Initial commit

Fortune for transfer's current commit: Future small blessing − 末小吉
Avril 3 years ago
commit 035dabf869
Signed by: flanchan
GPG Key ID: 284488987C31F630

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Cargo.lock generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
name = "transfer"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
async-compression = { version = "0.3.8", features = ["tokio", "brotli"] }
base64 = "0.13.0"
color-eyre = { version = "0.5.11", default-features = false }
cryptohelpers = { version = "1.8.2", features = ["full"] }
getrandom = "0.2.3"
lazy_static = "1.4.0"
log = "0.4.14"
openssl = "0.10.36"
pretty_env_logger = "0.4.0"
serde = { version = "1.0.130", features = ["derive"] }
serde_cbor = "0.11.2"
tokio = { version = "1.12.0", features = ["full"] }

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
//! Arg parsing and process info
use super::*;
use std::fmt;
static ref EXEC: String = std::env::args().next().unwrap();
pub fn program_name() -> &'static str
/// Program usage
pub struct Usage;
impl Usage
pub fn print_and_exit(self, code: i32) -> !
if code == 0 {
print!("{}", self);
} else {
eprint!("{}", self);
fn splash(f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
writeln!(f, "transfer v{} - simple network file transfer", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))?;
writeln!(f, " written by {} with <3. License GPL3+", env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS"))?;
writeln!(f, "")
impl fmt::Display for Usage
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
writeln!(f, "Usage: {} --send <bind> [SEND OPTIONS] <file...>", program_name())?;
writeln!(f, "Usage: {} --recv <endpoint> [RECV OPTIONS] <output...>", program_name())?;
writeln!(f, "\nSEND OPTIONS:")?;
writeln!(f, " -e\t\t\tEncrypt file(s)")?;
writeln!(f, " -c\t\t\tCompress files")?;
writeln!(f, " --buffer-size <bytes>\tSize of file buffer")?;
writeln!(f, " -a\t\t\tSend file names")?;
writeln!(f, " -1\t\t\tExit after 1 client has been served")?;
writeln!(f, " -k\t\t\tSupport continuation of failed downloads")?;
writeln!(f, "\nRECV OPTIONS:")?;
writeln!(f, " -i\t\t\tAsk before starting downloads")?;
writeln!(f, " -k\t\t\tContinue a previously started download")?;

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
use openssl::{
Cipher, Crypter, Mode,
use crate::key::{Key, IV};
/// Size of the key used for the cipher
pub const KEY_SIZE: usize = 32;
/// Size of the IV used for the cipher
pub const IV_SIZE: usize = 12;
static NEW_CIPHER: fn() -> Cipher = Cipher::chacha20_poly1305;
#[inline] pub fn decrypter(key: impl AsRef<Key>, iv: impl AsRef<IV>) -> Result<Crypter, ErrorStack>
#[inline] pub fn encrypter(key: impl AsRef<Key>, iv: impl AsRef<IV>) -> Result<Crypter, ErrorStack>
/// Generate a random key and IV for the chacha20_poly1305 cipher
#[inline(always)] pub fn keygen() -> (Key, IV)
(Key::new(), IV::new())

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
//! Configuration
use super::*;
pub const DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 4096;
/// Configuration for sending
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct SendConfig
encrypt: bool,
compress: bool,
buffer_size: usize,
archive: bool,
oneshot: bool,
continuation: bool,
impl Default for SendConfig
fn default() -> Self
Self {
encrypt: false,
compress: false,
archive: false,
oneshot: false,
continuation: false,
/// Configuration for receiving
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct RecvConfig
interactive: bool,
continuation: bool,
impl Default for RecvConfig
fn default() -> Self
Self {
interactive: false,
continuation: false,
/// Program configuration
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Config

