new(),
output: output.into()
/// Consume the spinner and complete it. Removes the spin character.
pub fn complete(self) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut output = self.output.into_inner();
writeln!(&mut output, "{} ", (8u8 as char))
/// Consume the spinner and complete it with a message. Removes the spin character and then prints the message.
pub fn complete_with(self, msg: &str) -> io::Result<()>
let mut output = self.output.into_inner();
writeln!(&mut output, "{}{}", (8u8 as char), msg)
impl Default for Spin
fn default() -> Self
Self {
title: String::new(),
chars: wheel::Wheel::default().into_iter(),
current: '|',
output: AtomicRefCell::new(create_default_output_device())
impl<T: ?Sized + io::Write> Display for Spin<T>
fn refresh(&self)
let Ok(mut output) = self.output.try_borrow_mut() else { return };
//TODO: What to do about I/O errors?
let _ = write!(&mut output, "\r{} {}", self.title, self.current)
.and_then(move |_| flush!(? output));
fn blank(&self)
let Ok(mut output) = self.output.try_borrow_mut() else { return };
//TODO: What to do about I/O errors?
let _ = output.write_all(b"\r")
stackalloc::stackalloc(self.title.chars().count(), b' ',
|spaces| output.write_all(spaces)))
.and_then(|_| write!(&mut output, " \r"))
.and_then(move |_| flush!(? output));
fn get_title(&self) -> &str
fn set_title(&mut self, from: &str)
//self.blank(), with exclusive access
let mut output = self.output.get_mut();
let size = self.title.chars().count();
let _ = output.write_all(b"\r")
stackalloc::stackalloc(size, b' ',
|spaces| output.write_all(spaces)))
.and_then(|_| write!(&mut output, " \r"))
.and_then(|_| flush!(? output));
self.title = from.to_string();
//self.refresh(), with exclusive access
let _ = write!(&mut output, "\r{} {}", self.title, self.current)
.and_then(move |_| flush!(? output));
fn update_dimensions(&mut self, _:usize){}
fn println(&self, string: &str)
if let Ok(mut output) = self.output.try_borrow_mut() {
//TODO: What to do about I/O errors?
let _ = writeln!(&mut output, "{}", string);
} else {
impl<T: ?Sized + io::Write> Spinner for Spin<T>
fn bump(&mut self)
self.current =;
let mut output = self.output.get_mut();
let _ = write!(&mut output, "\r{} {}", self.title, self.current)
.and_then(move |_| flush!(? output));
impl<T: io::Write> WithTitle for Spin<T>
fn with_title(self, t: impl AsRef<str>) -> Self
Self {
title: t.as_ref().to_owned(),
fn add_title(&mut self, t: impl AsRef<str>)
self.title = t.as_ref().to_owned();
// Self::with_title(t.as_ref(), Default::default())
#[inline] fn update(&mut self){}
#[inline] fn complete(self)
//TODO: What to do about I/O errors?
let _ = Spin::complete(self);