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
use std::{
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct HexStringIter<I>(I, [u8; 2]);
impl<I: Iterator<Item = u8>> HexStringIter<I>
/// Write this hex string iterator to a formattable buffer
pub fn consume<F>(self, f: &mut F) -> fmt::Result
where F: std::fmt::Write
if self.1[0] != 0 {
write!(f, "{}", self.1[0] as char)?;
if self.1[1] != 0 {
write!(f, "{}", self.1[1] as char)?;
for x in self.0 {
write!(f, "{:02x}", x)?;
/// Consume into a string
pub fn into_string(self) -> String
let mut output = match self.size_hint() {
(0, None) => String::new(),
(_, Some(x)) |
(x, None) => String::with_capacity(x),
self.consume(&mut output).unwrap();
pub trait HexStringIterExt<I>: Sized
fn into_hex(self) -> HexStringIter<I>;
pub type HexStringSliceIter<'a> = HexStringIter<iter::Copied<slice::Iter<'a, u8>>>;
pub trait HexStringSliceIterExt
fn hex(&self) -> HexStringSliceIter<'_>;
impl<S> HexStringSliceIterExt for S
where S: AsRef<[u8]>
fn hex(&self) -> HexStringSliceIter<'_>
impl<I: IntoIterator<Item=u8>> HexStringIterExt<I::IntoIter> for I
#[inline] fn into_hex(self) -> HexStringIter<I::IntoIter> {
HexStringIter(self.into_iter(), [0u8; 2])
impl<I: Iterator<Item = u8>> Iterator for HexStringIter<I>
type Item = char;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>
match self.1 {
[_, 0] => {
use std::io::Write;
write!(&mut self.1[..], "{:02x}",;
Some(mem::replace(&mut self.1[0], 0) as char)
[0, _] => Some(mem::replace(&mut self.1[1], 0) as char),
_ => unreachable!(),
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let (l, h) = self.0.size_hint();
(l * 2,|x| x*2))
impl<I: Iterator<Item = u8> + ExactSizeIterator> ExactSizeIterator for HexStringIter<I>{}
impl<I: Iterator<Item = u8> + FusedIterator> FusedIterator for HexStringIter<I>{}
impl<I: Iterator<Item = u8>> From<HexStringIter<I>> for String
fn from(from: HexStringIter<I>) -> Self
impl<I: Iterator<Item = u8> + Clone> fmt::Display for HexStringIter<I>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
#[macro_export] macro_rules! prog1 {
($first:expr, $($rest:expr);+ $(;)?) => {
($first, $( $rest ),+).0

@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
//! Key and IV structures for the cipher
use getrandom::getrandom;
use std::{fmt, str};
pub use crate::cha::{
use crate::ext::*;
/// A 32 byte key for the chacha20_poly1305 cipher
/// # Generation
/// You can generate a random key with `Key::new()`.
/// To create a key structure from bytes, you can use `Key::from_bytes()` if the size of the buffer is exact, or you can write to an empty `Key` as it implements `Default`.
/// ```
/// # use chacha20stream::{Key, key::KEY_SIZE};
/// # let key_bytes = [0u8; 32];
/// let mut key = Key::default();
/// key.as_mut().copy_from_slice(&key_bytes[..KEY_SIZE]);
/// ```
/// You can also generate a random key/IV pair with `chacha20stream::keygen()`.
/// # Encoding
/// This type implements `std::fmt::Display`, which prints the key as a base64 string.
/// Additionally, it implements `std::str::FromStr`, which decodes a base64 string into a `Key` instance.
/// If the input base64 string data decoded is shorter than `KEY_SIZE`, the rest of the key instance is padded with 0s.
/// If it is longer, the rest is ignored.
/// The key can also be lazily formatted as a hex string, with the method `to_hex_string()`.
/// ```
/// # use chacha20stream::Key;
/// let key = Key::new();
/// let key_encoded = key.to_string();
/// println!("Key base64: {}", key_encoded);
/// println!("Key hex: {}", key.to_hex_string());
/// assert_eq!(key_encoded.parse::<Key>().unwrap(), key);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature="serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct Key([u8; KEY_SIZE]);
/// A 12 byte IV for the chacha20_poly1305 cipher
/// # Generation
/// You can generate a random IV with `IV::new()`.
/// To create an IV structure from bytes, you can use `IV::from_bytes()` if the size of the buffer is exact, or you can write to an empty `IV` as it implements `Default`.
/// ```
/// # use chacha20stream::{IV, key::IV_SIZE};
/// # let iv_bytes = [0u8; 12];
/// let mut iv = IV::default();
/// iv.as_mut().copy_from_slice(&iv_bytes[..IV_SIZE]);
/// ```
/// You can also generate a random key/IV pair with `chacha20stream::keygen()`.
/// # Encoding
/// This type implements `std::fmt::Display`, which prints the IV as a base64 string.
/// Additionally, it implements `std::str::FromStr`, which decodes a base64 string into a `IV` instance.
/// If the input base64 string data decoded is shorter than `IV_SIZE`, the rest of the IV instance is padded with 0s.
/// If it is longer, the rest is ignored.
/// The IV can also be lazily formatted as a hex string, with the method `to_hex_string()`.
/// ```
/// # use chacha20stream::IV;
/// let iv = IV::new();
/// let iv_encoded = iv.to_string();
/// println!("IV base64: {}", iv_encoded);
/// println!("IV hex: {}", iv.to_hex_string());
/// assert_eq!(iv_encoded.parse::<IV>().unwrap(), iv);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature="serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct IV([u8; IV_SIZE]);
impl Key
/// Construct a `Key` from an exact length (32 bytes) buffer.
#[inline] pub fn from_bytes(k: [u8; KEY_SIZE]) -> Self
/// Create a new random 32 byte chacha20_poly1305 `Key`.
pub fn new() -> Self
let mut output = [0u8; KEY_SIZE];
getrandom(&mut output[..]).expect("rng fatal");
/// Format this key as a hex string
/// Returns an opaque type that lazily formats the key into a hex string when written.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use chacha20stream::Key;
/// fn print_key_info(key: &Key) {
/// println!("Key base64: {}", key);
/// println!("Key hex: {}", key.to_hex_string());
/// }
/// ```
/// Formatting to `String`
/// ```
/// # use chacha20stream::Key;
/// # let key = Key::new();
/// let key_hex_string = key.to_hex_string().to_string();
/// ```
pub fn to_hex_string(&self) -> impl fmt::Display + '_
impl IV
/// Construct a `IV` from an exact length (12 bytes) buffer.
#[inline] pub fn from_bytes(k: [u8; IV_SIZE]) -> Self
/// Create a new random 12 byte chacha20_poly1305 `IV`.
pub fn new() -> Self
let mut output = [0u8; IV_SIZE];
getrandom(&mut output[..]).expect("rng fatal");
/// Format this IV as a hex string
/// Returns an opaque type that lazily formats the IV into a hex string when written.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use chacha20stream::IV;
/// fn print_iv_info(iv: &IV) {
/// println!("IV base64: {}", iv);
/// println!("IV hex: {}", iv.to_hex_string());
/// }
/// ```
/// Formatting to `String`
/// ```
/// # use chacha20stream::IV;
/// # let iv = IV::new();
/// let iv_hex_string = iv.to_hex_string().to_string();
/// ```
pub fn to_hex_string(&self) -> impl fmt::Display + '_
impl From<[u8; KEY_SIZE]> for Key
#[inline] fn from(from: [u8; KEY_SIZE]) -> Self
impl From<[u8; IV_SIZE]> for IV
fn from(from: [u8; IV_SIZE]) -> Self
impl AsRef<[u8]> for Key
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8]
impl AsRef<[u8]> for IV
fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8]
impl AsMut<[u8]> for Key
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8]
&mut self.0[..]
impl AsMut<[u8]> for IV
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8]
&mut self.0[..]
impl AsRef<Key> for Key
#[inline] fn as_ref(&self) -> &Key
impl AsRef<IV> for IV
#[inline] fn as_ref(&self) -> &IV
impl fmt::Display for Key
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, "{}", base64::encode(&self.0[..]))
impl fmt::Display for IV
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
write!(f, "{}", base64::encode(&self.0[..]))
impl str::FromStr for Key
type Err = base64::DecodeError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let mut buffer = Vec::with_capacity(KEY_SIZE);
base64::decode_config_buf(s.as_bytes(), base64::STANDARD, &mut buffer)?;
let mut this = Self::default();
let sz = std::cmp::min(KEY_SIZE, buffer.len());
(&mut this.0[]).copy_from_slice(&buffer[]);
impl str::FromStr for IV
type Err = base64::DecodeError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let mut buffer = Vec::with_capacity(IV_SIZE);
base64::decode_config_buf(s.as_bytes(), base64::STANDARD, &mut buffer)?;
let mut this = Self::default();
let sz = std::cmp::min(IV_SIZE, buffer.len());
(&mut this.0[]).copy_from_slice(&buffer[]);
mod tests
use super::{Key, IV};
fn enc_dec()
let (key, iv) = crate::keygen();
let key_str = key.to_string();
let iv_str = iv.to_string();
let (key2, iv2): (Key, IV) = (key_str.parse().expect("key"),
assert_eq!(key, key2);
assert_eq!(iv, iv2);

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#[macro_use] extern crate log;
#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
#[macro_use] extern crate serde;
use color_eyre::{
SectionExt, Help,
mod ext;
mod key;
mod cha;
mod config;
mod args;
mod send;
fn setup() -> eyre::Result<()>
async fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> {
setup().wrap_err(eyre!("Failed to initialise logger"))?;

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
//! Module handles setting up streams for files
use super::*;
use std::marker::Unpin;
use tokio::io::{
/// A read request from the client.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Request
pub async fn read_req<T>(mut from: T, key: ) -> eyre::Result<Request>
where T: AsyncRead + Unpin
todo!("how do we handle encryption of the request data? eh... boring")

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
//! Sending
use super::*;
pub mod handshake;